things/people that BUG ME



  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I've always been the heaviest one in my family, and I'm not sure if it's mostly Hispanic families or not but they're all really obsessed with weight and the latest fad diet. Also, a person's weight is almost always not considered impolite to bring into discussion. I hate it. Comments that I've recently received are:

    Have you ever considered weight loss surgery?

    You'll never find someone to love you if you stay fat, men don't like fat women.

    Such a shame you're fat because you have such a pretty face.

    And my favorite "What you lost 119lbs..Jesus how much did you weigh BEFORE"

    It's so rude, I hate people who think my weight/diet/eating is open for's like me going up to a person with bad acne and asking them if they've ever considered using pro active.

    By the way, I've pretty much sent the majority of my fam members to hell and only speak to about a handful of them.
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    Good for you, send those jerks packing...

    You lost a ton of weight and anyone that doesn't applaud you for that should pound sand...
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    I can't believe some of the things I'm reading here, I can't imagine how people think they can say some of these things...
  • how did you do it?

    i just ate less and moved more

    .....oh. never mind.


    That one drives me crazy. Its like people are expecting you to give them some magical cure then when you tell them they go that all. Stupid people what did you expect me to say. "I found this little pill and zap in 24hours 30 kilos disapears. Yeah right!!!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    And my favorite "What you lost 119lbs..Jesus how much did you weigh BEFORE"

    Wtf, that is a kick @ss accomplishment! :drinker:

    I'd like to see the people saying some of these things lose 10 pounds and keep it off.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    people in my experience are cruel and quick to judge...

    they also do not like to see other succeed where they have failed...

    losing as much weight as i have makes people pissed off...cause they have tried and failed to lose, or lost and gained it back...
  • When I am at the gym on the stepper/spin bike and I'm keeping my heart rate between 120-160 ON purpose and i get the stink eye/smug look from the a-hole next to me who's chuckling at my calories/speed/ other **** that's no one else's business. KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR OWN MACHINE.... ugh. One of the many things that tick me off at the gym
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    here's some things my cousin tells me:

    her:"girls doing weights is weird,your gunna look like a man"
    I'm sure they wont be saying that in a few months!

    her: "oh,you workout,why?"
    dude,so i can be healthy obviously.

    oh,heres my favorite one! the other day going to planet nutrition.
    her:"why do you want a protein smoothie,your not supposed to drink that "
    me: i dont get enough protein in my diet, thats why.
    her: "how do you know?"
    me:because i log everything i eat.
    her: that's dumb!
  • sherrylwilson
    sherrylwilson Posts: 31 Member
    When people comment about when I walk or workout and they say that they wish they had time to workout. That drives me nuts, I sometimes don't have time, but I find the time. I am sure I make them mad because I ask them if they watch TV. I say you could be exercising instead or at least during the commericals!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    When I'm eating someone will say "I didn't know you were allowed to eat that on a diet?!" Well since when can't you eat spaghetti, or a tuna melt, or one slice of pizza. Its not like I'm pigging out. I mean really? This person who always does this is a diabetic and will say this while eating her ice-cream sundae and cookies. My reply is "all in moderation and within my WW points or Calories"
  • Other person: Oh you look great, you've lost so much weight

    Me: Thanks, it was slow going and I have more to go.

    Other Person: Oh NO, don't lose any more weight, you'll get sick and at your age, it really isn't very attractive to be too thin.

    Is this a compliment or an insult? I think it's both.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    When people comment about when I walk or workout and they say that they wish they had time to workout. That drives me nuts, I sometimes don't have time, but I find the time. I am sure I make them mad because I ask them if they watch TV. I say you could be exercising instead or at least during the commericals!
    EXACTLY!! Some days I exercise while watching the news. Got the TV on and get on my stationary bike. Makes the time pass and I don't dwell on how many minutes I've done so far or how many I have left till I'm done. And anyone can do squats and lunges just going from one end of their house to the other. No excuses.. Just do it!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    "ewww you're eating cottage cheese"
    Really i thought i was eating a chocolate cake, thanks for pointing that out to me.. Btw i like cottage cheese.

    "i need some diet tips, i need to lo a stone in two weeks."

    Umm chop off a limb maybe.
  • tigztag
    tigztag Posts: 15 Member
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member

    "i need some diet tips, i need to lo a stone in two weeks."

    Umm chop off a limb maybe.

    Help! I need to lose 30 pounds in 5 days for my brother's wife's uncle's wedding that I've known about for a year!!
  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
    - When people tell me what to eat. Absolutely pisses me off

    - 'Liarexics' (Liarexia is used for those who binge when in company of other people but reduce their portions when eating alone). People who do this create the illusion that they can eat whatever they like and still remain skinny. I just don't get why you have to lie to your friends about what you're eating. Nothing wrong with working hard for your dream body.
  • So funny and all so true! It is good to hear those comments are not just in my little corner of the world. Thanks for
    sharing I can't stop laughing.
    With REAL stories and sharing like this I know I can succeed!
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Other person: "I haven't seen you eat anything all day, here, have a candy bar."

    Me: "If all you have to do is watch what I eat all day who has the problem here?"

  • JenniferSpindel
    JenniferSpindel Posts: 56 Member
    My boyfriend, trying to help...

    "Well, you know you shouldn't be eating stuff like that..."

    Two hours later:

    "Let's go get pizza."

    EDIT* Had another one.
    I have a friend doing a different diet... the whole "shake in the morning shake in the afternoon" Bull**** (no offense, but in the end it's all bull****)

    Me: "Yeah! i'm down 14 pounds!"
    Them: "It would go faster if you were doing what "I'M" doing."

    Or when I go out to eat somewhere, and they tag along, and sit there and sip their drink.... why go to an eatery with someone if you're not going to eat!?
  • OP I love your hair :)

    The weirdest thing I have ever been told was during my first trip to America. I had to stay over night at the bus terminal in Buffalo NY because my bus was delayed and there was this drunk guy who also got delayed and he was running around talking to everyone and he sits down next to me and puts his arm around me and he's like you've got a gorgeous face now you just have to lose some weight to go with it.. and then he told me the story of how his gf cheated on him and gave him aids and held up my hand and said you're better off on your own in a more disgusting manner LOL.. Interesting first trip away from home and also interesting to hear what an honest random stranger thinks.

    Things that bother me are the comments my family have said growing up. You've all heard the usual bs.