Anyone at goal or has lost not doing low carb?

Hi everyone,

I have read a lot of people doing low carb and it working for them. But has anyone reached goal/close to goal or lost a significant amount not doing low carb? Due to some changes in my schedule/budget I have had to redo my food plan. It is going to involve more carbs. Here is an example of a new day:

1/2 cup dry rolled oats, 1/2 cup blueberries, cinnamon
1/4 cup quinoa, 1 cup shredded chicken, 1/2 cup black beans, chopped peppers/other vegetables, 2 tbsp salsa, 1 cup brussel sprouts
Green monster smoothie (1 cup both spinach and kale, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1 banana, 1/2 cup 0% greek yogurt)
2 cups sugar snap peas

Lunch varies (everything above i'll be eating every day, i find it easier to stick to) so some examples are:
Turkey meatballs with spaghetti squash and side veggie
Balsamic chicken with 1/4 cup quinoa and side veggies
Turkey meatloaf with 1/2 cup roasted potatoes side veggies
Shrimp stir fry with stir fried vegetables, 1 tbsp soy sauce, garlic, lemon, siracha, side veggies

As you can see not all of my lunch items have major carbs but over all on the days I do have carbs with lunch then its close to my MFP carb target which I have read is high. I know different things work for different people but I was wondering if a normal amount of carbs works for some.
2 cups sugar snap peas


  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    hi, I probably shouldnt reply, but your menu is very similar to me. I hit my goal to day woo hoo, and Im on south beach phase 2, its low carb, but not too extreme. I never got any where with regular cal couting/low fat diets, but SBD has done wonders for me, and as I said my menu is very similar to yours, anyway goodluck
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I've never tried low carb or any other fad diet because I know I would be way too crotchety. I don't even monitor my carbs at all - I just track my calories and exercise. As you can see from my ticker, I've been successful in my weight loss journey.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I don't do low carb and I'm very close to goal. I tried to low carb but really disliked eating so much protein. I still eat a lot of protein but when low carbing I felt like I was force feeding myself it.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    i haven't been doing low carb, just been watching that i get better quality carb (ie - good grains, fruits & veg instead of tons of white rice, potatoes, & white bread)
  • texjenn
    texjenn Posts: 146 Member
    I didn't do low carb! I would never survive -- I love them too much! I have just watched my calorie in take and exercised. So, I'm just like Litatura.... :) I wouldn't do any type of 'diet' that you could not stick to in the long run. I need to be able to do this for the rest of my life and cutting out carbs isn't going to do it for me.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I don't do low-carb. My macros right now are 20% protein, 30% fat and 50% carbs. I did not even monitor my macros until recently. I also drink wine daily. Have lost 21 lbs and am 2 lbs from my goal weight of 130lbs. 5' 4" 52 yo. I basically eat what I want and try to stick to my 1500 calories per day. I am actually more interested in meeting my fiber grams and staying under my sodium than anything else.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I lost 30 pounds (25 here) in 9 months without cutting carbs. In the past I did lose weight with South Beach, but put it all back on -- and then some -- because I'm not built to live this life without an occasional beer or two (or chips and salsa or fresh-baked oatmeal cookies or whatever). This time I went for changing my LIFE, not my food-du-jour. More exercise, less food, good nutrition, lots of fun. Seems to be working!

    My diary is open (I think!) And feel free to add me if you like.

  • momof2winsplus
    momof2winsplus Posts: 137 Member
    I lost all my weight just eating normally, controlling portion sizes and retraining myself to stop eating when I am full.
  • jgsparks89
    jgsparks89 Posts: 85 Member
    I've lost 20lbs so far (about 1/2 of my goal) low carb, no eliminating food groups, no fad diets, no starvation. Just counting calories, trying to make good choices, and adjusting when I don't. Eat less, eat better, move more.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I lost my weight in 1987 before the whole low carb craze. I kept it off since besides a failed pregnancy in 1996, which I took off that weight almost immediately and never bought into Atkins or anything. I go over on carbs sometimes now. My macros are currently set at 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fats. So I'm not exactly low carbing right now either. Maybe I'd see faster results for body shaping, but as far as weight loss and maintenance I've never felt it necessary for me.

    I don't like any eating plan that cuts out an entire food group. That being said, my carbs are 95% whole grains (cept for today I had white bread with garlic bread but it's maybe 3 times per month max that I eat white bread). I eat whole wheat pasta, whole grain English muffins, brown rice when I do have rice. Quinoa has a good amount of protein so that's good. My worst carbs are the sugars in my granola bars I eat when I'm driving the bus (I'm a school bus driver) and the high sugar in Chobani yogurt but I just CANNOT eat the plain. Even mixed with fresh fruit it's bitter to me and I need the protein so I eat the fruit on the bottom. Seems to be working for me...
  • estepteau
    Nope low carbs for me...Of course its more details to all of this, but here is my short answer. I ate every 2 hours to boost metabolism and ate in moderation. Typically 1200-1500 calories day. 10 glasses of water, Lots of veggies, 3-4 fruit servings a day, and 70-80 grams of protein a day.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I've never tried low carb or any other fad diet because I know I would be way too crotchety. I don't even monitor my carbs at all - I just track my calories and exercise. As you can see from my ticker, I've been successful in my weight loss journey.

    quoted for truth!! same here :-)
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    i eat what i want. I love carbs. feel free to check out my diary
  • bpmartyr
    bpmartyr Posts: 141
    I made goal without resorting to low carb vodoo. Calories in vs calories out. Adequate to high protein, adequate healthy fats then get the rest from carbs. Profit
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I eat between 200-300 carbs a day and have lost 26 pounds doing so. I will never give them up!
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    I've lost 92 pounds and never worried too much about my carbs. I love carbs!! :)
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I've lost around 60 pounds (half pre-MFP) without thinking about carbs. I am trying to eat a bit more protein now, but that's only because, after months of tracking, I've noticed that I don't come anywhere near my (very modest) protein goal.

    I know different things work for different people (and some people have medical conditions that effect their diet), but I think, for most people, low carb just works because it ends up restricting overall calories. That is, if you get your sandwich wrapped in lettuce it will be lower in carbs, but it will also be lower in calories. I'd rather get a sandwich with the bread and cut back on calories somewhere else.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    No low carb here and I'm nearly at goal. So close in fact that I'm not really concerned with the scale anymore, just measurements every so often, and dealing with having to buy smaller clothes! :tongue:

    Using the formula in this thread: - my calories are set at 1800 a day, macros at 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat. And I often end up a bit over on carbs, but the fat is still coming off. (I'm 44, about 5'8", and 137lbs, give or take a pound or two from one day to the next. :bigsmile:)
  • stgmanitoba
    Congratulations everyone on meeting their goals/weight loss so far. Everyone looks great!!! Its great to hear everyone is having success by eating normally.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I've lost 25 pounds and I have been around 40% carbs, 40% fat, and 20% protein...