200+ (Week 15)



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Way to go with the running pinbot!!

    I'll let y'all know how it goes today. I'm actually not terribly worried about the first 2 days... just the 20 min run on Thursday. I do know it's mental. I can do it. It just seems a bit daunting.

    I weighed in twice yesterday morning and twice this morning and the scale dropped like whoa (206.8, 207.4 on sat., 205.8, 206.0 this morning-remember I was 209 on fri). This can often happen on the weekends (later weigh-in?), so I'll be THRILLED if I even maintain something around there for the week. I'll check-in at the highest one cause I don't want to get my hopes up. haha.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I lasted a whole 3 min at 6.0 mph. I'll try it again someday. I may try one of the preset programs next time. Kristina - I hope your run went well.

    I had few drinks last night and woke up dehydrated and 202. I'm not really counting it as weight loss. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

    Has anyone tried to grow their own sprouts? I bought some to try but don't quite understand the directions.

    I have been looking up ellipticals on-line. What type do you work out on - front or rear drive, what brand and have you tried a "Dynamic Motion Trainer"??? I have tried 2 home models of friends and had a hard time with them. After reading reviews, I am thinking they had front drive models. This is the one I am leaning towards getting. Let me know what you think.

  • Prd2bema2
    Prd2bema2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey guys!

    I feel pretty crappy today. I have been doing so good for a month now and lost so much so I figured I'd give myself a day of enjoying foods that I miss!! Well, now I FEEL CRAPPY!! I'm mad at myself. I still logged my calorie intake and I was over by 1000 something! That is what made me feel like crap! Guess i'm going to have to double up my workout tomorrow and less calories! Maybe I should fast for a day! LOL YEAH rite... I know I couldn't go one day without eating, that would be one cold day in hell when that happens!!
  • Prd2bema2
    Prd2bema2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey guys!

    I feel pretty crappy today. I have been doing so good for a month now and lost so much so I figured I'd give myself a day of enjoying foods that I miss!! Well, now I FEEL CRAPPY!! I'm mad at myself. I still logged my calorie intake and I was over by 1000 something! That is what made me feel like crap! Guess i'm going to have to double up my workout tomorrow and less calories! Maybe I should fast for a day! LOL YEAH rite... I know I couldn't go one day without eating, that would be one cold day in hell when that happens!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    prd2bema2 - sometimes it is good to shake up your metabolism once in awhile by going over. I did that last weekend and then lost 3 pounds. Just don't do it every day or every week. At least you still logged the calories. You can try extra exercise this week if it makes you feel better. Depending on what you set for your goal, if it's a 1 pound loss then 500 of the calories are really just maintaining... So you were really only 500 calories over for causing weight gain. That's easy to take off in an extra workout this week. Relax, smile and don't worry about those extra calories. :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning gang - I haven't decided if it's a good day yet. I woke up at 5 unable to sleep. I have a slight headache and really don't want to work today. I need to do some paperwork and keep procrastinating. The weekend flew by and I didn't accomplish anything but working out. I am just having a bad case of PMS and feel very restless. Thanks for listening (reading). I'm just not myself today. I will bounce back in a few hours. I think I'll go take some aspirin and bite the bullet on the paperwork thing:grumble:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Happy Monday all!

    Prd2bema2- like pinbot wrote, it's just one day going over. Just don't make it a habit. It's sometimes good to shake up the metabolism a bit, plus that excess would not be hard to work most/all off this week in exercise. The important thing is that you still owned up to it and logged it. I think all of us have had at least one day here when we went over our calories by a lot!

    pinbot- I've never grown my own sprouts before, but I love putting them on sandwiches and salads. When I get my own place, I hope to have a little herb/sprout garden. Would be nice! As for ellipticals, I've never purchased one, so I don't have much advice on what to buy. I know at the gym, they have different models of lifefitness, but I don't know the numbers. They are pretty bulky. One model doesn't have much of an incline and really mimics running without the impact, another has arms that go back and forth and a moderate incline that's stationary, and the other model has stationary arms, but a adjustable incline that gets pretty steep. When it's high up, I feel like I'm stair climbing sort of. I don't know if this helps at all. I hope you feel better and your day gets better as it goes along! We all have those days!

    How's everyone else doing?

    Running went well yesterday. I wasn't terribly worried about it, as I'd run 5min before, and the 3 min walking was plenty of time to recover. I am slowly getting faster. I start at 4.5, which makes my shuffling not too bad, so my legs aren't hurting as much, and I kicked it up to 5.0 with 2ish minutes left in each run. I was pretty proud of myself. I'm not super worried about Tuesday, where it goes up to 8 minutes... it's just 3 minutes more. I can do it!! After the running, I did a pretty intensive 35 min on the elliptical (w/ a steep incline). I felt it in my bum.

    Tonight I'm doing pub trivia again. As of now, if I don't exercise and I eat what I've planned I'll be over 500 calories over for the day. Not the end of the world, but it's not pretty. I originally thought of taking a break between yesterday's hard workout and tomorrow's run, but I might try and put in some time at the rec center this afternoon to help mitigate some of the caloric damage of this evening.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm back home now. The trip was great!! I live in North Carolina and we had a major snow/ice storm while we were gone so I couldn't go to work today. The road still has a very thick sheet of ice on it. My thighs and calves are KILLING me from all the walking I did. Also I somehow pulled a muscle in my left hip area. Not sure how that happened. But even with all that walking, I'm up THREE POUNDS!!! :noway: :frown: I'm hoping its from the crappy road food we had yesterday and all the sodium.

    I'm spending the day trying to figure out how to take advantage of some government thing to do with credit card debt over $10,000 so I can lower my interest and payments each month. Same thing for my student loans. There is supposed to be some student repayment thing based on my income and according to the article I read, that would bring my payment down from $300/month to about $100/month. HUUUUGE difference there.

    Even if I can do both of those things, I am going to have to get a second job which means less time to go to the gym. But hopefully it'll be a cashier/retail job and I'll still be fairly active so it won't be like sitting on my butt. Its not like I have anything better to do with my time anymore.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The aspirin helped the headache but I am still feeling down. At least my day is half over. Although I have to go back out for 3 more clients - 2:00, 3:30 and 6:30. Hopefully only a week or two more for the evening client. At least she is only 5 miles from me. The pits of a small business - working around other people's schedules. I think the weather is not helping my mood. I have the winter blahs - no sunshine and a high of 12 today with a fierce wind. I am tempted to take off for a 4 day weekend of sun, fun and warm weather. If only I could. *sighs* Real life prevents leaving. Maybe I will go tanning - just to get warm. I try to check back sometime tonight.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome back Blombie - glad you had a great trip.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Pinbot, it sounds like you need one of those SAD lamps. hehe. But I understand your problems with winter. I don't know if it's the same up north, but in SE MIchigan, a cloud pretty much descends for months. When it's actually a sunny cold day here, it's a cause for celebration. Maybe some exercise outside will help?

    Blombie, welcome back! We miss you! I certainly wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the gain was from sodium and from yesterday. Just pound the water and a lot of dissipate I imagine. I'm sure you walked tons if your legs were aching, as they should be pretty used to exercise now.

    My afternoon is dragging. I'm hoping to maybe creep out a little early to get a head start on the after work crowd at the rec center. I want to put at least 30 min of elliptical in, preferably an hour. The hour would negate my extra calories tonight. The half an hour would make it only like 200 over.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    did 45 min on the elliptical... I usually do post the amt of calories the machine says as the amount burned, as I do put in my age/weight. don't know how accurate it is, but with dinner, I was going to be 522 calories over, and I burned 555. Barely under! I'll take it as today SHOULD be the worst eating day of the week, though I believe there's a lunch colloquium thing which involved jimmy john's and it was calories like whoa. (eta: I just checked, and if I ate everything, my lunch would be over my caloric limit for the day ALONE if I didn't exercise. No wonder why peeps gain weight!!)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Last night, I managed to get in 25 min of low impact aerobics, cooked dinner watched 30 min of TV and crashed. I was in bed fast asleep by 9. I do feel much better today. I think I just needed a break. I may look into a SAD light. I saw some advertised in a catalog this morning. It would help this time of the year blahs.

    I spent 40 min on the treadmill this morning doing a pre-programmed aerobic workout with speeds 3 to 4 mph but incline went up to 6. The hills are hard. I managed to walk/jog the whole thing and gave my ankles a good stretch after. Part of my problem yesterday may have been not starting the day with some ex. It is easier to jog at 5.0 at 0 incline than 3 with 6 incline. Some thing for you to ponder as you do your 8 min run today Kristina.

    I gotta run. I have to leave at 8:30 for an early client and have a lunch meeting with an advertising lady (she does the local area placemats). I don't know when I'll get to check back. Have a great day.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Oh, I know an incline would be really tough. I've got to work up to that. I'm just planning on getting through the c25k program, then upping my speed, then maybe adding incline, and then adding distance.

    I weighed this morning at only 0.2 (negligle) higher than yesterday, which is AMAZING after eating @ pub trivia so late last night, even if I did get the exercise I needed. It's salty and it was late. It was a fun evening though, except for the last category. One of the 2 rotating categories was geography. This week instead of asking 15 different questions, they went with "name the 15 southern most countries in south and central america.... in alphabetically order". Doh! As we included Belize in our top 15, we were out by #2 (yay for Argentina right!), so not a good last round for us. And we did so well the first 5 rounds!

    Looking forward to doing the 8 minute runs today. I can do it! Eating should be okay overall today with the exercise calories factored in.

    How is everyone else doing?



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    At 6:30 Saturday night at the Magic Kingdom, my sister and I realized we left some important stuff in the car and needed it (we had been planning on going out to the car to eat lunch but bought it in the park instead). The SpectroMagic parade started at 7 and people were already sitting along the street to get a good spot. I told Lauryn to sit in a spot and I would run to the car. I ran down Main St to the gate, realized once I got to the gate that I didn't have my ticket to get back in, ran all the way back to Lauryn (she was about half way down Main St in front of some jewelry shop), ran back to the gate, up the ramp to the monorail, rode the monorail and was sweating like a pig cause it was like, 80% humidity down there, ran to the car (thankfully parked in the 1st row behind the handicapped parking spot), ran back to the monorail, walked quickly back to the gate and down Main St since the parade had started and it was so packed. (it only took me 33 minutes to do all that)

    Basically, I'm telling you I RAN!! I'm an elliptical girl. I don't run. Especially in public and especially without a sports bra but by golly I did it!! I was also shocked at how far and how long I was able to run for. It was great.

    I guess I liked running because it wasn't on a treadmill. I'm too self concious on a treadmill for some reason. I feel like the treadmill bounces/jiggles too much when I run on it cause I'm so fat I'm about to break it. Its a mental thing, I know. Maybe I'll find a high school track to run around in the spring.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    Blombie, glad your back safe and that you had fun...you go girl on that run!!:drinker:

    AKA, how did your run go today? Geography.....AKKKK!! I would totally bomb on that, I'm not very good at remember things, my hats off to those of you that do!!:bigsmile: , I especially can't remember on the spot like that...now my husband and daughter, they retain everything and can just shoot it back out at ya....me, well ah, not so much!:blushing:

    Pinbot, I hope you are feeling better today.

    I am really trying to pay attention to the anounts of food I'm eating, I bought that digital scale and I have been measuring EVERYTHING....to be honest after looking over my food diary with a fine tooth comb, I still might not be eating enough:ohwell:

    When I first started on MFP, to bust thru a stall, I began eating half of my exercise calories and I started losing again ( the big 1 pound every 10 days:bigsmile: )...then I noticed I started exercising more and well, a ...hem... I never really upped the calories there were like 15 days in January that I only ended up consuing 800-900 calories after exercise calories were added in...I don't know why it is so hard for me to wrap my head around eating those calories, but that has to be what is hindering things for me...I'm backing off the intense exercise for a few days and I am making sure that I eat at least 1300- 1500 calories, we'll see how a week goes doing this. :noway: :ohwell: We will see.

    I have a special K cookie recipe to share with you all, but my daughter is on the lap top doing homework and I saved it there, so I'll try to get it on here later or tomorrow...

    I cleaned house most of the morning, even mopped behind things in the kitchen....Go Me!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , that's enough of that!!:wink:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm back....sorry for the double post Pinbot...I wanted to share that recipe here too:bigsmile:

    Nutrition Facts

    User Entered Recipe

    42 Servings

    Amount Per Serving

    Calories 92.6

    Total Fat 2.8 g

    Saturated Fat 0.4 g

    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2 g

    Monounsaturated Fat 0.1 g

    Cholesterol 0.0 mg

    Sodium 47.1 mg

    Potassium 33.7 mg

    Total Carbohydrate 15.7 g

    Dietary Fiber 0.8 g

    Sugars 6.7 g

    Protein 1.7 g

    Vitamin A 1.9 %

    Vitamin B-12 9.6 %

    Vitamin B-6 5.3 %

    Vitamin C 2.6 %

    Vitamin D 1.5 %

    Vitamin E 0.2 %

    Calcium 0.7 %

    Copper 1.4 %

    Folate 5.2 %

    Iron 6.5 %

    Magnesium 1.5 %

    Manganese 7.5 %

    Niacin 5.3 %

    Pantothenic Acid 0.6 %

    Phosphorus 1.4 %

    Riboflavin 4.9 %

    Selenium 1.5 %

    Thiamin 7.0 %

    Zinc 5.1 %

    1 cup light corn syrup
    1 cup brown sugar
    1 T margarine (We use I can't believe it's not butter stick)

    1. Stir together in a medium size saucepan
    2. Place over medium heat and stir constantly.
    Boil 1 minute, * Remove from heat

    1 1/2 cup peanut butter ( We use Skippy Natural)
    1/2 tsp vanilla
    6 cups Special K cereal ( We use wheaties & Special K,
    any flake will work, we have even used bran)
    1/4 cup ground flax (Mix with cereal mixture)

    3.Add peanut butter and vanilla to boiled mixture and stir well.
    4. Add the cereal and stir together
    5. Drop onto waxed paper by tablespoonfuls
    6. Let cool until set

    The kids love these after practices and they are very filling with all the peanut butter going on!
    Hope you enjoy.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    debra - don't worry about double posts. It makes it easier for me to find the recipe:bigsmile: I'm glad you figured out you aren't eating enough. I had a thought the other day and realized I actually follow this more than eating 1/2 my exercise calories (the number is often close since I don't exercise as hard as you.) Well, the thought was eat 1200 plus all my exercise calories. This gives me a 500 (for 1 lb a week deficit) plus 1490 - 1200 = 290 more deficit per day. The max I can work on safely. Have you thought about PM Banks or some other guru to have them look at your journals and give you advice? Remember 1 pound a week is still good. You've been at this awhile and are in pretty good shape now. Have you had your % body fat measured? It may be lower than you think. You have to have lots of muscle. I don't think I am anywhere ready for P90X yet. It impresses me that you can do it. I don't know if you saw the post I made on 10 things the diet industry wont tell you over the weekend. I love my scale and measure everything. It took me awhile to realize 28 gr = 1 ounce. I can be such a blond.


    Blombie - it all your fault. I am going to blame you if I become addicted to Zumba. My workout discs came yesterday and I the 55 min flew by this morning. I cant wait to try an actual workout vs the training. How do you learn it in class? It really is fun. I worked up a sweat with the instructional video and there were lots of slower paced learning moves. Thanks for giving me inspiration. I am glad you were able to run. Maybe you'll join us in the C25K training.

    aka - glad things are going well. I would have started with Brazil and gotten to Chile and then been stuck. Only 3 more weeks and I get to visit Ypsi again. I miss the deep fried pickles:love: .

    So ordered a 3 foot sub from Subway for the super bowl. I may change the order to 6 foot. I figure its a pretty healthy way to snack and I can make salad from the leftovers all week. Overall I am feeling better but still bloated. Why do we have PMS and why does it last so long? On a positive front, my husband was returned to full-time work. He had been cut back 10% for almost a year. The money will be nice but I kinda was getting used to having him home every other Friday. I have a date at 2 to snow shoe. I better go get ready for work. Have a great day.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Hi all! Been a busy week, glad to see your all doing well! We are beginning the process of moving (in about ten weeks), so I have been caught up in getting all kinds of stuff filled out.
    still doing my exercise and eating better, hopefully this will be a good week.
    AKA, glad to hear your doing well with running!
    and thanks for the special k recipe deb!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hello all! I'm fairly new to this site and just checking things out. Thought I would join your challenge! :-)