OMG I crumbled and had a MacDonalds

but all my friends were going and didnt want to miss out. regret it sooo much but it was sooooooo nice arrrrrrrhhhh xx


  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    I luv Macdnalds...I like to eat it right before a huge pump at the gym. Macdonalds forevers!!!
  • Just work it into your calories as much as possible and maybe do some extra exercise. Not a big deal. It's that guilt and then binging later because you think you "blew it" that will get you in trouble.
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Lucky you ~ I went to McDonalds with my daughter this past weekend and after not having it in forever, it tasted gross to me. =(
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    but all my friends were going and didnt want to miss out. regret it sooo much but it was sooooooo nice arrrrrrrhhhh xx

    Why regret it? It sounds like you enjoyed it. Just enjoy it and move on. McDonalds every once in a while isn't going to hurt you. It's the regret that actually hurts us.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh my; Mcdonald's. Really? Next time splurge on something really super-duper good. One little indulgence won't derail your good efforts.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Nothing to do now but give up. :ohwell:
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    Its ok!!!! A little Micky D's is not going to kill you! I brought my kids for it today and it smelled so good! I had a fry, but i have not eaten that for sooooo long it just tasted nasty!
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    Its not the end of the world! :smile: Just log the cals, drink extra water & work out a little longer!
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    I loved MCDS until last week, when I found hair in my food...

    It was gross, but a sign, now when I pass by there I can't help but think of the hair...ANd it makes me sick...

    So thankyou MCDS no more.....
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    but all my friends were going and didnt want to miss out. regret it sooo much but it was sooooooo nice arrrrrrrhhhh xx

    You don't have to be perfect. You just have to have more good days than bad days over time. Don't beat yourself up, tomorrow is a new day, just move on and keep your eye on the prize.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Oh well. You are screwed now. No way to help.
  • karen4ever
    karen4ever Posts: 46 Member
    I also went to Mcdonalds today becasue my mum wanted to go, so I just chose something that I thought would be least damaging in the fat content and chose a

    Garlic and Herb Chicken Snack Wrap - 350 cals
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Psht. I have McDonalds once a week. SH! DON'T TELL ANYONE HERE! They'll tear me apart.

    The rest of the time I eat clean. That once a week McDonalds is a special treat with my mom. :) And damned if I don't enjoy it.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    but all my friends were going and didnt want to miss out. regret it sooo much but it was sooooooo nice arrrrrrrhhhh xx

    why do you regret it? i had a bacon cheeseburger and fries yesterday. went over calorie target. no regrets. weighed in 1.2 lbs lighter this morning.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Fit it into your calories. I suspect the reason many people have a hard time losing weight is that they deny themselves foods that they enjoy. Even the bad stuff (and I hate McDs) isn't going to kill you or derail your plans as long as it's only now and again.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    McDonald's calories count for triple
  • nymami
    nymami Posts: 54 Member
    don't regret it, just log it.
  • hey! it's okay to reward yourself on occasion! don't beat yourself up over it, i'm sure you deserved it!

    Next time get a smoothie and a grilled chicken wrap from there nexxt time you go! :)
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Just work it into your daily intake, it'll be OK. And next time choose something far better than McDonalds if you want to splurge!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I've lost 24 pounds and I eat McDonalds several times a week.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Not a big deal---log it on your diary and go from there. It's the consistency that matters not your occasional lapses. Just keep going and choose your indulgences. Once in awhile isn't going to affect your results unless you get caught up in the guilt and totally derail yourself. :)
  • annie_banannie
    annie_banannie Posts: 65 Member
    don't regret it, just log it.

    That should be the official MFP tattoo. :happy:
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    don't regret it, just log it.

    ^^This...actually I think is a vital part of success. Mistakes happen. Do the right thing (log it) and move on. Forgive yourself for not keeping to your goals.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    I didn't have McDonalds for a few months, then had it twice in one week a month ago, and both times, I immediately felt sick. I had around 10 french fries, and my stomach already felt woozy, and I started to get a headache.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. You won't ruin your progress with one bad meal, just like you can't make good progress with one good meal.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    think of it as a treat. it's something that happened and now we move on. try and exercise a little extra and get right back to the grind! everyone slips up now and then :) you won't die from this one time!
  • shenanigansmo
    shenanigansmo Posts: 119 Member
    I had McDonald's Saturday night just before running a 5k. It was soooooo good. I was good and only got a Cheeseburger Happy Meal (420 cals), but even that satisfied my craving just enough. I didn't beat myself up over it. I knew I was going to be running 3 miles and I fit it in. Now... the beer I had after the race threw me into the red for my daily calories LOL. But I was under Sunday and yesterday. As long as you get right back on the horse, you'll be fine.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Just work it into your calories as much as possible and maybe do some extra exercise. Not a big deal. It's that guilt and then binging later because you think you "blew it" that will get you in trouble.

    yes this is exactly right. Don't give yourself too much grief!
  • but all my friends were going and didnt want to miss out. regret it sooo much but it was sooooooo nice arrrrrrrhhhh xx

    It was only one's ok!! Don't feel guilty or regret it...accept it and move on. We all have our "splurges" and fall off the wagon at some point or another. The important thing is to get back on track with the next meal and just keep it movin'! :flowerforyou:
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member

    Do you think fine french cuisine with lard infused foods is healthier than nutritionaly healthy mcdonalds meal?

    its obese who overeat give mcdonalds a bad name
  • KatKisses
    KatKisses Posts: 296 Member
    I eat it and have ice cream and other treats too, no biggie, you have to live. I stay on track with calories all week and on the weekend I indulge in some treats but I try to stay close to calorie goal, I am losing!