What made you decide to loose weight?



  • _shortstack
    _shortstack Posts: 46 Member
    After pregnancy number 2, I took some "before" shots with a high definition camera.
    I never realized that I had back and side rolls. :ohwell:

    Now, I'm down 40 pounds, and the pictures are starting to improve!
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    My weight.....was fed up of being overweight and uncomfortable in my clothes....
  • fitblondebaker22
    I was in a denial for a while! My clothes were getting so tight, and I just kept thinking the dryer was shrinking my clothes more and more every time I would do laundry. It was to the point where I would buy a pair of pants and 2 months later they didn't fit. Didn't own a scale anymore, didn't pay attention to how much junk I ate ALL the time. Saw a picture someone posted on facebook of me, and I could not believe how much I had put on. 35 pounds within a year and a half. It was go time! Lost it and never looked back :)
  • HayleyHat
    Well, I used to be pretty active although still overweight, then pregnancy screwed over my body and my health levels dropped dramatically. I've gained masses of weight since and am now the biggest I've been. Now that most of my health problems are sorted or at least manageable I'd been meaning to get back into the swing of things, get back to eating healthy and being active, but kept putting it off.

    I think for me, also, the thing that pushed me over the edge was a colleague asking if I was pregnant, including rubbing my stomach. Not impressed!
  • melanie8289
    melanie8289 Posts: 161 Member
    I hated the way I looked. When I looked in the mirror it just wasn't the real me looking back! I'm now a bit happier with how I look but still have some work to do to be completely happy.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Wanted to get in shape to take the city fire fighter test. Didn't get the job but I did pass with 100%.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
  • MrMatt87
    It's all about chasing down a dream job that has some pretty tough physical standards and at the same time not being a hypocrite and telling my kids to work hard and chase their dreams while I rot away on the couch and at my current job.
  • oneworkoutatatime
    One day I saw a pic of myself and was throughly disgust. Also, I was putting on a pir of my jeans and thought some one had switch them , but most of all the birth of my daughter
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I never wanted LOOSE weight...that sounds all jiggly and horrible! I wanted to LOSE weight when I could no longer buy my favorite jeans without going over a size 12!!
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    pic that made me say, "damn I need to lose weight" lol like the ole saying goes ..... pictures dont lie
  • aphid
    aphid Posts: 47
    Noticing that i was just putting on more and more, and serious worries about my health.
  • Echo_Dan
    Echo_Dan Posts: 313 Member
    A combination of things. Denial was the worst thing for me, but when I hit certain points I knew that things had to change urgently.

    1. I was wearing a 44 inch waist in jeans (and they actually sit BELOW the waist)
    2. I was getting out of breath going up one flight of stairs
    3. I saw a picture of myself on a flight to Spain where I thought I was slumped down in the chair and it had distorted my figure, until it was pointed out to me that NO I was not slumped, I actually had that much of a gut.
    4. Sweating like mad trying to keep up with my son in Krazy Play Days Activity Centre.

    I still have a fair way to go but Im fitter, slimmer, healthier and can run up the stairs now :D
  • Secret_Agent_007
    Aliens. They refused to abduct me due to weight limitations of their ship. Damn futuristic space craft safety guidelines .... :angry:
  • StephieF87
    StephieF87 Posts: 60 Member
    health started getting bad, I mean what 25 year old has stroke level high blood pressure! also the way I looked in pictures, I dont know what I saw in the mirror at home, but either it or the pictures where lying lol... and as someone posted above.. Pictures do not lie! Down 30 pounds so far :)
  • conraj74
    conraj74 Posts: 182
    I wanted to be able to bend over to tie my shoes and breath at the same time.
  • NextChapter60
    NextChapter60 Posts: 78 Member
    1) Health
    2) Appearance
    3) All the things I want to be able to do in years to come: hike, bike, ski, swim, play with the grandkids, and TRAVEL! I don't EVER want to worry about the size of the seats on the plane, train, bus, or boat!
  • aardvarkch
    I've always been active and enjoy the outdoors. As a "big" person (needing to lose 40-50lbs to get an acceptable BMI) entering middle-age I'm beginning to learn that youth and strength as compensation for excess weight will only last so long. If I want to continue to enjoy these activities later in life I need to act, the sooner the better.

    It's also a realisation of the creeping cumulative effect of weight. The bottom line is if you don't make a decision and actively take control, then it's a situation that will only get worse and more difficult as you get older. It won't fix itself and it isn't something you can put off until tomorrow, next week or next year. How many people on these forums express a regret in not doing it earlier? That makes me so sad when people talk about things they missed out on, when really they didn't need to. Being overweight is a self-inflicted disability, nobody's fault but mine.

    I've often heard similar people claiming they were "fit" while being overweight. Well that can be true to an extent, but 250lbs of me going through these knees while skiing, isn't sustainable no matter what my resting heart rate.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'd always look at other people and think "If I had all the time in the world I'd look like that too." I lost my job and realized I no longer had an excuse. 3 months later I got a new job and realized that I didn't need all the time in the world, just a food diary.
  • hollyjane77
    I realized I was avoiding visiting old friends because I didn't want them to see me "this way". Also, my wedding ring didn't fit anymore...