What made you decide to loose weight?



  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    I remember what it was like growing up heavy.. Kids are not nice. I didn't want my kids to grow up that way. On the other hand, I didn't want to be one of those 'do as I say, not as I do' parents either. So, that was the tipping factor in my decision. I'm losing weight (and my wife is too) so that we can live and lead by example for our kids. Hopefully they'll grow up with a healthy weight and learn good food choices through us and embrace exercise.

    I've known for a while that heart disease, diabetes, and cancer ran in my family.. those didn't deter me. Love can change a heart though.
  • high5girl
    high5girl Posts: 90 Member
    I've been overweight all my life - since I was in 2nd grade I've been fat. Met my husband while I was this way and everything. Lost my father in March at a fairly young age and that fueled the biggest fire for me to get this weight off for good. While his passing wasn't so much weight related I could just see what was coming down the road if I didn't get myself on track. Another reason - I want to have a baby. At the weight I started I couldn't have a healthy baby - and we are still struggling after 82lb weight loss to conceive. My advice to anyone who wants to start their journey - just stick with it. It's hard but if you stick to the plan it really does work. :)
  • MikeHaun
    My son came to live with me all summer this year first time. He gained over the summer. I am grossly overweight and decided I need to fix myself before i can help/teach him. 3 months since he left and I've dropped 60+ pounds thanks to relearning how to eat and exercise from this site.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    I was 60lbs overweight after two pregnancies. I remember sitting on the floor with my daughters (2 & 4 years old)....and having to roll on to my knees just so I could hold on to the table and push myself back up to standing position. I had never been overweight in my life.... and shopping with my friends was brutal since they were all still thin.... I remember going into our favorite stores and I couldn`t fit into the clothes that I once was able to buy and wear and trying stuff on was brutal....I used to love shopping and at that time all I wanted to do was cry. Also at the time my marriage was on the rocks and I was feeling horrible, fat , sad.... so I took all of my negative energy and emotions and through it into exercise and watching what I eat.... 1.5 years later I lost 50 lbs....10 lbs heavier than my goal weight of 125... but oddly the same size 5.... Right now I am back up a few.... but back on the wagon. Weight maintenance and a healthy lifestyle is a life-long thing and the one thing I learned, wieght loss is hard and I never want to go back to where I was.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Feeling like crap, and getting tired too easily when playing with my sons. And the realization that it wasn't my clothes shrinking which caused them to no longer fit.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I binge ate during a breakup and gained ten pounds. When the relationship was finally over, my boyfriend wasn't there anymore, but my ten pounds certainly were. I'm still impressed (and appalled) with how quickly I put that on.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    the mirror, my clothes, how looked, and the bikini I would never be able to wear If I stayed the way I am, by trouble areas. oh and the number on the scale.
    I wanted to get to fly in Charlie Tango....
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    My ex left me for some handsome man with athletic thighs.

    Granted (he) is and will always be a soulless, ginger *****.

    They will make soulless ginger children that will bring forth the oncoming apocalypse. T

    No hard feelings though.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I was just unhappy. I was trying to exercise and get my black belt in karate, and I couldn't keep up. I was injuring myself running all the time and would spend three months on, two months off, etc. I decided it was do or die time - decide to be a couch potato and withdraw - or make the change.
  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    I did it because I got tired of seeing new fat rolls pop up. I got tired of remembering what I looked like and seeing what I look like now. I wanted to be back where I was.

    Also, a MAJOR driving force. I wanted to show my sister WE could do it. I wanted to go through what she was going through to support her and help her on her way. Its been a couple of months and I am doing great but my sister still hasnt quite got on the wagon (shes on this site but wont see this). She's the only reason I am here. She asked me to join...

    Anyway, thats it. Primarily for me but a close second was for her.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Never being overweight until I had 2 girls in 2 years....I was 20ish lbs overweight for a bout a decade. Something just hit me one day. I knew I wasnt obese, but I wasnt happy either.......Thankfully I have a husband who NEVER said a negative word to me....but as I lost weight, he never ever failed to comment on how good I looked. Not "Better".........to this day he still comes home daily and says 'Hey hot mama".:wink: I think for me, finally realizing I COULD do it was all the motivation I needed.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    A week long hospital stay with a massive skin infection due to Diabetes with a glucose level of 584. LOL

    I started my journey the day after I got out of the hospital.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    OP - glad you took a comment like that and turned it into something positive. Congratulations on your success :flowerforyou:

    I gained my extra 20/30lbs through a combination of getting a desk job, being in a really crappy negative relationship, loving pizza, and the depo shot.

    Still have the desk job but I've learned to love running and lifting weights.

    Out of the crappy negative relationship and in a positive one now.

    Still love pizza, but try to eat it less and cook more - I love cooking now and I am encouraged to do so. :wink:

    Working on getting off the depo shot in the next few months to see how that goes.

    All the inspiring, awesome, sexy people here I know have done amazing things and I want to be awesome right there with them.
  • ekkand
    ekkand Posts: 592 Member
    To be able to feel amazing in everything I wear. I own a lot of clothes but when I gained weight, I hated everything I put on. Also I want to actually feel sexy in a bathing suit or tank top or shorts. I want to know I have a great body I worked for and not be ashamed. I realized I needed to loose weight when my confidence level dropped every time I'd look in the mirror. I wouldn't say I'm obese but I definitely have some toning to do and some lbs to drop.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I decided that I had a life that was worth living and enjoying. I love my wife and wanted to ensure that I lived a longer and healthier life so we can do all sorts of fun things. My lifestyle before my weight loss and restructured diet was self destructive (albeit fun).
  • KristenE83
    KristenE83 Posts: 187 Member
    Unfortunately for me, I have always had "a few to lose" yet have always been confident and comfortable in my body. Which realistically is kinda crappy because I was totally fine w/ the way I looked! I don't have food issues, or emotional issues, I just eat whatever the ef I want and never exercise... lazy yet aware! haha The kicker was when I was pregnant w/ my son, I saw the scale creep up and was actually nervous for my health. I wanted to be able to run and play with my kid, and that was going to be pretty difficult. So when he was born I started to make healthy changes. So I'm down a bunch (more than I log because I don't count baby weight), I eat better, and I work out... crazy thing happens when you burn more than you consume!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    The first time I lost weight, 13 years ago, was simply to get laid. Fat, sloppy, non-confident dudes don't score with the ladies.

    Now, I want to compete in triathlons.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Mainly I just stopped feeling great about myself. A couple months ago I had surgery and dropped a ton of weight just because I never felt like eating. Between weddings and vacations I've packed it on and in the past I haven't had an issue with losing weight until recently. It just WILL NOT come off. That's when I decided to kick start being serious about eating healthy and exercising.
  • sanguinepenguin
    I was the girl that would know well in advance that we (my husband and I) were going out, but when the time came to actually get dressed in something other than sweats, I would become so saddened, angry, negative that we'd just end up getting Chinese take-out. PA-THE-TIC. I've got a ways to go still, but I wish the best of luck to myself and everyone else here!