What made you decide to loose weight?



  • Echo_Dan
    Echo_Dan Posts: 313 Member
    My ex left me for some handsome man with athletic thighs.

    Granted (he) is and will always be a soulless, ginger *****.

    They will make soulless ginger children that will bring forth the oncoming apocalypse. T

    No hard feelings though.

    ROFL you have made my day with that comment :D
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    When I felt uncomfortable being intimate with my bf.....being embarrassed of fatty rolls is a real mood killer.
  • Katiehammond03
    To feel relaxed and comfortable and not be down on myself.
  • sphinxdust
    sphinxdust Posts: 59 Member
    My fat pants didn't fit one day. I looked in the mirror and saw an incredibly fat guy, that wasn't me. Starved myself off the pasta and sugars, regimented my meals, worked out diligently, lost 60 pounds, lost like 40 of it fast. Now I'm gaining it all back the right way, still on a "diet" ever since, but now I eat up to 4500 calories a day.
  • lunatikchik
    lunatikchik Posts: 30 Member
    My health. My parents and grandparents all were diabetic and had heart issues due to obesity and I am determined to not go down that road.

    ^^ THIS!!
    and add in aunts and uncles..... and a cousin my age that died 4 years ago, he was at least 450 lbs when he died.....
    and i have an aunt at least that much as well as her brother, and granny was at least 350 when she died...
    I decided that I WILL NOT BE THEM!
  • TitiAxford
    TitiAxford Posts: 1 Member
    Moved to Paris, France. Enough said.
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    In a word: PAIN. I could barely walk. My arthritis was just awful. I dreaded getting out of bed in the morning because I'd have to stand up and the pain was excrutiating. I eyeballed those carts at walmart more than once. I couldn't keep up with my husband. I couldn't enjoy holidays because by the time I had the meal done and the table set I was completely spent and nearly in tears. I was so tired of hurting.
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
    The day someone aid you look great for having 4 kids. And then I saw a girl with 5 kids half my size with a flat sexy tummy.
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    My boyfriend broke up with me (for non-weight related issues) and I stopped eating for a week and since I lost so much weight that week, I figured I might as well keep going and show him what he's missing out on...

    He's noticed... I'm hoping we'll work out the other issues and get back together. If we don't, at least i'll look hot.
  • askcupid117
    askcupid117 Posts: 126 Member
    I've yo yo dieted my entire life. I remember being 12 and on a diet. I never really had a problem losing weight, I had a problem keeping it off. I would gain it back but then I would just buckle down and lose it again. I never saw it as an issue until I got older. And mind you I'm not old by any stretch of the imagination. Hitting my late 20s did something to my body because its a several week struggle of eating perfectly and exercising like crazy to lose a pound or two. As I get older it is becoming increasingly more difficult to take off the weight. Gone are the days of "oh I'll just cut out some junk food for a bit and poof be down 20 pounds." Wrong! So now I have realized I need to be serious about making a forever commitement to healthy eating and consistent exercise or I'll be fat forever.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I don't loose weight i lose weight - or at least i try anyway!
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    My health. My parents and grandparents all were diabetic and had heart issues due to obesity and I am determined to not go down that road.

    ^^^^^This point exactly^^^^^ I want to re-write my family history...
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I wanted to look good and feel good at fifty. I didn't want to get diabetes, and my grandmother did at just over 50.
    I went from 232.8 pounds to 113 pounds...and feel great! I'm so happy I finally finished something I started!!
  • 1ocean1girl
    1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
    My daughter :love: I am so completly in love with her! She deserves a healthy and happy momma.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Last physical ....

    Doctor, "You are in perfect health outside of being fat. I'd really like it if you'd lose weight."
  • LadyVeng3ance
    LadyVeng3ance Posts: 236 Member
    My ex left me for some handsome man with athletic thighs.

    Granted (he) is and will always be a soulless, ginger *****.

    They will make soulless ginger children that will bring forth the oncoming apocalypse. T

    No hard feelings though.

    Haha, fantastique! :D

    Um, I have always wanted to know what it feels like to have a flat stomach! I decided a little over a month ago, that it is about time I learn the feeling. My goals are: The company christmas party at November 31st, I want to lose as much as I can untill that. Next goal is christmas.. Same goal as the christmasparty. And then you have summer 2013, and by then I hope my stomach is flat, my butt is round, and maybe I even have a slight thigh gap! :D
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    In the last 3 years my oldest son and my daughter got married. Hiding in the pictures isn't the easiest thing to do! I looked horrible. My knees and ankles hurt all the time. I didn't have any energy to do things that use to be so easy. My husband and I will be married 25 years in May. So I decided that it was now or never. I want to be the size I was when we got married. Or even smaller! I'm 5' 7 1/2" I weighed about 155 when we got married. I would love to be that size again. I'm almost half way there! I've been heavy since my last child (he's 21 this year) was born. But, gained even more when I was in a boot for 19 weeks from an achiles tendon tear. Well that accumulated a grand total of 100 lbs I needed to loose. I was appaled with myself. I wish best of luck to everyone with their live style change.
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    I would have to say a horrible breakup and then seeing pics of myself..... I just couldnt believe how fat i had gotten and didnt even realize it.
  • mznortiz
    mznortiz Posts: 88 Member
    i don't want to be a fat old lady. unable to run and play and move around. no canes. no boxes of meds to take. i don't want that for my golden years. so i have to do sometihing now.
  • ccpowers
    ccpowers Posts: 203 Member
    I read every single one of these responses and so many of them (besides the coworkers and gingers) are me. But really for me it was the fact that I wanted to be able to breathe again. I lost 50lbs 6 years ago and felt great and could breathe and didn't need inhalers under my pillow at night. Low and behold, gained it all back and could no longer breathe walking short distances. Asthma sucks, but letting it win sucks even more. I know that with exercise my lungs get stronger so really it is a no brainer, just hard to stick with