I am pathetic



  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    well as other will suggest check your BMR and TDEE (people suggest not to eat under bmr, and eat 10 - 20% under tdee)

    and as for as
    I can't afford to buy healthy food." -- beans are cheap and healthy (maybe $2 for a 1 pound bag )
    "I have a meal plan... its hard to keep track of the food they have." --- eat what you enjoy that fits your goals and fill up on veggies/fruit
    "I never see any results." - take measurements (scales LIE)
    "I don't have time to go to the gym." -- you have a body right ? well use it .. squats, lunges, jogging in place .. all this can be done anywhere any time

    just some suggestions .. you can do this hun and drop the "I am pathetic" crap .. you being here and trying proves your not


    Excellent response!!! And, remember it needs to really be what you want and to be a LIFESTYLE change, not just a temporary diet plan.
  • mandachristine
    mandachristine Posts: 58 Member
    Whenever I lack motivation to work out, I come on here and go to the success stories. Then I go work out. You can do this. Don't beat yourself up, we all have setbacks and struggles. It's how we deal with them:)
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    draw your motivation from this. as cool as he looks, hes still a sloth.

    friends dont let friends become sloths.

  • mandachristine
    mandachristine Posts: 58 Member
    Whenever I lack motivation to work out, I come on here and go to the success stories. Then I go work out. You can do this. Don't beat yourself up, we all have setbacks and struggles. It's how we deal with them that counts:)
  • You are NOT pathetic, you are just going through what a lot of people go through on their way to getting healthy.
    #1. Get outside and walk 30 to 45 minutes a day. It's free, the fresh air is good for your mood and waistline. Walk up the stairs. Find ways to walk a little farther each day. Park at the far end of the parking lot. Get off the bus 3 blocks early.
    #2. Healthy food is not expensive. Vegetables, rice, beans, fruits, oatmeal (long cooking not the minute stuff) are less expensive and better for you than the processed, boxed foods that are created to keep you hungry and overweight. You just need a little help with shopping and recipe/menu choices.
    #3. What is your meal plan? Some big name diet plan? Those don't help. See #2.
    #4. Don't look for results. In the beginning, pay more attention to how you feel. More energy? Lighter in your step? Happier? Sleeping better? You get to your goal by taking small steps and living day to day. Don't make weight loss your plan, but DO make becoming healthier your plan and over time you'll see results.
    #5. EVERYONE struggles with something along the way. Sometimes you feel pathetic, but don't let it get to you. Stick with it and it will get easier.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    I'm currently doing the p90x program. I know it sounds crazy, but it really does work. I started at 311 in July, I'm currently 276.

    Iwe have an excellent support group if your interested in joining. The workouts aren't the main aspect however. It is the nutrition. Not dieting, but healthy food choices.

    Just throwing it out there.
    I hope you can believe in yourself. We have plenty of others including myself who felt the same way as you.

    All the best
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    I have a meal plan too! Also no time for half my school work and working out more than twice a week. I don't have much to tell you in the way of advice- I'm not losing a whole lot the past couple weeks. Just know you're not alone and that you need to be patient. :smile:
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    "If you think you can, you are right. If you think you can't you are also right"
  • macantrell
    macantrell Posts: 112 Member
    So many wonder people here to support you, BUT you must be ready to help yourself. First you need to stop beating yourself up, talking negative to yourself and saying you can't do it is your first challenge. Begin to stop the negative thoughts as soon as they come into your head, tell yourself you can do it and what you want. Track your food even if your choices are not the best, make little changes each day a recognize your accomplishment. You will soon see that small little changes in what you eat and move make changes in your body and mind. Positive self talk works wonders. Like one other person said, one day three years ago I reach the point of "ready". I hated my body, hate hurting all the time, hated being sick all the time and I was so over it all. I knew the day I said I am STARTING right this second (not Monday) that I was there. Three years ago I started my journey and lost 50 lbs (my profile just shows the 2 lbs I lost on this website). Really it isn't that hard, overcoming your thoughts and defeating yourself is what you need to overcome then everything else will fall in place. Best of luck. Remember talk nicely to yourself and know you can do it.
  • channabelle
    channabelle Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, It's lousy to feel pathetic and we can say you aren't but you have to believe that you aren't. It sounds like you have been grappling with your weigh loss for some time and it's hard work especially if you aren't getting results. I would start all over again, a brand new start and would make very small changes. The small sensible changes are the most sustainable in the long term, although it takes longer to reach your goals. I don't know that I could survive on 1200 calories per day. I need about 1650 calories a day to maintain my current body weight (of which I'm planning to lose some) and I've decided to start by reducing my calories to 1400 a day. This is what I'm eating today. Breakfast, fruit and nut muslie 1/2 cup (not toasted), 2 tablespoons of vanilla low fat yogurt and half a cup of milk. In the snacks category I've added a home made latte and I've allowed 1/2 cup 2% milk for my cups of tea. For snacks I've also had a medium size banana and a medium Pink Lady apple. For lunch I had 1 thick slice of homemade wholemeal bread with homemade mayonnaise, some light tasty cheese, cucumber, tomato and red pepper. For dinner I'm making a tuna sauce made with light sour cream and parsley to put in a 60g vol-au-vent, which has a whopping 300 or so calories per serve. With that I'll have a big tossed salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomato, red pepper and grated carrot, and some homemade balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing. I haven't used up all my calorie allowance and have enough left for an Arnotts Mint slice biscuit which I love with 8 calories to spare. So I think I'm eating pretty well by even reducing the amount I eat just a little.
    I don't like counting calories but it is how I keep track of what I eat otherwise I'm not thinking.
    If calorie counting is not your thing perhaps you could start be reducing your portion sizes by a very small amount and that way your tummy has time to adjust slowly to the difference.
    You should be able to by healthy food more cheaply than junk food, takeaway and even prepackaged food. Buy fresh fruit and vegetables, small portions of lean meat, pasta, rice, chickpeas in cans. Things like fruit juices add extra calories when we can drink water instead. If you don't like the taste of water, try adding a slice of lemon for flavour.
    The trouble with dieting is we feel deprived of one of the most basic needs we have as humans and that's to eat. I think that we have lived with over flavoured, over packaged convenience foods for so long, we've forgotten how to cook from scratch. Is does take longer but the taste and flavour is worth it. How about growing some herbs. Even if you live in an apartment you can grow some herbs in little pots and put them on the window sill to catch the light. Try something easy like parsley and basil to start with and I would buy some plants already established as germinating seeds can be tricky.
    As for exercising, finding time if you are time poor it is very hard. Perhaps you can incorporate things in your daily life like using the stairs instead of the elevator. If you have 10 flights of stairs in your building, start with climbing one set of stairs and increase as you feel fitter. Walk down the stairs too, it's easier and you are moving. You can do side leg raises while at the kitchen sink, I do squats in the shower while I'm washing my hair. Now doesn't that sound weird, it works for me though.:smile: I do wall push ups too because I'm not very strong in the shoulders, basically I'm unfit. As much as I loathe housework, I know that a good vacuum, bathroom scrub and floor wash are all ways to burn calories.
    I hope some of my ideas may be of use to you.
    Take care and give it your best. You owe it to yourself to look after you.
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    Have you ever heard the story of the howling dog?

    A man was walking by a house one day, and noticed a dog lying on the porch that was howling and moaning. The dog's owner was sitting on the porch, not minding the dog. The dog kept howling & wimpering.

    'What's wrong with your dog?", the passerby asked the man.

    "He's laying on a nail and it's hurting him".

    "Well, why doesn't he got up off the nail?"

    "Doesn't hurt enough yet, I guess."

    When it hurts enough, you'll find the motivation to change your circumstances.

    THIS <3
    If you are truly sick of the lack in self esteem, the excess weight, the laziness.. you will do it. All of your "excuses" are simply that. You don't need loads of money to buy healthy food. You don't need to go to a gym. The internet is a vast and limitless source for exercises. You have a chair??? You can exercise. You just have to want it. So maybe, you need to want it more.

    Try finding pictures of your perfect body. Pictures of healthy foods. Motivational posters. Make yourself a collage and put this somewhere you will see it everyday. Let it motivate you in the morning to do it finally!!!
    Come on now... you can do this!!!! Can't is not an option!