What has been / is your biggest food pitfall?



  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    WHITE BREAD. Whether it's naan, homemade, store bought, bagels .. This is my weakness.

    How do I avoid it? Simple - I do not BUY it. No bread touches my plate while eating at a restaurant nor do I have it on my grocery list, which I have stuck to religiously.

    If I eat bread it is always whole grain and only one slice (I have slipped once of twice on this rule and eaten a whole whole grain bagel) but mind you before I would eat TWO sandwiches - FOUR pieces of WHITE BREAD!

    Keep your weaknesses as a treat or, like me, do not purchase them due to pure temptation.

    Good luck! :)
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    donuts all the way...I can avoid all sweets if needed but donuts are my kryptonite!
  • bananabrownie
    -Fox's viennese melts
    -Bourbon creams
    -Jam sandwich creams
    -Mr. Kipling's battenburgs
    -Almond croissants, custard croissants
    -Cinnamon raisin bagels, everything bagels, bagels
    -Pringles (bbq flavored...)
    -Yummy all natural oat bars!!
    -Lindt truffles

    I actually really enjoy listing all the food I wish I could eat right now but can't :O shocking
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    Oh yeah, sweets of any kind, whether it be candy or baked goods. And pizza. Pizza is freaking awesome. I'm still working on self control so in order to keep my eating under control, I usually have to avoid them altogether if I want to stay on track. One day maybe I will get the out of control eating under control. I can have these foods in the house, but as long as I don't have any, I'll be fine. 2 items I cannot have in the house at the same time ever is chocolate ice cream and ridgies potato chips. I can have them in the house separately and avoid them. But when I have them in the house at the same time, the overwhelming desire to dip those chips in the melted chocolate ice cream is too much to resist. And then I really can't stop eating them.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Bread.... Lots of bread.

    So far, I haven't learned how to completely avoid it... but, I've done alright with watching my portions. (Most of the time.)
    AXAGEM Posts: 56 Member
    For me it's icecream I still have it once in a while, however I only buy by the (one) scoop and no more tubs as I can't be trusted.
  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    Pizza..i love the stuff

    enchiladas also...lol
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    Ice cream, milkshakes, gummi bears. I sound like a giant second grader. :P lol.

    and I just refuse to buy milkshakes and candy for myself.

    The ice cream...I hide in the back of the freezer under everything else. If I can't see it, I don't think about it. And if I know I have to dig it out of there, I'm less likely to go to the trouble! :)
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    dunkin' donuts iced coffees and coolatas...
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    pizza and baked goods
  • karaeb621
    karaeb621 Posts: 24 Member
    I replaced it with spaghetti squash.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    definitely pizza... I don't avoid it though, I still usually have pizza once a week. A lot of times I'll make my own mini pizza though (this summer I got hooked on grilling my own pizza) or just pick a healthier option if I get it from somewhere
  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    Crisps - especially Tayto, I could eat 12 bags in one sitting! They are my achilles heel, so much so, that I have cut them out from my lifestyle altogether, haven't had a single crisp in nearly 5 months.....and don't miss them one bit :smile:
    Totally off topic here but I friggen' love your ticker!!! That is awesome!!!
  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    This is me right here too. :( I don't even have to be hungry and I have a hard time passing them up.
  • SinCity2003
    SinCity2003 Posts: 163 Member
    Pasta; however, it's not going anywhere, so I have to learn to work around it. Last night we went to Olive Garden and I had already logged what I was going to eat, which was their new Lasagna Primavera. The table behind us both had spaghetti and meatballs and I instantly was craving it. I did not change my order (after checking the calorie counts), but I decided I'm going to make spaghetti for dinner this weekend using my Smart Taste spaghetti and 93% lean ground beef, which comes in at nearly 1/3rd the calories of OG's version.
  • NocturnalGirl
    For me it's French bread!

    In some cases, overindulging occurs when we deprive ourselves of foods we enjoy. The best way to avoid going all out is to plan it from before and allow ourselves to eat a certain amount of it while fitting it into your calories and macros. I think the most important thing is to believe in yourself though, you can do it, the key is will power. Good luck! :)
  • JBV321
    JBV321 Posts: 21 Member
    SWEETS! Every tooth in my mouth is a sweet tooth! That has been the hardest part, food wise, to stay on track. I have been slipping a little lately, but I am ready to cut it out and get back to it! I have worked too hard to let it all go to waste! My favorite quote? "Nothing tastes as good as how I feel!!!"
  • GangstaMa
    Chocolate and baked goods...ohh man and lattes!
  • erinnstreeter
    erinnstreeter Posts: 82 Member
    Pasta. If one bite enters my pie hole, I'm done for - every last scrap, from my plate, from others' plates, from the serving bowl, gets eaten.

    Before July when I started using MFP, I had stocked up on it, because it was a cheap household staple. Sometime in September, I made some for my fiance - and after weeks of not eating it, I was overwhelmed by the desire to consume it ALL. I managed to eat only a few bites, logged them, and got out of the kitchen before I could do any more damage.

    The problem is, when I eat pasta, not only do I have no self control, but invariably end up with either a yeast or a BV infection. Clearly, my 'bad' gut bacteria really like the unfettered access to sugar. I've experimented with replacing pasta with another carb, and discovered that rice is a safer (both on the portion control and possibility of infection points), and quinoa has been the best option so far. Even then, I eat those two things very seldom these days.

    There are two boxes of uncooked pasta still in the pantry, but I refuse to make them. I've told the fiance, you can cook them when I'm not here, or they can go to Second Harvest.
  • bananabrownie
    Dried fruit
    -apricots, figs, dates, cranberries and blueberries
    -saltines, black olive, poppyseed, digestive, salt and black pepper, garlic and chocolate
    -white, dark, mint, orange, milk, nut, toffee, coconut, peanut, caramel and butterscotch