A rant about ''friends''



  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    Considering this site is overloaded with females, I don't find it creepy nor would I make an assumption about someone based on who is on their FL.

    *this* Don't be TOOOO quick to judge, OP. I just looked at my friend list, only 5 of the 14 are dudes. The first one introduced me to this site, and the other 4 caught my attention with their advice/posts in the forums. For the first month or so I was only focused on logging. Recently I started participating in the forums and since then most of my friend requests have been to females. It wasn't deliberate, it's just that those were the posts that made me think, "Hey, this person sounds like somebody I'd to hang out with in real life... knowledgeable, witty, and supportive." No alterior motives here as I've always had a few few more female friends versus male friends in real life. Although now in the back of my mind I might start trying to even out the ratio by a smidge to keep it from looking creepy. Dammit, now you got me second-guesing myself! :mad: :wink:

    This guy, every word the same for me too.

    I think some people are just way too concerned with what everyone else is doing. I can't imagine looking at my MFP friends and paying enough attention to THEIR friends list enough to ever come to this conclusion.
