JUNE STARTERS ~ January 31 weigh-in

kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
:flowerforyou: Good morning, JS'ers!!!
This week will bring in a brand new month! I can't believe it!! This year is already off to a fast start. Before you know it, we will be celebrating our first year as JS'ers on MFP... Can't believe it!
Anyway, I'm starting our new weigh-in thread this morning.... I didn't see one already started.
I did a preemptive weigh in this morning and was down to 207! I was excited... I am hoping that by Wednesday, my weigh-in day, I can be down to 206 for a whopping 2 lb loss... We'll see


  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Morning - bumping for later:flowerforyou:
    BABYLILAC Posts: 148 Member
    I am back people.Fell off the radar and my weight have stalled.So I need to work harder now.You ladies are doing great:flowerforyou:
    CW 158
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey! Hope you all had a fab weekend! I relaxed, and it was good. I so wish I could get outside and run, but I'll have to go to the gym as we have 4 inches of snow! I can't wait 'til this winter crap is over. I hateeeeeeee winter and the cold. I aspire to live in a warm climate near the beach where there is no need for long sleeved shirts.

    My body decided to go bonkers this past week and I have been up all week (about 148.5). Plus I just felt snacky and couldn't stop myself. Luckily, when I weighed this morning I was back down to 147. I'm not expecting a loss this week, but maintaing is nice!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Good to have you back, Babylilac...

    Courtney ~ I agree about the cold weather... Here in Texas we don't have to mess with it that much... BUT I have definitely had my fill of it this year... We still have ice everywhere :frown:

    can't wait to see how we did this week!!! Good luck, my friends :drinker:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    YIKES!!! The yo yo went way way up this week to the tune of 5½ lbs. I know it's a combination of medication, constipation, lack of exercise, and binge binge binging for days and days. Oh well, what's done is done. On a happier note ... I gave myself some new incentive for the next few weeks. My hubby is turning 50 in March and we've decided to celebrate it in Mexico. I booked an all inclusive vacation package for a week in the Mayan Riviera ... I've always wanted to see the ruins. I'm hitting the gym to get my stamina up for all the walking I'll be doing while I'm there. Woo Hoo!!

    SW - 208.5
    LW - 180
    CW - 185.5
  • Good morning and happy February everyone!

    SW 182.4
    LW 139.8
    TW 139.4 (-0.4lbs)

    I'll take it! Starting tomorrow morning I'm getting back to the gym, I'm going to get back on my weight lifting schedule and a running schedule. There's a big "race weekend" in Ottawa in May where they have runners from all over the world coming for two days of runs (marathon, half, 10k, 5k, fun run, etc). Since there's a long time between now and then, I'm going to see if I can get back in form and at least run the 10k, if not the half. I hate the treadmill and it's too cold to be running outside (it's been about -30 celcius, or -22F for you americans for the last little while!), so we'll see how far I get over the next few months.
  • linnebooc
    linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
    About ready to scream and cry and throw things. I had gained a pound last week because of my horrible eating. Then i lost it... NOW it went even higher than it was the week before. What is going on??? i was good this week *cries & then laughs*

    SW - 300
    LW - 262
    CW - 263????
  • Good morning ladies. It's snowy and cold here...brrrr! I'm ready for spring!
  • Just a quick pop in to tell you all that I will not be weighing in this week. I was terrible last week and I'm getting back on track today (new month new attitude!) I don't have time to weigh in today anyway since I go to my doctor's office to do it. I'm catering a lunch this morning so I'll be getting a little bit of exercise today, and I want to get back in the gym tomorrow morning... except I have a CRAZY school schedule this week. I have like 200+ pages to read this week and 1,000+ words to write all combined. It's insane. So I'm focusing on getting my eating back on track first, and the gym if I have time.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I had the worst eating weekend. lol I wasn't feeling well so my OH decided to take advantage of my softened state and order pizza and help me snack all weekend. Hopefully I feel better by tomorrow so I can try and work it all off. I really need a couple hours at the gym....
  • Hey I just stopped by the JS website and I love the challenge for this month! I've been trying to do that even if I go way over my calories. It's not fun to see but it does keep me in check. I hate to say it's a punishment, but it's a way to immediately feel responsible for the poor choices that have been made.

    Speaking of poor choices :sad: i had 3.5 vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookies at work today! I can pretend it's okay because they were "healthy" but yeah not so much. I thought about skimping on lunch but decided that won't really help anything because then I'll be starving and probably snack as soon as I get home before dinner. I still have about 500 calories left for dinner, but I like to have more since I won't be eating at home tonight. Anywho, I just thought I'd fess up.

    I hope everyone else is having a better day!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I barely logged in January so I am going to TRY to commit to the February challenge. So far today I have everything in there, and it is pretty well a variation of what I eat everyday, which is why I don't log much anymore. I am pretty boring and don't change what I eat often. Although I am making a clubhouse seasoning buttered chicken for dinner. I know it will be yummy, but my sodium is going to be so far over. I just finished my lunch and I have hardly any sodium left for the day. Water Water Water I guess.

    Hope I can work it off by Wednesday. I hopped on the scale this am for a quick peak and was 149.6 (if you remember my goal is to be in the 140's this week). Hopefully all this sodium doesn't push me back up for Wednesday's official weigh in.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    YIKES!!! The yo yo went way way up this week to the tune of 5½ lbs. I know it's a combination of medication, constipation, lack of exercise, and binge binge binging for days and days. Oh well, what's done is done. On a happier note ... I gave myself some new incentive for the next few weeks. My hubby is turning 50 in March and we've decided to celebrate it in Mexico. I booked an all inclusive vacation package for a week in the Mayan Riviera ... I've always wanted to see the ruins. I'm hitting the gym to get my stamina up for all the walking I'll be doing while I'm there. Woo Hoo!!

    SW - 208.5
    LW - 180
    CW - 185.5

    Wow Magg's that it a brutal jump. Sounds like there are some uncontrollable reasons for it and it should come off when things get back to normal. Keep heart. You can get back to where you were.

    Congrats on booking your trip. I could so go for a nice warm vacation right about now. I'm totally jealous.:smile: I talked my husband out of our vacation this year since it was going to inconvenience someone I work with, now I believe I was insane. Who knew it would get so cold so fast.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    About ready to scream and cry and throw things. I had gained a pound last week because of my horrible eating. Then i lost it... NOW it went even higher than it was the week before. What is going on??? i was good this week *cries & then laughs*

    SW - 300
    LW - 262
    CW - 263????

    I am sure there is a totally rational explanation. Keep heart. I have heard that positive results take up to a week to show. Keep up the hard work and your results will come. If you go up again next week then scream cry and throw things, but I am sure if you keep up what you have been doing that wont happen.:wink:
  • Happy Groundhog Day everyone! :smile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    schlieffen ~ I really hope Mr. Groundhog brought good news!!! :laugh:

    I see a lot of gains this week.... Ladies, DON'T LET THIS DISCOURAGE YOU, BUT LET IT ENCOURAGE YOU TO REMOTIVATE AND GET BACK IN THE GAME!!!! Sometimes we need a good butt kickin' to get us in line... Let this weigh-in be your "butt kickin'" :wink:
    I did another preemtive weigh this morning because last night I ate BAD.... LOTS of sodium, fat and calories... WOO HOO... it was a party!! :laugh: AND I was up 1 whole pound because of it... So, I'm hoping today I can make up for it and by tomorrow, my "official" weigh-in day, the scale will bring me good news :wink:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Ug, i'm still sick. I feel worse than yest. I can't seem to get enough fluids cuz I don't FEEL like drinking/eating anything. :sad:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Aw, Busymom... I know how sick feels and I know it's no fun!!! Get those fluids down the best you can and get LOTS of rest... Let your body do it's thang!!!
    I hope you are feeling better soon!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Just a little encouragement I found on You Tube today... I think we can all use it this week :drinker:

  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Thanks for the motivation today Kandy! I'm not a huge Celine D. fan but I do love that song and it goes soo well with the pics!
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