JUNE STARTERS ~ January 31 weigh-in



  • I have my cals set at 1600. I gradually went from 1200 to 1400, then 1500 and now 1600. I might put it up to 1650 or 1700 soon since I'm within 10 lbs of my goal. I'm also doing weight training, and so I can't build muscle if I'm in a calorie deficit. But of course I don't think I could go into strict maintenance (I'd be too paranoid of going the slightest bit over) so I'm sticking with a small deficit.

    Good job on the loss Kandy, and I hope all our JS'ers get better soon!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    WOW.... It really must feel GREAT to be so close to your goal... My goal is sooo big it seems like I will NEVER get there.... I know I will, just some days it seems impossible!! The changes that I have made in my lifestyle have been so worth it, though... I feel better, have more energy, clothes fit better (some I have already 'shrank" out of)....
    congrats on being so close to your goal... It is a great inspiration!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Ok, I got the notion to do something... I weighed myself today holding my three year old daughter. I weighed less today with her than I weighed a year ago by myself. It was a nice realization.... When I very first started my journey, I weighed 246 lbs.... That is when it hit me "OH, MY GOD!!! I'M FAT"!!!! I NEVER in a million years would have thought I would have gotten that big... When I passed the 200lb mark, I thought, "NO WAY"... I passed that mark when I was pregnant, so I excused it as pregnancy weight, but after I had my daughter, I stayed up there... WAY UP THERE....
    Anyway, today, I am 39lbs less than I was :smile: It should be more, but I really loss track of what I was doing and fell WAY off the wagon... That is when I came back in JUNE to take hold of the reigns again... I was at 230lbs then... That is the weight that I have been tracking from....
    Anyway, I needed that encouragement today... Thougth I would share it with my most wonderful online friends :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Good morning, JS!!! It's Friday, which means there is always reason for celebration!! PLUS, I'm feeling much better... No more nausea as of yet (it's 8:07 AM right now)
    Our thread has been pretty quite this week... I hope all of you are doing well!! Stay focused!!!
  • It HAS been quiet, what gives?

    Glad to hear that you're feeling better just in time for the weekend!

    As for me, its a friend's birthday tonight where we have an ice cream cake.. it just means that I have to eat a lot less during the day to make room for the calories. I would exercise to free up more cals but I went a little too hard at the gym and my legs are killing me! So I'm trying to give my body a few days to repair itself... which is bad timing for the party tonight. Oh well, one day won't kill me!
  • I was up to 190 today but I'm pretty sure it's mostly water weight and the fact that I ate dinner like right before bed last night, but I guess I'll go ahead and post it. Still trying to stay under 189.

    I had a major breakdown yesterday, I was getting ready to go shopping with my bf and I kept trying on shirt after shirt and nothing seemed to look right he asked me if i was okay and i said yes then he asked if i was lying and i said yes and he came over to give me a hug and see what was wrong and I just broke down crying and he asked what was wrong and I told him that I felt fat. It seems ridiculous now, but I was just so upset. Of course him being the amazing person that he is assured me that I was in fact not fat at that I was beautiful, which made me feel better even though I'm pretty sure that's the response most people would have given to someone having a breakdown about feeling fat.

    I started thinking last night and I still remember the first time I cried because I was "fat", I was probably 8 or 9 years old and I was trying on this jean jumper (i know i was a fashionista :wink: ) it was probably the fourth or fifth thing I tried on for school that day and I remember looking in the mirror and feeling exactly like I did yesterday and I started to cry. Of course my mom and sister both told me I wasn't fat, but I thought then just like I did yesterday that they were only saying that because they had to.

    I almost started crying again yesterday when I thought of that story. I felt so bad for that little girl, I couldn't believe I was already crying about my weight at 8 or 9 years old.
  • Good morning, JS!!! It's Friday, which means there is always reason for celebration!! PLUS, I'm feeling much better... No more nausea as of yet (it's 8:07 AM right now)
    Our thread has been pretty quite this week... I hope all of you are doing well!! Stay focused!!!

    happy to hear you're feeling better :flowerforyou:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Schlieffen ~You know, you have done so well with your weight loss and getting your body into shape, that I bet your body burns up the fat from the party like it's nothing! Enjoy yourself tonight!

    Shannah ~ I think we all have those moments... And especially when we are so focused on losing weight, it seems to be at the forethought of our mind at any given moment... You have lost 30 + lbs!!!!! That isn't something to disregard! YOu are training to RUN A MARATHON!!!! You are amazing!!! That little girl looking in the mirror in her jean jumper has come a long way!! AND is doing something about her health! I hope that you can embrace yourself as you are today!! Love who you are!! We are all working on improving ourselves, but we need to be happy in the skin we are in... True happiness isn't a small number on the scale. Your BF loves you for who you are at this very moment at this very weight! You need to do the same!! I don't even "know" you, but from you being on the JS threads these past several months, I can tell that you are a beautiful person inside and out...
    Ok, didn't mean to go on and on :wink: I just wanted you to know that you are worth so much more than you are giving yourself credit for!!
    Happy Friday, EVERYONE!!!

    BTW: Weighed myself this morning and I was down another pound!! WOO HOO!!! I'm not going to count it on my ticker or anything... Hopefully I will continue the downward trend for next weeks weigh-in.....
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Shannah- I second everything Kj said!
  • Thanks Kandy and Busymom. You both made me smile :bigsmile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Hey guys I'm not going to have time for the website today. I'll post the ss but if Kj or anyone wants to go on there and do the spotlight of the week be my guest. :wink:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Hey guys I'm not going to have time for the website today. I'll post the ss but if Kj or anyone wants to go on there and do the spotlight of the week be my guest. :wink:

    Sure.... I don't remember the password and such though... You'll have to email it to me... with some suggestions :)
  • oops! forgot to post this last night- down a pound

    lw: 219
    cw: 218
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Aw Shannah your story made me a little teary! I still remember moments like that from my childhood as well. One particular: I was in middle school (where image is everything) and I like a cute boy in school. I had my friend talk to him for me and she came back and reported that he didn't like me because I was fat. It was the first time I ever thought, "I'm fat?!" From then on I've always felt bigger than everyone else. I was a cheerleader too, and at 150 I was a bigger one :p though I was super fit and had no fat. I'm just bigger boned I think. At least medium frame...I could never weigh 120 like some girls--I would look sick. Some people tell me now that I am thin and to not lose anymore. It sucks that image is so important...why can't it be about health? Sure, looking good in clothes is major, but more importantly is how your body is functioning; if you have a heart that can pump to your toes and your brain, and lungs that can oxygenate your tissues. Just sucks to live in a society where image is EVERYTHING.

    And congrats Kandy on losing, you seem to be on a roll!!

    Schliffen- I'm going more toward increasing my cals, too, because I am so close to goal. I am eating healthy and 1300 is pretty much never enough. I want to start toning as well. If I didn't lose anymore I'd be okay with that, I just want some muscle definition!

    Busymom- I saw you're getting your house appraised; you moving or doing some home improvement? Either way, hope it went great!!

    Yellowhouse- Yay for another pound gone!

    Shannah again- how's the marathon training going?
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Just wanted to wish my girls a GREAT weekend!!! :drinker: :heart:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Anyone else having a very unhealthy weekend? I have behaved very badly. Hope everyone else is stronger than me. Better pull up my socks starting today!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Anyone else having a very unhealthy weekend? I have behaved very badly. Hope everyone else is stronger than me. Better pull up my socks starting today!

    I had Chinese food today after church!!! I just let loose and enjoyed it! :laugh: :laugh: But, I haven't been hungry for the rest of the day and it's 7:30 PM ( I don't eat after 6)... So, I am actually under my calorie goal for today... I didn't just totally pig out... I kept portion control in mind and I ate a TON of fresh fruit...it just tasted so good, cold and crisp!!!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Hi ladies remember me? It was fun to read and see all of the progress you have made. I took a break because I was becoming so obsessed with food it was driving me crazy. I was bouncing between 144-149 and was happy with that-but I overate during the holidays and now I'm 152. I told myself that I would never let myself get above 150 ever again. So, I'm trying hard to lose the weight and get back down to where I was. I have a wedding to attend in September and I'm hoping that will be motivation to get to my ultimate goal of 135! Take care ladies.....
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