JUNE STARTERS ~ January 31 weigh-in



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi ladies remember me? It was fun to read and see all of the progress you have made. I took a break because I was becoming so obsessed with food it was driving me crazy. I was bouncing between 144-149 and was happy with that-but I overate during the holidays and now I'm 152. I told myself that I would never let myself get above 150 ever again. So, I'm trying hard to lose the weight and get back down to where I was. I have a wedding to attend in September and I'm hoping that will be motivation to get to my ultimate goal of 135! Take care ladies.....

    Hi there ... nice to see you back with us. Our most recent thread can be found here ... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/80588-june-starters-feb-7th-weigh-in ... come and join us there ...
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