can you pin point a moment?



  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    I started my own business 9 years ago and work 12-14 hour days sitting on my butt at my computer as everything is online. Not good for calorie burn. Also having two kids I put on a lot of weight. Managed to lose it all once after my last child, on Atkins, but started gaining back within 3 months. So I haven't been a healthy weight since the age of 22 and had my first child. That was 13 years ago. As of today at 35 yrs old I am 9 lbs away from being back in the healthy weight range for my height. I "wasted" my best 13 yrs when I should have looked and felt the best of my entire lifetime. I am determined not to "waste" any more.
  • kaceelawlor
    kaceelawlor Posts: 184 Member
    When I graduated college and stopped dancing, being active, etc. I danced for 15 years, was a diver on the swim team in high school, was on track and the cheerleading team in high school as well. Once I got to college, I gained a little here and there, but I was still dancing and CONSTANTLY walking around campus. Once I graduated, I got a desk job, stopped dancing and walking as much, but kept eating the same way I always had (I was lucky and never REALLY had to watch what I ate). I gained close to 15 pounds in a matter of 3-4 months. The one moment I knew I had to lose weight was when a *close* friend asked me bluntly, "Do you feel like you've gained weight since you stopped dancing?" It was right then that I knew I had to do something, so the next day I signed up for kickboxing, have been doing it for about 2 months and have lost 5 pounds already. Still a far way from my goal, but I'm making progress each and every day. :)
  • Tat2dDom0105
    I guess being married makes you more laxed since you don't need to impress anyone IMO. But now as i approach my mid-40's, i'm more aware of the downside of not exercising and not eating right, and that i want to be around to see my children grow up. Seen too many people my age that just let themselves go, and not really care about their health.................i don't want to go that route at all!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I have several that provided a cumulative effect. But, the last was the birth of my children. Prior to this, I still had poor eating habits, but I was way more active. Once my children were on the scene, every thing revolved around them. As it should!
    I was still active but it was an activity based upon raising my little ones. Diapers, feeding, baths, readings. Then as they got older it was school volunteering, driving to friends houses for play dates, etc. etc.
    At the same time I moved from a job where I moved about all day to a desk job. This further exasperated the situation.
    So, over the course of about 15 - 16 years, I went from "husky" to "obese".
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    My parents have always had terrible trouble gauging portion sizes. Dinners are usually 1000+ calories and that doesn't count condiments or bread on the side. However, they don't get affected by it because neither of them eat breakfast or lunch.

    All through my childhood I wouldn't ever eat all of my dinner because my stomach was too small. I never snacked throughout the day, plus I'd walk to school and back each day and also have P.E lessons so I never gained either.

    However, when I was about 16, I finished my GCSEs so I didn't have to do P.E lessons any more. When I started my A-levels I would eat really unhealthy lunches because my mum stopped making me lunchboxes and I would just buy crap at school instead. My friends started learning how to drive and giving me lifts home. And because I was almost an adult my stomach was finally big enough to fit in all of my parents' tremendous evening portions.

    The result? Gaining 30lbs!

    Fortunately, I've lost it all again now and then some :)
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    For me, it was when my Grandmother died. I gained 30 lbs in about 2 months. It was a miracle that I hadn't gained any weight up until that point... I drank about 6-10 cans of Pepsi per day, ate fast food almost every day, and never worked out for years.
  • shayyyface
    I have to blame puberty, bec i tried my hardest not to gain.
    Then that was a roller coaster, then I gained again when I decided to recover from EDNOS January 1, 2012.

    Its easier for me to pin point the one time that I decided I had to loose weight, and then the time i decided to loose weight at what ever cost, and the time i decided to be healthy.

    Those moments stick out more.
  • Pregnancy, but moreso the year or so afterwards when breastfeeding gave me an uncontrollable appetite.
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    I gained after the 1st baby then just gave up after that. 2 babies later and now I'm tired of "looking pregnant".
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I was *always* a chubby kid, but the moment everything went downhill was in the autumn of 2007 -- pressure of a failing relationship with my long term boyfriend, living with someone who was out-of-control when it came to food portions, and self-medicating with food after the end of my relationship with that boyfriend.
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    Two moments for me.
    1. When I stopped BMXing and played video games as a kid. I swear all I did was game and eat.

    2. When I was in the army, I broke my back parachuting.
  • cindl24
    cindl24 Posts: 178
    where it all went wrong and you started gaining? for me it was when I stopped dancing.. :-(

    From birth. I've always been told I was chunky. But now when I look back at pictures from when I was a little girl, I was actually thin and athletic. Go figure. LOL Now I am just trying to be less chunky and healthy.
  • martintanz
    Some of my earliest memories are of being teased for being chubby, so basically this is a problem that started very early. I managed to get things under control when I turned 15 by exercising and changing my diet somewhat. Managed to more or less keep things under control through the rest of high school, only to gain the dreaded "freshman 15" (actually more like 30).

    Than the middle of my senior year, started running, and cut back on sweets, salty snacks, and alcohol and took off 50 lb17s.
    Put some of the weight back on when I went to graduate school 18 months later.

    Lost it again a year after that by running, lifting weights, cutting back on sweets, salty snacks, and beer.

    Gained some of it back when I started an office job a couple of years later.
    Lost it by joining a gym, ...

    See a pattern?
  • fragrantair
    Uhh probably high school. I was mad depressed and wasted my life doing nothing. It was 4 years ago and I really can't recall any particular feelings or experiences of back then, it's all just emptiness
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    Uhh probably high school. I was mad depressed and wasted my life doing nothing. It was 4 years ago and I really can't recall any particular feelings or experiences of back then, it's all just emptiness
    I know the feeling only I was out of high school when I experienced the same thing.
  • HausOfTina
    It was when I was about 5-6 years old. I don't really remember. But, I do remember hating myself since then, until very recently. Feeling better every day. :o)
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    When I couldn't fit on the Superman ride at Six Flags after we stood in line 2 hours during July. I had to get off and could hear all the laughs..
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    when i started having income high enough for food AND bills
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I was doomed the minute I was born into a family that cooked and ate the standard American diet. It first started to show itself about puberty.
  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    i moved to hawaii, my friend worked at a pizza place and would bring home the leftovers.
    plus we partied too much.