Free Rant Zone

neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
I hate how when you buy something on, it keeps suggesting you buy a similar thing, yeah, like I need another camera, or GPS watch. I wish they would categorize things into consumables and non-consumables, so hey don't keep asking you to buy another $3,000 DSLR camera, as an example. It's just stupid.


  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    my cats feel like yhey have to dig to china to use the litterbox. ITS 8 INCHES DEEP. JUST POOP ALREADY!!! im tired of sweeping 6 miles of litter after you goobers fling it!

    im the only person who knows how to refill a TP roll here.

    when everyone else needs fingernail clippers, theres 20. when i need them...there are none.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    socks inside socks inside out.....

    use one glass only....don't keep giving me more dishes to do

    DO NOT LEAVE ONE DROP LEFT IN THE PITCHER or milk container.....drink it already!
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    im the only person who knows how to refill a TP roll here.

    Nope. I know how but I may be the only person here who has it cased.

    Do not store dishes and glasses in your bedroom. Other people like to use them too. And if and when you do bring them to the kitchen take a second to locate the dishwasher. It is not hidden by a Klingon cloaking device.
  • I feel ugly, stupid and I´m totally unloved...I need to be loved and cared for even though it is temporarily
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    Free Rant Zone

    Stop it!

    Man (woman) the hell up and stop complaining about everything little thing.

    There are legitimate problems that gets discussed over these boards. Many times rants that reveal potentially dangerous situations that need to be addressed by calling cops etc.

    But posts like these just encourages people to cry over every little thing rather than actually facing it


    ummm..ok.. that totally killed the mood...

    on that note, people who dont like to listen to others complain! its good for your health - LET IT OUT!

  • I feel ugly, stupid and I´m totally unloved...I need to be loved and cared for even though it is temporarily

    I understand...have felt the same way many days. Just remember your best days and your best moods and know that you will reach that better mood again if you sleep on it...And if it gets worse and you have a chance, you could see a dr. to see if it could be clinical depression.
  • my roommate freaking gallops downstairs like a horse instead of walking like a normal person

    said roommate also leaves like 1/2 a cup of water in the pitcher and i always have to fill up and wait for it to filter before I can get a drink

    i'm really nervous about cutting after enjoying 2200-2600 calories a day

    I am pissed that my clothes don't fit

    I have soooo much reading to do for class and don't want to do ANY.
  • I feel ugly, stupid and I´m totally unloved...I need to be loved and cared for even though it is temporarily

    I understand...have felt the same way many days. Just remember your best days and your best moods and know that you will reach that better mood again if you sleep on it...And if it gets worse and you have a chance, you could see a dr. to see if it could be clinical depression.
    No it is temporarily. I´m the only person in my circle of friends who is single as always, been that way for almost a decade, so yeah I sometimes get the feeling I must be stupid or ugly or something. Now my friends are too busy playing happy family they never have time to so much as chat, I´m happy for them, they have someone who loves them, but why do people have to ditch their friends when they find love? No I don´t need anti depressants for that.
  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I feel ugly, stupid and I´m totally unloved...I need to be loved and cared for even though it is temporarily

    I understand...have felt the same way many days. Just remember your best days and your best moods and know that you will reach that better mood again if you sleep on it...And if it gets worse and you have a chance, you could see a dr. to see if it could be clinical depression.
    No it is temporarily. I´m the only person in my circle of friends who is single as always, been that way for almost a decade, so yeah I sometimes get the feeling I must be stupid or ugly or something. Now my friends are too busy playing happy family they never have time to so much as chat, I´m happy for them, they have someone who loves them, but why do people have to ditch
    their friends when they find love? No I don´t need anti depressants for that.

    Blow it off & enjoy being single. Find more single friends. Give it a few years & they'll all be miserable &/or divorced & envious of you. Enjoy your freedom of being able to do what you want when you want. Go out, have a good time & just celebrate the fact that you're you & becoming the best possible version of yourself that you can be. =)
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    People who let their dogs off leash...especially when they see no problem with said dog running up to greet my dog. My dog doesn't like your time I may let her show you how much. :bigsmile:
  • I feel ugly, stupid and I´m totally unloved...I need to be loved and cared for even though it is temporarily

    I understand...have felt the same way many days. Just remember your best days and your best moods and know that you will reach that better mood again if you sleep on it...And if it gets worse and you have a chance, you could see a dr. to see if it could be clinical depression.
    No it is temporarily. I´m the only person in my circle of friends who is single as always, been that way for almost a decade, so yeah I sometimes get the feeling I must be stupid or ugly or something. Now my friends are too busy playing happy family they never have time to so much as chat, I´m happy for them, they have someone who loves them, but why do people have to ditch
    their friends when they find love? No I don´t need anti depressants for that.

    Blow it off & enjoy being single. Find more single friends. Give it a few years & they'll all be miserable &/or divorced & envious of you. Enjoy your freedom of being able to do what you want when you want. Go out, have a good time & just celebrate the fact that you're you & becoming the best possible version of yourself that you can be. =)
    Been doing that for almost 10 yrs. I want and need friends and as you get older it seems to get harder to find friends. I have tried but doesn´t seem to last for long. What I want is social life, not be forgotten about until they need someone. It hurts to have no one, it hurts to feel worth nothing.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    refill the toilet paper roll so the next sheet comes OVER THE TOP!!!
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Thanks neighbours for letting your visitors on Saturday night throw their cigarette butts over the fence into our yard where my children play. FFS you have young children too?!
    How angry would you be if we'd done the same? Disgusting.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    I hate when people who have never been in a relationship for longer than 6 months give me relationship advice on my 13 year relationship.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    socks inside socks inside out.....

    use one glass only....don't keep giving me more dishes to do

    DO NOT LEAVE ONE DROP LEFT IN THE PITCHER or milk container.....drink it already!

    the glass thing irks me soo much. and the one drop in the pitcher I totally agree
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    You LOSE weight and your pants get LOOSE. Kills me.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    I freakin' HATE people who smack their lips or chew with their mouth open. Oh, now you're looking at me & wondering why I'm gaging? Yeah... it's cuz of you. I promise.
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    Many of my American friends have no idea how to use a knife and fork and stare, slack jawed and my superior table manners.

    Here is a handy guide....

    The right hand does the cutting, the left the shoveling.

    If you find yourself faced with several sets of knives and forks, simply work your way in.

    Hold your knife like a pencil, simple cutting is accomplished not by brute force, but a gentle back and forth action, with light pressure.

    Your fork has prongs to allow you to load it by stabbing the food, using it as a shovel is less effective.

    Elbows off the table please
    Elbows IN not at eye level please.

    Taller thinner glasses are used for white wine, red wine goes in the fatter swatter glasses.

  • Many of my American friends have no idea how to use a knife and fork and stare, slack jawed and my superior table manners.

    Here is a handy guide....

    The right hand does the cutting, the left the shoveling.

    If you find yourself faced with several sets of knives and forks, simply work your way in.

    Hold your knife like a pencil, simple cutting is accomplished not by brute force, but a gentle back and forth action, with light pressure.

    Your fork has prongs to allow you to load it by stabbing the food, using it as a shovel is less effective.

    Elbows off the table please
    Elbows IN not at eye level please.

    Taller thinner glasses are used for white wine, red wine goes in the fatter swatter glasses.


    So this "The right hand does the cutting, the left the shoveling. " applies whether right or left handed?