Losing Weight To Get Pregnant!



  • skyylo
    skyylo Posts: 1
    I am trying to get healthy so when me and my Boyfriend start trying we don't hopefully run into any complications. I just started a low carb eating clean regimen, I haven't logged in ages I am hoping I can stay positive and continue on this journey. I am currently 25 and I am looking to start trying a year from now so after I fully complete school. I am so excited I feel that if I have a goal such as having a baby and having a healthy full pregnancy then it will motivate me to want to keep pushing. I am trying to lose anywhere from 50-80 pounds which I think is more than achievable for over a year.

    I was thinking that maybe of I got lower than my expected goal that when I do get pregnant I will put on weight but not too much and be able to lose it after having my first bundle...... I am so exited just thinking about this it seriously motivates me just knowing how much I want to start a family and build a life with my boyfriend...
  • Gingerrcrockett
    Trying to get the weight off from my previous pregnancy so that my hubby and I can start trying again at the end of the Summer! I want to be sure to have a healthy, happy pregnancy.
  • WaltSentMe007
    WaltSentMe007 Posts: 1 Member
    I just read through this entire thread, it's so nice to see so many other ladies going through the same thing! We can be here to support each other :)

    I went off the pill in June 2013, my husband and I have hoped conception would happen by now but on the other hand we have not been tracking my ovulation every month. I was hospitalized recently for severe allergic asthma which is new to me, I've never had asthma before but we just moved to a new state and I traveled internationally every month last year for work so I was very stressed out and jet lagged all the time which contributed to my asthma symptoms. It's under control now but my week in the hospital was a wake up call that I need to change my lifestyle and be healthy! My doctors have said that my asthma will not affect my ability to conceive or have a healthy pregnancy so that was good news!
  • leighcarine
    It's so nice to see people all sticking together, and having messages of support.
    Me and my hubby have been TTC for 3 years. I have PCOS and have been told by the fertility clinic i have to lower my BMI to under 35 well i am nearly there but not quite (35.6). I have been on metformin for 6 months now and it has helped me to loose weight but not conceive.
    Just this last push so i can return to the fertility clinic and fingers crossed we can have a baby, who is soooo wanted.
    We have the biggest goal of all, not a holiday but a baby and a family…
    Good Luck Ladies :D
  • rjt547
    rjt547 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat, but can't seem to make a change. I was 155 when I met my husband, gained 20lbs in grad school, and despite my efforts I GAINED 5 more before our wedding and another 10 on the honeymoon. I was 190 when I got pregnant in 2013 and now 10 months postpartum I'm at 195. I would like to get pregnant again but want to start off at a lower weight so I don't see 200 when pregnant, which means I'd like to lose at least 25/30 lbs before the summer. I was anorexic as a teenager and when I tried to stop the restrictive eating my behavior morphed into binge eating that has resulted in a 100lb weight gain in the last 10 years. I exercise and eat right all day, but at night or when I'm by myself I binge and when I try to limit myself I just end up eating more. When I limit or put restrictions on what I eat I feel miserable like I did when I was anorexic, even though I am obese now and need to make the healthy choices. I have to change my mindset to want to be skinnier and healthy for my kid(s) instead of for the reasons why I restricted as a teen.
  • sanafrq
    sanafrq Posts: 2 Member
    same here! we are planning on trying july 2015 and I want to lose about 50 pounds by then. I am working out and trying to eat right, because I want a smooth healthy, pregnancy...Here's to hoping!
  • LisaMS83
    LisaMS83 Posts: 41 Member
    I am so glad to see so many people are here for the same reason. I have already lost 30lb's and got down to 140, but would like to get to 120, which I have been before and I think looks good on my 5'3 frame! I wanted to lose the weight before I get pregnant, since I'm 30 now, and they say the older you get the harder it will be to get pregnant, so I didn't want the weight to be another reason for it taking so long... So here's to Future Bumps and slimmer butts! Anyone Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • XLau84X
    XLau84X Posts: 10
    I am no where near ready for a baby x although my other half is!
    My first priority is to loose weight x

    I already have a beautiful little girl so if I don't manage to take control of my (fat mess of a ) body
    I won't worry to much about having another x

    I want to be a a fit and healthy as I possibly can x hopefully I can take Control x
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    omg, it's my reason for lose weight!!! I want to be mother and I need lose 66lbs >.<

    ufff I'm the only one
  • aspencer013
    I am so glad that I found all you ladies that are in the same boat, makes me feel good to know their is support out their.
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Just turned 30 and celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary in June. We are ready for some babies! I have been working on myself for the past 6 months. I am down 18 lbs and would like to lose about 17 more before I get pregnant but we are actively trying so its in someone else's hands! I am just trying to be as healthy as possible. I log daily, work out 4-6 days per week (2 with a trainer). Feel free to add me! We can motivate each other and hopefully celebrate our babies!
  • MrWalkerswife
    Hi all, i'm new here...We have been TTC for 3 years with no luck. I have small fibroids but nothing that Is serious enough according to the docs why I should not conceive. We've been trying but no luck. I am overweight so im hoping that if I lose weight the process should be easier. I'm so miserable but hoping for the best. Just need some encouragement and I promise to encourage you all too. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • xoAnnettexo
    My fiance and I are getting married next September and plan on trying for a baby after that. I have about 170lbs I want to lose before we can even think about trying for babies. So starting now because 1.) I can drop weight for the wedding. 2.) So I can try and have a successful, easy pregnancy, and 3.) So when we DO have children I can enjoy all the activities and keep up with them. :)