SAHM 2/1/10-2/7/10



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ((hugs)) nicole--i know how much you love running so i'm sorry you have to take a break from it. but you are being smart. injury is not the way to get fit!

    thanks also to you and kim--you are both right. even the financial book i just finished talked abt starting where you are at.

    so i pushed myself to get out of bed at 6 am and did cardiox. definitely a challenge. and then i did 20min of a new stretch dvd--from chair and floor. THAT felt sooo good.

    healthy bf done. 2 1/2 glasses water done.
    i also have a sitter coming today. i need to catch up/journal--mentally organize/rest. i can feel when i'm running way low and if i don't get that recuperation, i fall apart. so, i'm taking care of myself today.

    welcome home hopey!
    signing off for now. i gotta get those lunches packed. later--
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Welcome Dolphin! :flowerforyou:

    I had a pretty busy Sunday & Monday. Church was actually canceled on Sunday due to the weather, but we were able to make it out early afternoon to some friends house for a luncheon/party for choir members & their families and new members. They already had all the food, so they still had their luncheon. The kids had a snow day from school yesterday, so I worked from home, which means it took me twice as long to get things done. Of course, part of that was my own doing. :smile:

    The living room is partly back together. The couch, end tables & treadmill are back in place, but Duh! DH couldn't bring the rest of the furniture in since it was out in our detached garage! So here I was after him to get the living room back in order, and then once he got started, I realized he would have to wait on part of it. He said he was wondering when I would figure it out! :laugh: But at least the treadmill is back in place! Although, I haven't used it yet.

    My goals for today:
    Drink 9 cups water
    No more than 600 cals over
    Do part of exercise DVD
    Walk at least a mile on treadmill
    Log everything
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Nicole, congratulations on the trip to Jamaica!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Nicole- We drove to the coast (in the pouring rain, 90 min away!) to have lunch and so that I could see the Pacific. It was stormy, and beautiful! And before leaving we went to Multnomah (spelling?) Falls. It was gorgeous! I got hubby a t-shirt from there. I also went to the Running Store in Eugene (I think it's the running capital of the world, so where better to be fitted for shoes) and got some nice running shoes...with NO sales tax! It was awesome! And my SIL and I went for a run on a trail that had beautiful panoramic views. I am going back in October for the Susan Koman race for the cure. i can't wait! And I may be able to fit in your suitcase....I wanna go to Jamaica too!!

    Stacey- enjoy some R&R today. I'm doing the same thing. Got a sitter for the afternoon so i can finish steam cleaning the carpets. I'm having so much fun and have already burned 1000 cals from doing it all morning. I moved the furniture myself and everything. I feel so accomplished! You seem like a very efficient person. I'm sure you'll get TONS done today!

    Goals for the day:
    eat to match calories- I'm going to be burning at least 2000 cals from steamcleaning today. peanut butter here I come!
    drink plenty of water
    go to bed with the house put back together
    Get DD from sitter with enough time to bathe her and put her to bed.

    Off to finish the bedrooms. have a great day everyone!
  • Nicole--ouch on the knee--take it easy. I am going to start folding myself really thin for the suitcase. I should get pretty good at it before you go. OH did I just find a way to get around weight loss? Folding--the new diet. :love:

    Amy--yeah on the LR--patience girl it will get here--speaking from the bathroom w/o a toilet here. :laugh:

    Great job STACEY!!!! Getting up early is so hard. I am proud of you for doing it. Pat your self on the back!

    Well I am stinking proud of myself today! I got on the treadmill this morning! Not my regular day too. Only did a short walk but enough I feel warm & energized. Who needs the sun--well I do.

    Have a great day gals!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey- That is is so awesome you scheduled me time! I usually wait until I am a hair width away from exploding!

    Kim- I like the new diet!

    To both of you, Yay! on getting up early and exercising!

    Amy- About the livingroom...I do that kinda stuff all of the time!:laugh:

    Hopey- Wow, sounds like you were all over the place! Did yo ujust go to Florence or did you drive up to Newport? I am guessing you went to the Eugene Running Company. they are AWESOME there! So knowledgeable!

    I am still behind on the water...ugh! I am starting to get nervouse about the dentist too....yucky!

    edit: this is where we will be staying in Jamaica. ·
  • Hello Ladies,

    I'm still plugging along and happy that I've been doing good for 2 whole weeks now. DH gave me lots of encouragment last night and told me how proud he is of me for getting up so early's what pushed me out of bed this morning when everything in me said "no!!" I'm doing really well on the workouts and decent w/ food, I think I could do better. I know if I try harder I could get my sugar down (I'm still over almost everday) but I also don't want to go crazy and then give up later b/c I found it to hard to maintain for the longterm kwim.

    Stacy-Good for you for making such positive changes so quickly. It's really amazing how fast things can change when we just set our mind to heading in the right direction.

    Nicole- You may need extra luggage but I'm SO in that suitcase with everyone else :tongue:
    I noticed you mentioned something about PH levels, do you do anything in particular to keep yourself from getting to acidic?

    Kim - Good for you for pushing yourself for your workout! It's inspiring to me and I'm going to work harder too :)

    I have a cousin who is a personal trainer and she "evaluated" my workout plan and calorie plan and said she wouldn't change a thing!! That was so encouraging!

    Off to drink my water...HOw many oz a day do most of you drink? I've been shooting for 80+ is that enough?
    Have a great day everyone!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, don't worry about the running this week. I will try to do enough for both of us! I feel sinus funk trying to come back on me, but not going to let it happen. Chugging C-Boost and Airborne.

    Tonight's main course is slow cooker chicken enchilada. Cream of chicken soup, sour cream, dry onion soup mix, with kidney beans, corn, and olives thrown in, and tossed over 2 chicken breasts, which I will shred apart closer to dinner. Intention is to serve it fajita style in soft corn tortillas with lettuce & salsa. I hope it will be good!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    quickie--amy and melissa good to hear from you!

    wtg EVERYONE! we are so crazy cool!!! look how everyone just keeps pushing and challenging and changing. impressive.

    well, it's almost 12 and i still need to shower and then get out of here for a bit. i did get the vacuuming and mopping done. and lunch. and now at 5 glasses of water. to answer your question melissa--i max at 7-8 usually. even with that i start having to just pee more which is annoying to me.
    nicole and trish chug HUGE amounts. i don't know how they do it--girls, tell her your secret!

    i also had to spend part of my "free" time writing to the school AGAIN. dd got a 48% on her last math test. hmmm could it be related to missing math instruction 3 days b/c of her illness (medication and dr appts)? was anyone gonna let me know she was not understanding the material? and oh yeah, she didn't get to do any practice at home cuz she's doing classwork she can't keep up with. hmmmm
    and now they're just movin on to the next topic. ARRRGGGHHH!
    i proposed that she have no test this week. that when we retn from trk break in 2 weeks she be re-tested in the afternoon (when medicine is fully on board) and then the two scores averaged. also, to do the other test that week too. that will give US time to TEACH her the material. reasonable, no?


    thanks for letting me share. it makes it less toxic inside me.
    chk ya later
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Again, Stacey, I commend you for being such a great mom and making demands to your daughter's school to accommodate her different way of learning. I wish mine had done the same.

    The secret of drinking enough water to sink the Titanic daily:
    1) Get 30 oz mug
    2) Fill it
    3) Stay wherever you fill it & chug until it's GONE. You are not allowed to leave water area until you drink ALL of it. This step should take less than 60 seconds.
    4) Refill it
    5) Repeat step 3 & 4 throughout the day until you reach 120 oz. It's not hard. It's only 4 mug fulls. 4 is such a little number.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    The enchilada mix turned out delish! I ended up chopping up tomatoes and using those instead of salsa, and just having the mix over lettuce instead of the tortillas.

    My cousin is getting married in June, and my mom asked if I was going. I told her I'd love to, but no money (family lives in NY). She then proposed that she would fly Grace & I back there. Which is fantastic! Everyone gets to meet Princess Fu, and I get to be with my family. My only concern is not having access to my precious MFP. I hope they will let me cook a few meals for them, and be understanding of the dietary restrictions I've placed on myself. I don't intend to relent while on "vacation". My family tends to tease and pick on the things that we do differently. Example: The last time I saw my favorite aunt (mother of the bride & shares a b-day with Grace), they teased me about all the various drugs I brought for our cruise. The whole time I never heard the end that I was a walking drugstore... until said favorite aunt got very sea sick on our cruise one night. Guess what! I HAD THE DRUGS TO FIX IT! LOL I didn't get ANY guff after that.
    So I hope they will be understanding of "Sorry, I can't eat that." "If you don't need me for anything, I'm going to go for a run."

    And please, God, help me to resist the magnificent beastly beauty that is the true New York gargantuan pizza! Oh and they have an AMAZING family-run bakery just down the street from my aunt's house. We've always gotten our special treats from there (like the past 20 years).

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hope I don't offend anyone while there.

    Just had a thought. Someone on another thread mentioned before they found MFP, they kept an actual check book for their calories. New day was a deposit of their calories, everything they ate was a withdrawal. Maybe I could do that.

    Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing and the hotel will have WiFi.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    it is hard to leave your routine and comfort zone. i get that. i've used a little notebook to log my food and exercise when i've gone to park city and in chgo. it made me feel better even tho i didn't have exact cals. in fact, b/c i didn't really know how many cals something was, i ate less. + i didn't want swelling b4 my reunion so i was espec careful abt salty stuff.
    i also bring dvd's so i can do those. i was worried i wd offend my aunt and cousin one day that i did 4mi walk while they watched my kids and cousins. i was rt there, but still. how obsessive! and then i even showered there!
    but they were so cool abt it. and supported my efforts. they knew how hard i had worked to lose wt last yr.

    soooo do what you need to do as long as you use your polite words. and bring a notebook to ease your mind.

    and how great that you get to go! i'm glad your mom was able to make it possible for you!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Well it's still in the works. My mom has a tendency to change her mind at the drop of a leaf. She's really fickle. Her response to most things is "I don't care."
    I hope she sees it through. I've always been kinda close with this cousin getting married, and absolutely ADORE her mom.

    Thanks for understanding, though, Stacey *hugs*
  • I stayed under on sugar today!!! I had chicken enchiladas too Trish and they were so yummy. Hard to only eat 2 when I would normally eat 6! I managed though and rounded it out w/ a big 'ol salad and enough water to sink the Titanic :drinker:
  • Well the anniversary is over. We went out to eat and I had salmon(too much of it) that was wonderful & spice cake for dessert. I am ignoring the calories & such because it was a celebration with hubby.

    Hope everyone had a great day!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey ladies! It was a busy afternoon trying not to get to crazy on Kyle....I just don't get the lying! I am so against lying!

    Melissa- I will get you a list of alkaline foods, but 2 biggies are celery and lemon. If you squeeze real lemon juice in your water(not the stuff in the jar) it is really alkaline in your system. It doesn't seem like it would be but it is.

    trish- I hope you pland on running alot this week for us because I am going nuts not running. On top of that Andy decided to make my birthday cake tonite (a month late!):noway:

    Kim- You enjoy and celebrate!

    Ok Ladies, wish me luck's dentist day. I won't be able to check in until tomorrow nite. BTW- I premade tomorrow nites dinner so I just have to turn on the crockpot tomorrow morning before we leave. It's Swedish meatballs! YUMMY!

    Edit: I REALLY wish we had spell check! What is a corkpot?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kim! how wonderful that you took the time to enjoy your anniversary!! what a + example for your kids too.

    to many more beautiful years (with completed bathrooms!)!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    good luck nicole!
  • GM ladies!
    Nicole- good luck at the dentist today. I'll be sending a prayer up for you and sending you positive vibes.

    Kim- happy anniversary! It sounds like a great date. Enjoy and don't worry about calories on big celebrations.

    Just got back from a 2 mile run (ran 3/4 mile straight for each mile). I had to go by my previous job after my run, so I went in there looking nasty to deliver some Mary Kay (I'm a consultant), and one of my old "regulars" was totally checking me out...ick! And it wasn't just me that noticed; a friend told me that he was "browsing the merchandise" and it made me feel yucky, but was just a tiny self esteem booster. I told her "This merchandise is NOT for sale!!" :laugh:

    Goals for the day mommies?
    Mine are to be reserved in cals so I can worry less about my bible study group's covered dish dinner tonight
    Do 30 day shred for additional burn
    Fold laundry
    Cook dinner for the sitter and find a healthy thing to bring to the covered dish so I have at least 1 healthy thing to eat
    Drink enough water to offset the Taco Bell I ate yesterday :blushing:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    GM everyone. Rough night. For those of you with ADD kids, want to trade? Grace had a reflux flare up last night. Puke EVERYWHERE. I wouldn't trade my Gracie, but I sure wish I could trade her disorder for something else.

    Going to see my diabetes doc for checkup this morning. I was hoping the weight increase from the race would be gone, but it's not. Weighing in +3 lbs from Saturday. Very sad. I will let you know how everything goes though.

    My friend is coming over to work in the studio today. I will probably go do my C25K when Grace goes down for nap.

    Here is one of the pieces we completed last month: Studios/100_8240.jpg Studios/100_8229.jpg

    She is 2 inches tall!

    Thanks for letting me share.

    EDIT: WTG on the Run, Hopey. And it's always nice to be noticed, I think ;)
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