SAHM 2/1/10-2/7/10



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    *trish--that horse is so delicate. you must have a very steady hand. what do you paint these pieces for? are they sold? do you do a collection and then sell them? i know you've talked abt your studio but i didn't know what you used it for. :ohwell:

    and no tradesies on the kids. puke? yukkety yuk sorry you had to deal w/that. and hope gracie is feeling better.

    as for your dr appt--3# compared to all you have accomplished so far?! you did a 5k woman!! you drink tons of water and are very careful abt your sodium! you do wi bl and others! you tried many new recipes! you lost mega pounds! you got your dh into working out!
    these all count too!!!! so do not let the post race recovery gain take an ounce of your happiness away! :heart:

    *hopey--good for you on the run/walk. that's impressive!

    it's gory but go to artschoolgirl's post abt her tummy tuck. she lost 115# and then had the procedure. big change. BUT you really may not want to see the pics--i got woozy. she took 4yrs to lose the wt, btw.

    goals today:
    no more than 500 cals over
    p90x workout (+ 1 mi walk w/leslie?)
    laundry laundry laundry
    and dishes
    cook dinner
    drink 8 glasses again

    and that is all. anything else is bonus! have a great AM!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Stacey - Good for you standing up for your daughter at school! Your idea sounds like a good one. I hope everything works out for your daughter! :flowerforyou:

    Nicole - Good luck at the dentist!

    Kim - Happy Anniversary!!

    Melissa - Good job on dinner! I would have had a hard time stopping at 2 enchiladas too!

    Trish - How is everyone feeling?

    Well, I didn't make a single one of my goals yesterday. I was too busy trying to unbury my guest bed for my parents this Friday. They're supposed to get here early Friday afternoon for Samantha's birthday party Saturday. January went by way too fast. I'm not ready. I will be, but I'm afraid exercising will have to take a back seat this week. :cry: I spent some time last night mending stuffed animals and organizing our consignment stuff. All my mending and consignment clothes/toys were piled up on the guest bed. Great place for it to keep it out of the way. Unfortunately, the guest bed is in the office & I don't go in there often, so I kinda forgot about them. My son was so happy to get his stuffed t-rex and his Wall-E pillow back tho! :happy:

    Today's goals:
    Log, Log, Log (everything)
    Chug, Chug, Chug (9 cups)
    No more than 500 cals over
    Exercise through vacuuming
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I've been following her blog. It's really interesting.

    The one I showed pictures of was a commission for a gal in Canada. She has several of my pieces. Most of my stuff is commission work, but some of the stuff I have are strictly sales pieces that I bought and painted strictly to make a buck off of. The sizes can range anywhere from 1 inch tall to over a foot tall. They can sell anywhere from a couple of bucks to thousands of dollars, depending on how intricately the piece is painted. The whole point is to show them like real horses at model horse shows. It's a weird hobby, but it's good money, LOL!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    I have a question that is completely non weight loss related.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to easily decorate a High School Musical cake? I can bake with the best of them! But my decorating leaves a lot to be desired. I'm trying to save money by doing the cake myself.

    I did it for my son's birthday in September, but his was easier. It was a Bakugan themed birthday, but he had science entertainment (dh did the entertaining), so I washed some of his plastic dinosaurs w/ the rocks & trees that went with them & decorated the cake with them. It actually turned out really cute! But High School Musical is way beyond my talent.
  • I have a question that is completely non weight loss related.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to easily decorate a High School Musical cake? I can bake with the best of them! But my decorating leaves a lot to be desired. I'm trying to save money by doing the cake myself.

    I did it for my son's birthday in September, but his was easier. It was a Bakugan themed birthday, but he had science entertainment (dh did the entertaining), so I washed some of his plastic dinosaurs w/ the rocks & trees that went with them & decorated the cake with them. It actually turned out really cute! But High School Musical is way beyond my talent.

    I helped a friend do a hsm cake a year ago. it was tricky! She bought a cake pan in the shape of a star and piped red icing on it around the edges and along the bottom, and did some music notes sprinkles (if I'm remembering right). i think she got one of those cake pictures and put that on there, but I can't remember. I know Walmart has HSM party theme supplies, and I know some of it would work on a cake. WTG decorating it yourself, I'm sure it'll look great (and post pics of it when you're done!)!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Thanks Hopey! I hadn't thought of a star-shaped cake. And that's a cake pan I could use for other things. I wouldn't be surprised if my son wanted a space themed birthday party sometime. He is really into astronomy. Now to ask dh to go to Wal-mart for me...
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Afternoon, well I had a wake up call yesterday when I stepped on the scale up 4lbs. Motivated now to get it before it becomes a problem like before, I would love to get atleast 10lbs down when dh gets home ( 2 if not 3mo from now) I know I can do it but I'm having a very hard time with my energy.
    Anyone have any suggestions? I don't know if it's stress with dh gone or what. I get plenty of sleep 8-9hrs but i'm dragging bottom coffee hasnt' helped, taking b-6, multivitamin, fish oil, & vitamin c. Even just sitting here i'm yawing so bad and I just took a 90min nap. I know i've been tired before trying to get up and workout but this just seems just TO tired.
  • Afternoon, well I had a wake up call yesterday when I stepped on the scale up 4lbs. Motivated now to get it before it becomes a problem like before, I would love to get atleast 10lbs down when dh gets home ( 2 if not 3mo from now) I know I can do it but I'm having a very hard time with my energy.
    Anyone have any suggestions? I don't know if it's stress with dh gone or what. I get plenty of sleep 8-9hrs but i'm dragging bottom coffee hasnt' helped, taking b-6, multivitamin, fish oil, & vitamin c. Even just sitting here i'm yawing so bad and I just took a 90min nap. I know i've been tired before trying to get up and workout but this just seems just TO tired.

    I think a lot of it can be attributed to stress. My DH has been gone almost 4 months and there are days that I just don't want to get out of bed. I try to stay really busy, esp. with housework and playing with Georgia and that ups my energy level. I make a to-do list every morning and that keeps me from being "too tired" to do anything. Also, exercising every day helps me. Where is DH? I'm sorry you're without him right now, I know it's hard. But he'll be home before you know it to see you looking better than ever!
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    Hey everyone. Did not have a chance to get on yesterday. I spent the morning shopping, and the afternoon at my friends house celebrating her daughters 1st birthday. I helped by video taping it so Dad who is in Iraq could watch it today. He left 2 months after she was born came home for 2 weeks in Dec. and that is all the time he has ever spent with her. Needless to say those 2 weeks he was home in Dec. was enough to get my friend pregnant with their 3rd baby!
    I behaved, there was pizza and cupcakes. I had neither. Politely saying that DH was cooking dinner for me and I didn't want him to be upset if I came home full. Ended up having just 2 cups of coffee.

    To Shera426 I know when my DH deploys for a few months you can hit a rut. I'm not sure what you finances are but I always like to plan a weekend some sort of road trip. Go away for a night somewhere fun. Change up the routine a little. And when you get back focus on yourself and your diet. Just a thought.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi all! sounds like busy stuff going on today. cvt--that was so nice of you to do the videotaping. it's such a special milestone and it will be great to share with the daddy. and pg again?! my, those military men are efficient! :laugh:

    oldest went to see neuropsychologist today for feedback on all her recent evals. it was a very + experience for her. YAY the dr talked about her strengths and what she's good at--long list--and some things to work on. dd's mood today was partly cloudy--sun can come out and rainstorms also poss at any moment. she described her little sister as a hot something b/c she always wants her clothes off, and her brother as mild and calm (right on). she said i was same as her.
    that girl is so perceptive! :laugh:
    anyway, she will follow up with therapy sessions for a while b/c she is old enuf to do some of the "work" herself. that is how it will be with bipolar---she will go in therapy for a bit, learn, get tools, stop for awhile and then go back in to work on next chunk. i'm just glad she likes being with the dr and can improve/learn about herself.

    also, this dr will be coming to the school to present her findings and recs for dd. that will be an important mtg and hopefully will convince them to add an iep for her. i go on and on or what? thanks for letting these floodwaters into this space. when it rolls around in my head all day, it makes it hard for me to get perspec and focus on my other tasks/kids. so thank you for letting me share.

    amy--sorry you didn't hit any of your goals. some days are like that---but good job readjusting your plans and expectations for the remainder of the week. that is a very important life skill.
    and how cool that you are doing the bday cake. check out for more ideas (if you need them); it's a disney run site so there may be tips. to have lunch and fold laundry. at least that stuff is getting done, right?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Just got home from doctor's appointment. My doc was exceptionally pleased with my progress. Best of all, my hA1c was 7.1, down from 9.6 in October. That's GREAT! I am on my way back to being poster child!

    So I haven't been really "feeling" it today (not hungry, just blah), and would like to bequeath 1,000 spare calories amongst you! Have fun dividing them.

    After lunch I will try to get my butt to the rec center at least for 20 mins for C25K. Then I have to clean house for company tonight.

    Dinner is sweet & sour chicken. Yum :)

    EDIT: decided to have kozy shack tapioca with lunch, and try to get a banana in after workout. Divide 800 cals amongst yourselves
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay trish!!!! aren't you so proud!!!

    ok, y'all know i goof around on the computer a lot. but i find some good stuff.
    some may be religious or crunchy, but i just take away what's useful to me.

    here are some of my regular haunts (just printed these to use with ds) (there's actually a whole network of "simple"--kids, parenting....) (internatl multiflavored family, on a mission right now which is talked abt--so preachy on that topic) (cool that you can type in data; not good for the pre-rdr) is another helpful website. i did a cute v-day craft from there w/3 y.o and 5 y.o.

    ok....that's enuf time wasting activities for you--for now!:tongue: seriously, tho. there are many good tidbits that have been incorporated into my life already. later---
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, my ankles were bothering me toward the end of my run. Any suggestions for good pre-run ankle stretches? I know how to do calf, quad, and ham runner stretches, but no good ones for ankle.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    almost done with the day...
    did 2mi walk/jog w/leslie, did abripperx, 100 cals over, dishes done, laun almost done.

    now to clean up the kids and finish the nt routine.
    and finish water.

    feeling good abt myself. :)

    hope everyone else enjoyed the rest of their day! look forward to hearing from you tomorrow!
  • Trish---jumping up and down happy that your dr appt was so awesome! It does pay off doesn't it!

    Stacey--glad the appt went well & that the feed back will help you & school work on things.

    Well my day was interesting. Not great, no bad just interesting. We were supposed to get up & get going on the tile early and get it done today. I should know when hubby starts the day by saying I have an idea I want to run by you . . . that things won't be going the way I thought. Let's just say the part that is done it looks great but it took longer than originally planned. (Smiling but sad it isn't done)

    Funny thing after my "splurge" last night I lost weight!!! Crazy--I am wondering if my calories are set too low. Well we shall see cause I went over a bit again tonight. I didn't walk today but I am going to try for tomorrow. I drank almost all my water and I didn't kill my husband. So again an interesting day over all.


    Stay under calories
    Walk at least 15 minutes--hopefully more
    8 glasses of water
    Fruits Vegies--need some more on the plan for the next few days

    Hope everyone is okay--quiet on here tonight!

  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    The rest of my day went a little better, unproductive but I had ME time. I still couldn't get a grasp on any energy so I had yet another cup of joe at my friends house. That seemed to perk me up a little just being down there and talking with good friends plus the coffee made me feel 100% better. Kids played great together it almost seemed like we had the day to ourselves.
    Hoping to get some really good nights sleep tonight to hit the day with a lot of rest and maybe get some things accomplished around the house. No plans so I want to try the list idea and see how that goes maybe if i'm feeling up to it I'll tackle the garage!
    Night all
  • The rest of my day went a little better, unproductive but I had ME time. I still couldn't get a grasp on any energy so I had yet another cup of joe at my friends house. That seemed to perk me up a little just being down there and talking with good friends plus the coffee made me feel 100% better. Kids played great together it almost seemed like we had the day to ourselves.
    Hoping to get some really good nights sleep tonight to hit the day with a lot of rest and maybe get some things accomplished around the house. No plans so I want to try the list idea and see how that goes maybe if i'm feeling up to it I'll tackle the garage!
    Night all

    Shera--have you heard of Flylady? She does a great job of directing me each day via emails. Some days the effort of deciding what to do is too much. Anyway I have found her helpful in getting my house under control & having direction for each day. HTH

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    shera--i agree with kim. another site that has been incredibly useful to me is
    the woman has over 400 lists of every variety. i use lots of them and they are helping me get my "office" organized and day to day life.
    there is a fee to join, but you can certainly skim thru the options and see if you would benefit from it.

    also, keep to 8-9 hrs of sleep. more isn't necess better. can actually make you more sluggish or sore. really try to get some exercise in---getting "juice in the joints" and oxygen thru your brain and muscles can also help bring in more energy.

    the garage is a pretty big undertaking---maybe one corner of it each day??? just a thought.

    altogether, it's good being with your friends was invigorating. your mfp friends are sending *!ENERGY!* your way today! :heart:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    gm everyone! I was too wiped from the dentist yesterday to respond. My jaw hurt like crazy! Today it's only a little sore.

    Trish-The best stretch for your ankles is the alphabet. you draw each letter of the alphabet with each foot.

    I don't know if I wrote this the other day, but I finally found my hrmonitor strap! YAY! I wore it when I did Yoga this morning, and woah, I have not been burning as many calories as I thought I was.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--((HUGS)) did they give you any pain medicine to take at home? i hope so. it's easier to manage the pain when you can stay just ahead of it rather than letting it build up.
    in any case, you did it, brave girl!
    that's awesome you found the hrm strap! it makes such a diff to have the real #s!

    get your rest today---let that jaw heal....:flowerforyou:
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