Ever get embarrassed about weight loss?!



  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    In the beginning I did, especially because it was other people who noticed before me! But now absolutely not. I'm proud. I've lost over 25kg, and I want to encourage others to do the same.

    Maybe that's it - I am starting to see it, but it has been slow and steady. Hey hum, I will get used to it/learn to deal with it in due course!!
  • LisabethG
    LisabethG Posts: 24 Member
    I agree. Their wonderful compliments seem to remind me I was really big when I started this!
    I love the attention for the few minutes and feel it reinforces my motivation, but then i start thinking,
    "I hardly got a hello when I was bigger, but now you're gushing over my 40 lb weight loss. Thanks?"
  • Jenky85
    Jenky85 Posts: 190 Member
    I get embarrassed if anyone comments on my weight loss because you kind of hope no one noticed you were overweight but by having people say you've lost weight you realise that people had noticed :( that's why I don't like people commenting.
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    I like it if someone mentions it or compliments me privately, but it is really embarrassing if someone mentions it in front of a group of people - it feels like they are drawing attention to the fact I used to be bigger, (and I find usually only thin people do this!).
  • jonesie84
    jonesie84 Posts: 73 Member
    I am starting to get embarassed more. Really i dont think its sunk in what i have lost because i usually respond with "oh whatever, i know i dont look good"

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  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    I have found that when I respond, "Thanks, I am working really hard at my fitness." that tends to stop the conversation. People in general seem to want to know about special diets and magic, they aren't that interested in plain hard work.

    Interesting, but definitely something I can relate to!
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm starting to get embarassed! But that's because I'm seeing a lot of people I haven't seen inages, and they truly are amazed when they see me. Most of them (if not all) have never seen me at my lowest weighht ever so they don't know my true body size at a reasonable weight. But hey, I'm amazed myself so I can't blame them for having their jaws dropped XD the reactions are funny at times, even my fitness monitors who see me everyday sometimes say 'hey you're so tiny now!!!!' And believe me, 'tiny' is an adjective I have never ever heard being directed at me. Not even as a little girl,when I was below my healthy weight for my age, since I was very tall.

    Just laugh about it and enjoy the weirdness and the awkwardness,because one day it'll stop,because everyone will get used to see your new you.

    Congratulations BTW!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I also feel embarassed when people notice differences in me. I guess it's just that our way of thinking needs to catch on to the weight loss.
  • Fugeela
    I get very emotional when people talk to me about weight loss. Sometimes I cry because I've always had a problem with my appearance and it's a very sensitive subject for me. I've cried many tears because of that.
  • Fugeela
    However, it's because weight has had an impact on me in my life. and I just feel that I still look "bigger" or the F word, "fat" (that word makes me cringe these days because it's an ugly word and unfair, because it's crude and hurtful often said to offend someone not encourage. At least heavy or big, or overweight doesn't portray anyone as less.
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    I have finally had a few people comment on my weight loss and it makes me feel pretty proud that I am having positive results on this journey. When they ask me how I am doing it I respond with the truth. The truth for me is that this journey started with downloading the MFP app to my smart phone. This really intriques folks that a smart phone app could help them lose weight. I then go on to describe MFP. So much so that I have to watch out from sounding like an infomercial.

    I have had one very positive reaction from a person who commented on my weight loss. About a month ago, I ran into an old friend and he commented on how much weight I had lost. So I told him about MFP. Well I ran into him again just a couple of days ago and asked him if he downloaded MFP and he said not only yes but that he had lost 8 lbs. Now he started sounding like an infomercial.
  • LennyInFlorida
    Yeah, I was at a party last weekend and a few people asked me about my weight loss and I said how much and then a crowd formed...I kind of felt like a circus show for a bit lol
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I hate the question,
    Have you been sick?
    I reply,
    Yea sick of being fat,so I did something about it!
    Food control and walking
    They usually reply, Is that all?
    and log onto Myfitnesspal
  • alw141
    alw141 Posts: 59 Member
    I have found that when I respond, "Thanks, I am working really hard at my fitness." that tends to stop the conversation. People in general seem to want to know about special diets and magic, they aren't that interested in plain hard work.

    This, for sure! They seemed bummed when I don't have some magical recipe for weight loss. Just eating right and working my tail off...literally! :happy:
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Oh... I almost forgot. I also get embarrassed with weight loss when it causes my pants to literally fall off of me. Like they did last night. :blushing:

    Luckily... I was at home... and only my mom was around.
  • CristyMusicLovr
    CristyMusicLovr Posts: 179 Member
    I get shy when people give me compliments, I don't like being the center of attention for these kind of subjects (only at zumba yes!) I've been getting way more attention from guys ummm still adjusting to changes. I'm losing weight slowly so I don't see the changes like the rest of the people sees them. But I feel good!
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Depends on how people say it. Lots of people say youve lost weight as an exclamatipn mark. I dont like that. I prefer them to say youre healthy or you look good. I lile people commenting on pretty clothes-it happens much more frequently now
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