Ladies 5'3 Weight Goals (healthy weight?)



  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    I would say that it really just depends on how your weight is distributed. Like me, I'm 5'2 and started at 160, I'm at about 145 ish now, but I think 110-120 is probably what it will take before my body looks the way I want it to.
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
    i am barely 5'3. my goal is 160. supposedly the ideal body weight for people our height is between 104-140lbs
  • ShiraDarling
    ShiraDarling Posts: 232 Member
    I tend to focus more on inches for my fitness goals, but for a weight goal.. I would love to see 140lbs on the scale.
  • gattlingums
    I'm 5"3 and would like to get down to 130lb again!! :-/ hopefully this side of christmas!!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I am 5'3 (or 5'4 not 100% on that lol) and I want to know what the optimal weight is for myself. I was thinking 140, leaves me with some curves and not twig arms, but what is the optimal weight? My doctor is "challenged" and didnt seem to think I needed to lose weight (I was [having now lost 6 pounds] 200 pounds which is a bit much for my height) anyways since she didnt think I needed to lose weight, she didnt tell me the optimal weight for my height.

    Anyone got any clue where I am supposed to be?

    I'm a medical student and recently had a lecture on healthy weight. I'm not an expert but I can do my best.
    Have you ever heard of body mass index (BMI)? Each person can calculate their BMI using both their height and their weight. The number you get tells you if you are at a healthy weight for your height.

    Healthy weight is a BMI between 18.5-24.9.
    Overweight is a BMI between 25-29.9
    Obese is any BMI >30

    At 5'4'' (I used 5'4 for calculations) and 200lbs your BMI is 34.3. A great starting goal would be to get your BMI down to 29.9 (175lbs). Once you have hit that you can work towards 24.9 (145lbs). I hope that helps! You should google "BMI calculator" there are tons on the web.

    the problem with BMI is that once you have a certain amount of muscle mass, it will tell you that you are over weight or obese, when you really are not.

    I am putting this to the test...I am 5'2" tall and I still have 60lbs to lose before I hit my healthy weight range according to BMI. It will be interesting to see how much I weigh, and what my BMI is when I hit 25% body fat.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I'm 5'4" and aiming for around 135.
  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    I'm 5'3 and felt my best when I was around 130-132. I have a small frame under this
    So when I weighed that I was a size 2, people thought I weighed around 110.
    So many more cuter clothes when you are smaller!
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm 5'3" ish:wink: I started WW February 2011 at a high weight of 250-BMI of 44. Switched to MFP mid-September and I am now down to 195, BMI 34. My best (lowest) weight in high school was 145 with a waist of 23 inches and that was working out at least 1 hr a day and eating about 1500 calories. I could never maintain under that at 15 so I am aiming for around 150. I may re-evaluate once I get close. I am quite large framed for that height and tend to gain muscle fairly well. I don't want to get hung up on a number, but on how I feel and look. My DH prefers some curves, I was 170-180 when we met 16 yrs ago, so I have no plan to be "skinny" I want to be fit and toned. I'm aiming for clothes size 6-8.
    P.s. If your doctor is so "challenged" that he/she doesn't think you needed to lose some at 200 lbs, change doctors. My doctor is very supportive of this journey to health. She also was struggling with her own weight, and last time I went to see her had also lost about 30lbs. I send people in Mid-TN to her all the time.
  • Khokolate1000
    Options 5'4 and im aiming 140 currently 163
  • smyr630
    smyr630 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my first goal is 140lbs - I am at 180 so I have a ways to go...
  • aimiee88
    aimiee88 Posts: 47 Member
    Im 5,4 and my goal weight is 140lbs, thats the high end of heathy for me apprently, but im happy that I will be in my ideal weight for my age/height etc...

    Im at 185lbs at the moment, lost 27lbs, and I think that my body will look way to skinny for anything under that, as I have always been big. :blushing: So will see what happens when I get to my goal :happy:

  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I am 50 years old....depending on which chart I look at I can be from 112 - 136 ...well I'm at 135.6 and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm working on toning up what I have now..but I LOVE my curves and think at my age 112 -- that's going to make me age and look sick. I don't have bone structure for 112 and really have no desire to be there.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm 5'3 1/2", my goal is 140. I will reevaluate when I get there. Might maintain there, might go to 135!
    I started at 220, and I'm at 195 right now
  • leahmfred
    I'm 5'4" and I'm looking to lose 20ish pounds, which would put me in the 150 area. As most people have said it all depends on your body type. At 150, I will be skinny (flat stomach, tigh arms, be able to wear a size 6-8 depending), but will still have a high BMI. I have a lot of dense muscle from various sports and activities I have been involved in my whole life. Muscle adds a lot of weight because it is so dense. In high school, I was the same height, weighted about 145, and had about 10% body fat (which is low) and had doctors telling me I needed to lose weight because I was over my perfect BMI. I was super skinny and looking at me there was no one in their right mind who would have thought I needed to lose any weight. Just be careful in getting wrapped up in just looking at BMI. Get down to a weight that is healthy for your body. My final goal is too look good in a two peice swim suit, and not being overly concerned with what the scale says.
  • rainbowsprite
    I am 5 3 and would like to get down to 140....actually would be happy with 145...but I think i read somewhere I should be 141 tops....good luck with it.....
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Healthy BMI for 5'3" shows 114 to 140lbs.
  • kandilynn03
    kandilynn03 Posts: 110 Member
    I was aiming at 117 because I like the number 7, but then I decided I wanted muscle, so I'm aiming at 127. (I'm somewhere between 5'2 and 5'3.)
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    I am 5'3/4 I would like to be in the 125 to 130 range.
    My goal is 130 by the end of February.
    Feel free to add me as your friend.
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I am 5'3" with a small frame and I weigh 110. I have been maintaining for over a year and eating 2000-2200 to maintain that. My BMI is 19.1.
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    According to most medical standards, the healthy weight range for 5'3" is 104 - 141 and for 5'4" it's 108 to 146 pounds. Give or take a margin of error as it differs a little depending on who you ask or what site you use.

    I wouldn't put too much emphasis into that though. Each person is different, and depending on your body make-up - your frame - your ideal weight may be outside that range. I believe that most of that stuff is based on old science that is not accurate anymore.

    In my opinion, I'd focus on body fat percentage. Calculate approximately what it is now, and aim for a healthy range. Here's a chart as an example:

    *General Body Fat Percentage Categories

    Classification Women (% fat) Men (% fat)
    Essential Fat 10-12% 2-4%
    Athletes 14-20% 6-13%
    Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
    Acceptable 25-31% 18-25%
    Obese 32% plus 25% plus

    Edit: Sorry the chart is all jumbled together. It's not jumbled when I type it in, nor when i edit it, I guess it just posts condensed like that :(