I hate drinking 8 glasses of water a day!



  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    The bottle thing really works for me too. I don't exactly drink 8 glasses a day but I am definitely drinking more water than I used to. How about fizzy water with a splash of lemon?
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I never drink enough water. And I'm doing fine. I know I should drink more, but, well, I just don't.
    I'm not stressing it.

    But I did read a tip the other day that might be helpful-

    Fill a gallon jug (or big water bottle of your choice) with however much you want to drink for the day, and put marks on it with times. i.e. drink to this mark by 8am, this one by 10, etc. haven't tried it yet, but it seems like it could help! Good luck!

    (small disclaimer- I'm no fitness expert, but I am a doctor. Kidneys are really amazing things and they are very good at maintaining our fluid status. If you're peeing all the time, you're probably drinking more than you need. I don't buy the "flush out the toxins" theory, but, that's just me.)
    Thank you for posting this!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I never drink enough water. And I'm doing fine. I know I should drink more, but, well, I just don't.
    I'm not stressing it.

    But I did read a tip the other day that might be helpful-

    Fill a gallon jug (or big water bottle of your choice) with however much you want to drink for the day, and put marks on it with times. i.e. drink to this mark by 8am, this one by 10, etc. haven't tried it yet, but it seems like it could help! Good luck!

    (small disclaimer- I'm no fitness expert, but I am a doctor. Kidneys are really amazing things and they are very good at maintaining our fluid status. If you're peeing all the time, you're probably drinking more than you need. I don't buy the "flush out the toxins" theory, but, that's just me.)
    That's funny...When I asked my doctor about taking whey protein and supplements he said it was fine as long as
    I'm drinking plenty of water. I drink over 100 oz a day.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    (small disclaimer- I'm no fitness expert, but I am a doctor. Kidneys are really amazing things and they are very good at maintaining our fluid status. If you're peeing all the time, you're probably drinking more than you need. I don't buy the "flush out the toxins" theory, but, that's just me.)

    Me too (and also a doc). I guess the point is we should probably all be drinking MORE as part of healthy eating. I dont think 8 glasses is a magical number though. I drink more than I used to... probably 4 or 5 plus lots more fruit and veg, green tea and a whole lot less sodium so I guess thats a win. If I had to count exactly 8 glasses on top of all the other stuff i need to count though it would just be annoying.

    So my theory is aim to drink more water. Drink lots if you like it. Listen to your body and drink some if you dont.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Why is everyone so set on WATER. Any liquid will do. If its 99% water, heck even 90%, your body is intelligent enough to know what to do with it between the liver and the kidneys.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    Why is everyone so set on WATER. Any liquid will do. If its 99% water, heck even 90%, your body is intelligent enough to know what to do with it between the liver and the kidneys.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    The most recent scientific research shows that you don't need to drink "8" glasses of water. Drinking water over sugared drinks, even juice, is important, but most of us get all the water we need from food (especially fruits and veggies!). This myth started with the all protein diet in the 60s, when it was important to drink that much to avoid kidney damage from too much protein to filter. Drinking water fills you up, but so does soup, herbal tea, tea, coffee, or a huge salad (watch the dressing)! I lived in Idaho, with lovely well water, that got me started on loving to drink water. I find that putting it in the fridge to let the chlorine of city water dissipate really helps. I also add quite a bit of lemon juice sometimes. No calories and good for you!
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    I just keep a bottle with me at all times and sip at it through the day feels not so bad then :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It took me a while to get used to it, but I love it now. I actually prefer water most of the time to other drinks.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    You CANNOT hurt the kidneys with too much protein. Its an old wives tale based on research around 100 years old where Dr's stopped patients eating protein foods which when in renal failure (working less than 15% iirc) because they didn't understand the differences between protein types, digestibility and the kidneys. These days only those in renal failure are suggested to control protein TYPE intake. On a HEALTHY kidney, there is little, to the point of being statistically insignificant, any risks and protein levels.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    You CANNOT hurt the kidneys with too much protein. Its an old wives tale based on research around 100 years old where Dr's stopped patients eating protein foods which when in renal failure (working less than 15% iirc) because they didn't understand the differences between protein types, digestibility and the kidneys. These days only those in renal failure are suggested to control protein TYPE intake. On a HEALTHY kidney, there is little, to the point of being statistically insignificant, any risks and protein levels.

    This is true, the only difficulty is how do you know you have normal kidneys in the first place? I would suggest anyone considering a high protein diet (and I'm not talking about just altering protein to carb ratios like most of us do here, I mean really high protein) should have a chat to their Dr first to ensure there are no risks for them.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    To be fair, when one develops kidney problems, the signs are fairly obvious! However yes, like before undertaking any exercise or significant dietary changes, it is always worth considering a check up with a health care professional :o)
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    To be fair, when one develops kidney problems, the signs are fairly obvious! However yes, like before undertaking any exercise or significant dietary changes, it is always worth considering a check up with a health care professional :o)

    Sorry, thats not necessarily the case. I dont want to labour the point, but I have diagnosed many many people with renal disease that was found accidentally and they had not yet developed symptoms. Serious kidney disease, absolutely has obvious symptoms, but early renal disease which can be accelerated by very high protein diets is not necessarily symptomatic.

    But anyway, I think we are actually in agreement re: water and I dont want to drift it off topic!! So guys and girls, make sure you are hydrated, drink water or other drinks to get there (and that does not mean soda or vodka LOL) and if you plan on doing anything radical with your diet / exercise seek professional advice. Public Service announcement complete! :)
  • pmar6757
    Wow, lots of good suggestions here! I like medium-temp tap water over iced (sorry sensitive teeth!) and I also find keeping a schedule is helping. One when I take my vitamins, one at mid-morning, etc. Or, LOL and somewhat ironically, I drink 8 oz every time I get up to go to the ladies' room!! But it is true that drinking lots of water help takes the edge off my snackey-ness. Is that a word? But you get what I'm saying!!!

    Thanks everyone!!