I absolutely hate running. I am slow, fat, and it's uncomfortable. I want to establish a new relationship with running. Any runners out there have any advice on how to flip my dread to excitement?


  • nikkinicole88
    nikkinicole88 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! I hate running also,BUT I have gotten better since I been trying to do it. I must say that it really hurts my ankles.. I wear running shoes and all but still my ankles begin to hurt some days pretty bad after running for more then 5 mins, so I have to stop. Running isnt the only exercise out there maybe try diff stuff. Running in the park is more enjoyable then running in the gym, to me at least. Set yourself small goals such as walk for 5min and run/jog for 2min... etc.

    Good luck. :)
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    The couch to 5K is an app that you can download for free that teaches absolute beginners how to run. It's a nine week program that teaches you how to run 30 minutes straight by the end. Each week has 3 runs and the runs consist of a warm up/cool down of 5 minutes each. The remaining 20 minutes has you running 30 seconds and walking for 1 1/2 minutes repeatedly ( can vary depending on the program you download). Every week thereafter increases the running portion and decreasing the walk portion until you are able to run 30 minutes straight. If you have an iphone/itouch it's great because you can listen to your music and it will tell you when to start/stop running. This is a great program for a beginner as it will help you learn to run gradually and will prevent injury from trying to do to much too fast. I hope this helps.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Just keep doing it. I was running a couple miles a day on the treadmill and decided to start running outside at the end of July. Hated it. Well, honestly just disliked it a lot but I still did it some because it was a good calorie burn. One of the guys I work with runs all the time and he showed me what I was doing wrong. The answer, quit worrying about how fast you run and just run. Run at a comfortable pace and enjoy it.

    I took his advice and I went from don't like, to sort of like, to like, and now I love it. I ran over 6 miles this morning, 4 miles yesterday, 5 miles the day before that... I might be addicted. Give it some time. It grows on you.
  • Colstriper
    Colstriper Posts: 71 Member
    I love running. Luckily I have a running trail behind my house. Just start by walking fast. Fast enough to get your hart beating. Then add a little jogging and walking together. Just keep at it and go out and do it.
  • Kellylynnhaynes
    Kellylynnhaynes Posts: 73 Member
    I too also dislike running. I want to love to run, however, I just can't do it. I can't run for 30 secs without thinking I'm dying & gasping for air to breathe. I do have the couch to 5k app, & when I have done it in the past I never got past week 2. I just gave up. I am going to give it another go & I will probably just repeat week 1 until I can do those three workout comfortable without feeling defeated. Then and only then will I move on to week 2, & I will do the same thing there. It'll take me way longer to complete the program, but at least I won't feel defeated & want to quit. Also, I've heard to just slow down & keep at it & you'll eventually get it!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You hate running because you think of it as exercise, you hate running because you do it because "it's good for you".

    If you want to change your relationship with running change how you think about it it. Go to a park and watch children playing. What do they do naturally? They run and they laugh and they run some more.

    Think of running as play not a workout. Think of it as time away from the shackles of daily life and enjoy it. Running is the simplest and purest activity in existence.....you put one foot in front of the other and repeat. Running is what allowed us to survive and thrive as a species and it's something that evolution really wants you to do.

    Having said that you need to approach it rationally and sensibly. Don't try to go from zero to hero, think in terms of baby steps.......short slow runs with walking intervals in between. Over time the running intervals gradually get longer and longer, your fitness improves and your life changes.

    Have fun. Go out and play!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I would love a good answer to this, as I would like to start enjoying running. I don't hate it because it's an excerise, as I do enjoy lifting. I hate it because after a couple minutes my legs feel like jello on fire.
  • lesliep107
    lesliep107 Posts: 22 Member
    Try intervals. Run 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes. Then once that starts feeling good, shift things. 4:2, or 3:1, etc.

    It wasn't until I started running intervals that I started running longer distances and kept at it.

    Intervals helped me fall in love with running.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    You hate running because you think of it as exercise, you hate running because you do it because "it's good for you".

    Having said that you need to approach it rationally and sensibly. Don't try to go from zero to hero, think in terms of baby steps.......short slow runs with walking intervals in between. Over time the running intervals gradually get longer and longer, your fitness improves and your life changes.

    Ditto! Slow and steady wins the race.
  • cyndymar
    I too hated running but I love the sweaty mess that comes out of running . You have to start off slowly every other day you increase in by 5 mph until u feel the most comfortable . At first it will be hard but eventually your heart becomes stronger and you are able to run longer faster . Remember your heart is a muscle and when you exercise it to becomes stronger . My heel hurts but as crazy as I am it doesnt stop me I just ice it after . One thing I started doing iw watching a movie it actually works and keeps my mind off of the treadmill. If you run outside don't forget your cap, sunglasses, ipod , and water = )
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    My first question then would be, why run? I love to run. In fact, I love all excersise once I've started, but running is the only thing I actually look forward to. But if I was just trying to improve my body composition, there are better ways to do it that don't carry as much risk of injury. So again, what is your motivation? If you want to love running some day, then get a begginers training plan (like C25K) and sign up for a 5k when you feel you're ready. Before long you'll love it.

    Or just do something you don't hate.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    From my experience, if you hate running now, you will probably always hate it. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I hated running when I started but I thought that as I got better I'd like it more. I ran for about a year and a half. Did two 5Ks, a 7K, a 10K, a 12K and two half marathons in that time.

    I hate it even more now than I did when I started. Sure, I got faster, by a lot actually. I got better at it overall. The races were exciting in their own way. But I just hate running. I enjoy the ARC Trainer, and the stair mill, even kettlebell, lifting weights and rowing machines. But running can suck it.

    Unfortunately, I've ended up coaching running. When I was training for my second half one of the women on my team at work decided that she wanted to run a 5K and asked me to coach her through C25K, then in the middle of that, a friend asked me to do the same. The coworker just ran her 5K last Saturday, loved it and wants to keep running to keep getting faster. And I'm in the middle of week 6 with my friend.

    Last night, while we ran, all I could think about was how boring it was and how much I hoped it would end quickly. But I have to be motivational vocally, so I'm constantly giving words of encouragement as I coach. But I'm definitely counting down the days to the last day of the coaching because I'm just so sick of running all the time.
  • ssimmons1086
    ssimmons1086 Posts: 8 Member
    That is super inspirational! Thank you! You are right. I think about how much I hate it when I am doing it.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    I absolutely hate running. I am slow, fat, and it's uncomfortable. I want to establish a new relationship with running. Any runners out there have any advice on how to flip my dread to excitement?

    Just keep running... doesn't matter how fast, how far.. just run! and try Zombie's Run!
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    You hate running because you think of it as exercise, you hate running because you do it because "it's good for you".

    If you want to change your relationship with running change how you think about it it. Go to a park and watch children playing. What do they do naturally? They run and they laugh and they run some more.

    Think of running as play not a workout. Think of it as time away from the shackles of daily life and enjoy it. Running is the simplest and purest activity in existence.....you put one foot in front of the other and repeat. Running is what allowed us to survive and thrive as a species and it's something that evolution really wants you to do.

    Having said that you need to approach it rationally and sensibly. Don't try to go from zero to hero, think in terms of baby steps.......short slow runs with walking intervals in between. Over time the running intervals gradually get longer and longer, your fitness improves and your life changes.

    Have fun. Go out and play!

    This! Absolutely this! Well said sir! :D
  • jessmastrilli
    jessmastrilli Posts: 203 Member
    The couch to 5K is an app that you can download for free that teaches absolute beginners how to run. It's a nine week program that teaches you how to run 30 minutes straight by the end. Each week has 3 runs and the runs consist of a warm up/cool down of 5 minutes each. The remaining 20 minutes has you running 30 seconds and walking for 1 1/2 minutes repeatedly ( can vary depending on the program you download). Every week thereafter increases the running portion and decreasing the walk portion until you are able to run 30 minutes straight. If you have an iphone/itouch it's great because you can listen to your music and it will tell you when to start/stop running. This is a great program for a beginner as it will help you learn to run gradually and will prevent injury from trying to do to much too fast. I hope this helps.

    I also agree with the C25K app. I used it and can now run a full 5k practice time of 34 minutes. I used to not be able to run for 1 minute. I actually have my first real 5k race on Thanksgiving morning next week, so I'm excited. I say try that and start off slow! Get a good pair of running shoes and comfortable clothing. Don't rush. Make sure not to skip your rest days, and find some fun music to run with! I find running fun and I am now doing the same company's 10k training app.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    If you hate running then don't do it.

    Find an exercise that you enjoy and will stick to. If you dislike doing something you're not going to do it.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Just keep running, just keep running, just keep running, running, running...

  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    If you hate it then why are you doing it? Why not find an exercise you actually enjoy doing. Who decided we all must be runners anyway?
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    If you hate running then don't do it.

    Find an exercise that you enjoy and will stick to. If you dislike doing something you're not going to do it.

    100% this! There are lots of ways to enjoy exercise!