Calling all COFFEE LOVERS!



  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    No I did not as I have not seen anything to indicate I should.

  • johnhowson
    johnhowson Posts: 73 Member
    It is real, fresh coffee or nothing! Decaf has a nasty effect on me - sends me to sleep.
    I have quit a few times because I thought it was becoming compulsive.
    Now it is usually one per day in the morning.
  • DeadAmbition
    I did, for one day. Kicked 3 puppies and a homeless guy.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So mean but it nearly made me spit my coffee out. Jk, I was drinking water.

    Don't even joke about spitting out coffee! :noway: That's wasteful

    :cry: Sorry, I won't do it again.
    lmfao, I was eating yogurt & I almost choked on it.
    but on a serious note, cut out coffee? god never, not not me, it's the drink of the gods ffs (to me anyway :D)
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am pretty sure that your research types have looked at coffee consumption extensively and have been unable to find any evidence of negative effects -- that is health effects, not unset stomach, jittery nerves, etc.
    On the other hand, caffeine is one of the few substances that has been shown to be performance enhancing. It used to be thought that you had to consume a lot (like 10 cups of coffee worth) to get a performance effect, and that it helped endurance. Now, I think, there is evidence of a broader effect -- not just endurance -- and that you can get benefit at lower doses.
    Now, this is somewhat controversial. I believe there are reports of a few runners who were using caffeine developing dehydration and/or an irregular heart beat. This has put a damper, somewhat, on its popularity.
    Also, it seems that coffee is not necessarily the best way to get caffeine's performance effects, pills and other drinks may be better.
  • lucy2fat
    I work 12hr shifts 7p -7a and if I didn't have coffee I 'd be kichin the homeless guy too. I drink it black and diluted with hot water. As a treat I have a nonfat mocho no whip. Yhey it helps dialate your vessels and helps prevent dementia.:drinker:
  • robyn0123
    robyn0123 Posts: 30 Member
    Coffee is my best friend, I don't function well without it!!!!:drinker:
  • KCrandi
    KCrandi Posts: 125 Member
    My nutritionist actually recommends coffee (With natural soy milk and stevia if needed) and he claims that it boosts your metabolism. He says it's great before the gym to give you extra energy, and he also wants me to drink cold green tea while working out... haven't crossed that bridge yet...
  • melanogaster
    I've given up coffee twice; once for my pregnancy, and once to see if it was exacerbating my migraines. After seeing me off coffee for two and half months my OB relented and said I could drink a cup a day, because my blood pressure was actually higher off coffee - I was angry, tired, depressed, and nauseous, even for a pregnant woman. I started drinking coffee again, and my blood pressure went down, and I was less tired, less depressed, and (importantly!) less nauseous.

    The second time, my neurologist suggested that giving up caffeine might improve my migraines. I gave it up for three months, and determined to my satisfaction that the only thing caffeine had been doing to my migraines was keeping them somewhat in check. Also, it helps keep me from yelling at the cat.

    Coffee's full of antioxidants, resulting in it being good for preventing heart disease and Alzheimer's. It helps control asthma, possibly due to its antihistamine content. It has been shown to help prevent Parkinson's, type 2 diabetes, depression, and possibly skin cancer. It's also frequently an effective treatment for migraines, and one that has very few side effects compared to other migraine treatments.

    I drink it black, so I don't need to worry about the calorie content. Sometimes I indulge in a latte, but that's a few-and-far-between sort of thing for me, and I figure the added calcium is probably worth the added calories. I certainly don't plan on stopping coffee again any time soon - the poor cat has been yelled at enough.
  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    I used to be a major coffee drinker. I measured my intake by how many pots of coffee I could drink in a day - not cups... but the cream and sugar were holding me back from meeting my weightloss/fitness goals. Now I have my 1 morning cup of (:drinker: pure bliss), Dunkin Donuts coffee with splenda and half & half cream. Sometimes I'll drink a cup in the evening (2 splenda & unsweetened almond milk). Have gone cold turkey before but I always come back to my cup of Joe:heart:
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    I'm sorry - I can't cut coffee.....I don't drink soda... need need need my coffee.... :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    I drink black coffee 2-4 cups per day and am consistently losing weight.
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    Not a big coffee drinker but I have one skinny latte every day so that gives me my daily dose of caffeine.
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 130 Member
    Absolutely love coffee. If the spoon doesn't stand up in the coffee, it's just flavored water and that's why I won't drink most coffee out there that you have to buy, like at Starbucks. One espresso in the morning, one in the afternoon, and if I'm have a really rough day, one before dinner. Or, if I'm especially crabby, my kids beg me to drink a cup of coffee if I haven't already had any. Don't ever see myself giving it up.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    They will have to pry my coffee cup out of my cold dead still twitching from the caffine hands LOL
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I refuse to give up my ONE cup of coffee and creamer. Yes, I want to lose weight and get in shape, but I guess it's just going to take me little bit longer, because I just refuse to cut out coffee. I can do without soda. Haven't had it months. I don't miss it. I don't buy it. All I drink is my one cup of jo in the morning and the rest of they, WATER!!! :)
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Starbucks is pretty bad. I do agree, but if you do find yourself there, you can always order a skinny tall latte, they are only 100 calories- not too bad :)
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I love coffee. I have at least one cup a day with a bit of honey and heavy cream. It tastes good and keeps me going, which is especially nice while chasing an 11 month old around the house all day.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I'm a diabetic, and caffeine will raise your blood sugar like any other stimulant. So, I've switched to one pot of half-caff, and if I want more I make decaf. I think some coffee is fine, even beneficial. If you're not having a specific problem with it, drink up.

    However, I do know one woman who put herself in the ER with an erratic heart beat after drinking three pots of coffee in one day.

    I thought coffee helped with blood sugar. Stimulates raise your heart rate and can cause an irregular heart beat.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    1 TBS of creamer per 12 ounce cup=35. I drink 0-2 cups a day
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    I drink 2 cups each morning but that is it otherwise I will be a jitterbug and not sleep good.