Girls only



  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    He has to be family orientated, funny as *kitten*, confident just short of arrogant.

    That's what I am attracted to.
    Thankfully my fiance is all of these things.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    turn on's: OPEN - new ideas, cultures, experiences - curious about life (other than whats been said above)
    turn off's - arrogance. FULL STOP. arrogance turns me off faster than you can say snap!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    - Humour
    - Accent (preferably American. I'm weird, I know)
    - Tall. Anything above 5"11 and I'm in love
    - Respectful
    - Smart
    - Gives me space
    - Outgoing
    - Someone who takes care of themselves

    - Bad breath
    - Arrogant
    - Tries to change me
    - Dumb and Ignorant
    - Makes me feel like I'm not good enough
    - Liar
    - Short guys (Sorry :( )
    - Tries to hide me
  • Trudyr777
    Trudyr777 Posts: 573 Member
    Turn on:
    nice eyes
    nice smile
    Smart (this is different for everyone, some people are book smart, some people are street smart it's all good)

    Turn off:
    bad teeth
  • nkturner11
    he needs to be stable.. have a job and WANT to keep working to better his life. must have a decent amount of money so i can be a stay at home wife, with a good allowance that he gives me for things I need on a daily basis and some more. A family man. Does not go out but once a month with his boys (meaning he would rather be with me) not playing video games 24-7!!! staying home with me but actually giving me 3 hours for a movie or dinner with me then he can do his thing at home.. someone taller than me. gives me compliments.! doesnt argue or get jealous but still makes u feel as though he is protecting u and watching over u... and i like spiky hair alot. and humor is also a huge one... but communication is key to any man.... and he cant be a cheater he has to be very loyal.

    that being said, dear lord please bring that type of man into my life and ask him to marry me and live happily ever after!!! hahaha... cuz im sure as hell positive that man doesnt exist... Amen...

    You just described my husband. (Except for the spikey hair). Lol! Funny thing is I wasn't out looking for someone like this, he just fell into my lap, and I lucked out!

    Turn on for me: When he surprises me out of the blue to let me know he was thinking about me. His smell. The way he REALLY focuses on me when I talk, like I'm the only person in the room. The way he encourages me to reach my goals and helps to make them happen!

    Turn offs: Excessive drinking, smoking, jerky friends, dishonesty.
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    Turn on- intelligence, empathy, honesty, good with kids/animals, respectfulness, nice smile, humorous, has his own interests separate from mine.
    Turn off- clingy, rude, cocky, obsessive, bad grammar/spelling, bad teeth, poor hygiene, too attractive (yes that turns me off), no motivation.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Turn on : Intelligence, intelligence and intelligence
    Turn off: Bad teeth
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A sense of humor and intelligence will turn a moderately attractive man into a god in my eyes. And I seem to have an affinity for military men, so I guess a certain amount of bravery and giving me that safe feeling helps, too.

    Arrogance and a mean spirit will get you nowhere. And a lack of intelligence kills my libido. Also jealousy and poor hygiene. Nothing worse than a stinky man (unless you just worked out or something).
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    DIdn't we just go over this a week ago?? Guys - really its different. Just as you are not attracted to the same girls your buddy might be; us girls have different taste too!!

    For me personally - I am first attracted by eyes and smile is next. After talking I love a strong voice (voice should match the man) and I love a good sense of humor! Intelligent and able to speak about many different things. All these things will come before a super fit body.

    Granted the eyes, body and smile is what will first get me to talk to you, but if you can't hold me in a good conversation...Bye bye!!

    There are so many aspects of a man that can make him attractive or unattractive. And I think the unattractive list is much shorter to be honest!! :tongue:
  • Ashleyyyb93
    Turn off: Arrogance, someone who is confident to the point that it becomes embarrassing, vain, No empathy, cocky, no care for their appearance, someone who is stuck on their x-box/games console 24/7, short (I know that's not a nice thing to say as they could have a heart of gold, but it feels weird for me, sorry :(), liar, commitment issues, sexist

    Turn on: Good sense of humour, Caring, intelligent, honest, good with children, lovely smile, someone who loves to make me feel special, nice smell, taller than me (I am 5ft 9 so quite tall for a girl), good cook (I am a chef myself so a foodie is a good match lol) clan and tidy around the house, animal lover. :)
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Well, I haven't been guy hunting since I was 20 when I met my husband, so while my attractions may be different now, I can certainly remember what I always went for back then. And this is in all honesty, if someone had asked me I would have said all the things these other women are saying; but if I'm speaking the truth, I typically fell for cocky, chest puffed out bad boys. I had so many guy friends back then that were sweet, intelligent, charming and just all around really good people, that never became anything more than friends. I always went for 'that guy' the guy that everyone was waiting for him to walk into the room because he was the most interesting person around, and while some women would say that these attractions lead no where, I would have to say that for me that wasn't the case. I met my husband based on these ridiculous attractions and could not have asked for a better husband/provider/father than he turned out to be. Although, if I got a divorce tomorrow, I would probably seek out someone much different!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    Intelligence, humor, good education, sensitivity, confidence, energy, drive, compassion, an understanding that men enjoy "male privilege," while not apologizing for being a man. Taste, or a willingness to be educated as to taste.


    Poor hygiene, bad breath, any of the opposites of the traits listed above.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    Turn ons: Intelligence, sense of humour, manners, kindness, knows how to let loose and have fun, considerate, and treats me well.

    Turn offs: Arrogance, rudeness, being boring, poor hygiene, selfishness.
  • Captainobvvious
    Captainobvvious Posts: 272 Member
    According to this thread I'm the perfect man... Yet there are no women beating down my door... Oh well.
  • Show_Stopper
    Show_Stopper Posts: 656 Member
    Humor, confidence, & respect for those around him. Smelling good and looking good is just a plus ;)

    this all the way
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Turn ons - intelligent, hard working, treats his mother/step-mother with respect & smells good!

    Turn offs - smoking, arrogant & negative attitude

    Brownie point earner - accepts & treats my kids like his own (which is why I fell so hard for my man! :heart: )
  • Chelseaax
    Chelseaax Posts: 197 Member
    Turn on- Nice, funny, intelligent, and respectful
    Turn off- Flirty, self obsessed ,smoking, drugs