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1200 calorie friends?



  • SimonSnewin
    SimonSnewin Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the advice Melo
  • SimonSnewin
    SimonSnewin Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for that... very interesting. I have just started this weekend.

    Could you advise please... my target intake is 1470 calories and I ate 1246, but then I cycled 60 minutes which added 1132.
    Therefore I have only used a net if 114.

    Is this a problem re starvation mode?


    How are you figuring your calories burned, do you use a heart rate monitor with a chest strap? Or do you plug it in to MFP and use that number? I ask, because MFP was giving me about 700 calories for 60 minutes on the bike. My husband, who is a competitive cyclist, burns around that same amount when he is racing at 25-30 mph with a heartrate in the 190s, so he suggested I get a HRM to see if my burn amounts were correct. I got the HRM and found out I burn less than half the number MFP shows. Now, I can see what my HR is and get an accurate count. I can also shoot to increase my intensity so I can increase my burn numbers.

    So 1132 for 60 minutes sounds like an awfully high number, unless your HR is maxed out the whole time and you are climbing some major hills.
  • amitchell039
    amitchell039 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I back on board I need all the help I can get. :wink:
  • lol@ starvation mode
  • SimonSnewin
    SimonSnewin Posts: 13 Member
    I must look into this more Debbie. I use Endomondo which tracks my distance and speed onto my Android phone and then updates automatically to mfp. I thought that 1,000 calories for a 14 mile round trip (60 minutes) was a bit high so I checked online and found a calorie burning calculator for cyclists. It seems what pushes my cal burning number up is my weight. If I was lighter I would burn less. In addtion if I cycle at "vigerous" rather than "moderate" speed it burns more.

    Also there are a lot of very steep AND long hills on the way to work and back, so this presumably ups my HR.

    I did try a Bluetooth HR chest strap a while back but didn't really get on with it as it kept losing connection with the phone. But that was with Runkeeper (not supported by mfp) so now I am using Endomondo perhaps it would be more reliable. Does anyone have any experience of this.

    Also anyone who uses a chest strap, does mfp take this into consideration when working out cals burned?

    Thanks for taking the time Debbie.
  • I've been at 1200 since I started about 4 months ago. I RARELY feel hungry, and I'm down about 35 lbs. Feel free to add me if you want, my diary is open. (Don't know that I'm much of a good example- I eat what I want as long as it's in the calorie goal!)

    describes me to a T...but mine is 1280 :smile:
  • Idka81
    Idka81 Posts: 42
    I'm at 1,200. I don't know how many times I've heard this starvation mode excuse from everybody in their mother. I exercise like a demon 9 to 11 hours of cardio and toning per week. I'm in great physical shape, but have been fighting the last few pounds mainly to get leaner. I've been exercising with no stops (only a week or two here for vacation) for the past two years. I've upped calorie intake and lowered it to see if my weight would change. I watch what I eat, but not to the point of denying myself things that I love. The only thing that has worked in helping me get leaner is a reduction of calories and maintaining a regular deficit. Based on my BMR and activity level the HB equation suggests that I consume over 2,400 per day. That is simply insane. I would not only gain back everything I've worked so hard to loose, I will explode from the amount of food I will have to force myself to eat on a daily basis. Unless I switch to junk food I suppose, which is not happening any time soon. If you're eating 1,200 calories, make them count by eating foods that properly nourish you by providing all the essential ingredients. If you feel great and have lots of energy, that is all that matters. It's tested and it works.
  • Mine puts me at 1200 also, I need some 1200 friends also :)
  • twoaugustgirls
    twoaugustgirls Posts: 20 Member
    My endricrinologst said 1200 -1250 calores for weight loss. I am trying a mix of shakes and food for my diet. Weight watchers gives a lot more food but it did not work so well for me. I lost 10lbs before and need to be diligent everyday. I cannot cheat even for one day without gaining weight:( So I need all the motivation and diligence I can muster. My work is doing a makeover maddness for % of weight lost, but calculating the fee plus persons I realized that my 3 collegues with awesome metabloism who weigh about 120 only have to lose 10lbs in 10 weeks, whereas I have to loose 20lbs in the same time and I struggle to loose while they both lost weight by accident, so for me it is a do it for me.
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    Feel free to friend me if I can help. :)
  • Sla6adm
    Sla6adm Posts: 31
    Yeah, anyone feel free to add me. I'm on a low amount too because I'm short, and not overweight (just a few lbs to lose). I've been a bit low for the past week because I've been ill and had no appetite, but normally try and stick to 1100 - 1200. I think this is ok for me as i'm 5ft 1, have very low activity levels and even my doctor previously put me on a 1100 diet when i was a bit overweight.

    I therefore get really, really annoyed with people a lot taller, or who weigh a lot more that say I should eat more. They have more weight to maintain than me!!! It is also harder for me to burn off cals from sport. Most importantly, I am actually following a qualified doctors recommendations!

    Alexe x
  • Diva1205
    Diva1205 Posts: 32 Member
    I just re-started this Tuesday, but I'm doing 1,250 a day. You can add me too! :wink:
  • im started last friday i think? and mfp calculated my calories at 1200 a day, i keep reading people saying that its ok for the short people (under 5ft 5) but i am 5ft 8 and currently weigh 201.6 lbs is this safe/healthy for me to be on 1200 calories? i would appreciate the advice thank you :) x
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    im started last friday i think? and mfp calculated my calories at 1200 a day, i keep reading people saying that its ok for the short people (under 5ft 5) but i am 5ft 8 and currently weigh 201.6 lbs is this safe/healthy for me to be on 1200 calories? i would appreciate the advice thank you :) x

    More like 1600-1800...
  • im aiming for 1200 add me if you wish
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    I'm 1270 daily, you can add me. I'm looking for support also..
  • SueSurwell
    SueSurwell Posts: 6 Member
    I am also on 1200 Calories but next week I hope to b able to get back to the gym so I can gain a few more. You can add me as a friend as I am new at this.
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    You can add me :) I am at 1200 calories a day, I do eat back exercise cals. My diary is open and is vegetarian.
  • sljohn84
    sljohn84 Posts: 107 Member
    Im on 1200 a day also, being 5 foot cant eat much lol

    Add me!