Merina IUD-5 yr. with Hormones (plastic)



  • jenbeck81
    jenbeck81 Posts: 13 Member
    I have the Mirena. Used it after having my now almost 5 year old, and then after my now 1.5 year old. The spotting is different for everyone. My first time I spotted for a month, and the second time for 2 months. It was barely noticeable.
    I did Depo before that and HATED it. I love the fact that I don't have to think about remembering a pill or an appointment to re-up my protection.
    I feel some cramping around the times I'd normally get my period, sometimes I spot for a day, sometimes I don't at all.
    Sex drive is low, but I'm not sure if its due to the Mirena. I'd recommend giving it at least a year to decide how you feel about it. If you hate it, just have it removed. Once removed, you can switch methods. Just know that once removed, you can get pregnant instantly. I was within 2 weeks of removal.
    I had a doctor once tell me that she didn't believe birth control was a valid reason for the major weight gain, its just a blame for a lot of it since its a possible side effect. If you're dedicated to your health and fitness goals, you should be fine.
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member

    I've lost weight since I've gotten it (well, I've also being actually trying to lose weight!). Unlike the pill it is ONLY ONE hormone (progesterin) and doesn't have any estrogen. And it's super low doses anyway, so it shouldn't have many side effects anyway.

    My periods are super-super light. I had no problems with insertion (pop an ibuprofen beforehand). And I'm baby proof for 5 years. AWWWW YEEEAAAAH. 24, never been pregnant before.

    I love my Mirena and it itself has not caused any problems. My periods are very light to nonexistent although I do still get some PMS. BUT, remember that you are NOT "baby proof"! 99% effectiveness means there is still a slight chance of pregnancy, and it happened to me. I don't think this means it doesn't work or that you shouldn't get one, but on ANY form of birth control think ahead and be prepared to handle it if you conceive anyway.
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    I know a few girls who got the Mirena IUD and they love it!

    I personally opted for a copper IUD (I am against hormonal birth control after several bad experiences). I didn't experience any side effects except for increased cramping the first couple of months. I would recommend a copper IUD to any woman who asked.
  • gjbaackers
    gjbaackers Posts: 3 Member
    I think people tend to voice their opinion more often when its negative. And don't think twice about it, if all is well. You will be fine, honey, think Positive!!!
  • kayla1125
    I got it about 3 years ago and I have lost over 60 lbs before I got on this website. It does not cause weight gain in my opinion as I have had no problems with weight gain whatsoever.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I think every person is different. I had mine removed after 4 yrs. Here is what I experienced. I had a period for about 6weeks and recurrent yeast infections :ohwell: after i got it but then only spotted then after a yr my period went away completely. I never had a issue until into the 3rd year. My thyroid slowed down ( which may not be related) and I started getting really bad pains in my lower back kidney areas. I couldnt walk it was so bad. My regular doctor suggested I get it remove.

    Once I got it removed my thyroid now test normal and never experienced any pain in my lower back or kidneys. I think my body was rejecting it. I do miss not having my period and the security of not getting pregnant.

    Dont be worried about it. If you have any problems with it you can have it removed. I still recommend it. I wish my body took to it better
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    My wife used Mirena and had a horrible experience with it. Everyone is different though.
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    Like everyone else I had my Mirena put in back in March, I have never been pregnant and haven't really had problems. It hurt a bit to be put in (like others take ibuprofen before) and I spotted for about 3 mnths(nothing major). Cramping was a little intense for the first 2 mnths, very random, but my Dr. said if you can get past the first 3 mnths you will love this. She was right! I still get cramping before my period and its VERY light (think pantyliner only light). I still have a few mood swings but nothing that isn't normal for a woman to have around that time. I have PCOS and the Mirena has helped me lose weight and clear up my acne (both issues with PCOS). I agree with all previous posters, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Everything has its side effects so just study up on it and know what the potentials issues may be. Also, have a great relationship with your doctor and communicate freely, if you are worried about anything call a nurse. That's what they are there for! Good luck!
  • annicins
    I just got mine last week, and I lost 2.6 lbs this week! I love it so far!
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    I've had mine almost 4 years and I only went that route because I'm not allowed to take the pill as I previously had DVT while I was on Diane 35. I have been putting off having it removed, but I do really hate it. My mood swings are brutal and my cramps are the worst they have ever been. I would have had it removed by now if I had another option other than condoms. When it's time for this one to come out, I will probably get me tubes tied as there is no way I will pay for another one of these things. The cramps and the mood swings aren't even really the worst part. It seems like my actual period lasts 3 weeks each time. I have a about one full week of no spotting, cramps etc. Hate it.
  • MandiK3
    MandiK3 Posts: 218 Member
    It wasn't great for my body, I never had a period I just spotted everyday for 9 months my string kept disappearing.. but in the defenceof Mirena I dont do well on any birth controll.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I had the Mirena for a couple of months.

    I was (and am) fit and healthy.

    I know how to eat.

    I watched what I ate.
    My level of exercise was unchanged.

    My boobs grew.
    They were painful 24/7
    I gained about 8 pounds. Not earth shattering, but then, it was only a couple of months.

    I had the mirena removed and immediately had a hormone crash that the doctor compared to post partum depression.

    I object to folks who have a good experience so they write off the experiences of others as "excuses". It's insulting.
    Hormones affect different folks differently. I respect that others have a positive experience with mirena.

    If you've had good luck with hormonal BC before you may have no ill effects. I don't know.

    I can only tell you what MY experience was. You couldn't pay me enough money to convince me to have one again.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I know plenty of women who had no problems with it. Personally, it caused me to gain 25 pounds and made it literally impossible to lose weight. Within a month after having it out, I was down 7 pounds and I wasn't even trying.

    I had it out and had a tubal and ablation and I love it so far, but it's only been a few weeks.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Bad stories = tell EVERYONE.

    Good stories = tell no one.

    I have it. I love it. Weight gain is highly unlikely - occurs in less than 1% of those in clinical trials. My acne is the the as before - I break out during "that time" of the month. I am one of the 20% that did lose their period, but I still have other symptoms, like the acne. Otherwise, life is good. I'm about 2.5 years in, and I haven't given much thought to life after Mirena, but I have plenty of time to figure that out. :-)
  • Dani76babi
    Dani76babi Posts: 82 Member
    I have had mine for a year now and Love it. I read the horror stories too and worried for 2-3 weeks before I finally decided to give it a try. But now, I tend to forget about it... it never bothers me, I don't have period anymore (only occasional spotting), my crazy pms mood swings vanished, no more acne than usual, and I didnt have to worry about remembering to take a pill at the same time everyday. My insurance paid for most of it too, so it was more cost effective than continually buying more packs of the pill.

    I did agree with what someone stated earlier here, My boobs definitely grew after mirena was put in. But the weight I gained around that time, I wouldnt say was caused by mirena, it was more than likely my bad eating habits at the time plus my high stress levels then.

    I have never had children, so the doctors were slightly hesitant at first about putting it in, but they checked and decided I could handle it. When they first put it in, the cramps literally knocked me on my feet for a few hours. The first month I bled quite a bit But after that, I was good to go. Again, everyone's bodies could react differently.

    The only drawback I really could complain about, is when the string pokes my fiance.... But we both think that discomfort is worth knowing that we are not going to be parents yet.
  • 86rollyb
    86rollyb Posts: 72 Member
    I didn't mean that everybody that gains weight is using it as an excuse.... But I do think that it is a lot less common then a google search will lead you to believe. Weight loss is also listed as a possible side effect of the Mirena so maybe you will get lucky :)
  • 86rollyb
    86rollyb Posts: 72 Member
    And "chit chat" = not regarding weight loss. This post is a question directly related to weight loss so I'm pretty sure it's in the right place.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks for all the replies..This is pertaining to weight loss so as others have said previously..The question is in the right place. I am not needing it as a birth control method..It is to slow down that TOM because it is soooo bad that it has caused severe anemia. The copper one will not work as it does not have hormones in it and per the Dr. I need the one with hormones to thin the lining of my uterus which is really thick.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    ALSO..another thing I don't like is that I have to have it done during that TOM and that makes me sooo uncomfy just thinking about it. So does that mean since I normally go 7 days it is gone drag to more days once I get this done Wed?
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    CORRECT!!! :)
    And "chit chat" = not regarding weight loss. This post is a question directly related to weight loss so I'm pretty sure it's in the right place.