About 600lbs, Time to Lose a Few



  • deekay8507
    deekay8507 Posts: 41 Member
    You can do this!
  • rogueriverbrat
    rogueriverbrat Posts: 115 Member
    Please feel free to add me, Stay strong and if you fall off your diet get back on it and keep going,We are all trying to lose so we are here for you :)
  • jwenick
    jwenick Posts: 14 Member
    I would also love to add you and cheer you on! Kudos to you for having the courage to start this journey!! The first few days are hard...but if you can hang in there, you'll notice the better you eat, the better you'll feel...and the hunger pangs (or cravings) will go by the wayside. Give it time and a little patience -- you'll get there...and the fitness pal community will help you :-)
  • k8ecakes
    Dani , you are making an amazing choice and i'd like to add you as a friend to follow your journey!!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I am not your size, but I support you 100%. Best of luck. Remember you are in this for the long haul, so please take it one day at a time! Ask for help when you get stuck. I am really proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself for getting started :).
  • dania201
    dania201 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the support, everyone. I feel a little bad for accepting it, because history says that I'm not much good at losing weight. The holidays added a few more, I'm farther into the 600's now--I really need to stop getting heavier since getting around is so hard right now. :(

    If I could stop gaining and get back into the 500's by the end of the year, that would be really amazing. It would be nice to have next Christmas without having to stress about my weight.
  • vowsllc
    vowsllc Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck on your journey to losing weight..... I think you are amazing to acknowledge your weakness and is gonna strive to loss better.
  • mogzBH
    mogzBH Posts: 50
    Dani, you've already done something really hard in taking this first step towards a healthier you so you're already really well equipped to face the challenges ahead. I hope you find some great advice and support on these forums, I'm going to send you a friend request and you can feel free to message me at any time. Good luck on your journey.
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    Dani, most of us have made multiple attempts to lose weight in the past, too. No one expects you to be perfect. We don't expect that of ourselves so we can't expect it from other people. You're a winner as long as you're still in the game.

    I'd be happy to offer my support and friendship, too.
  • Megz2006
    Megz2006 Posts: 122 Member
    Dani, good job taking the next step to losing weight and feeling better. If you need support we are here for you. Just remember you need to do this for you and your health. You are a strong person :-)
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks for the support, everyone. I feel a little bad for accepting it, because history says that I'm not much good at losing weight. The holidays added a few more, I'm farther into the 600's now--I really need to stop getting heavier since getting around is so hard right now. :(

    If I could stop gaining and get back into the 500's by the end of the year, that would be really amazing. It would be nice to have next Christmas without having to stress about my weight.

    Hello my friend! Since we have talked- I am worried about you, and you can see the very great support you will get here. But its up to you. Can we ask what has your dr advised for support here? Food clearly is psychological for you (and for many of us).
    Why am I putting this on the main board instead of a message? Because this thread represents all the ones who are here to help you- please let us be whatever we can for you :) Hugs girl!!!
  • beccaboo2001
    beccaboo2001 Posts: 20 Member
    You can totally do it! Start slow with food adjustments. And to be honest, you may be hungry at first, and that's ok. It's a struggle the first few days, but after that it becomes a new "new" for you. I'd like to friend you to show you some support! I have a heck of a time too! So I understand!
  • mrudick74
    Dani, my husband is over 400 pounds. he is on here with me to get healthy. if you would like to add me as a friend i would be happy to support you and have you on my support team. the most important thing to remember is every movement you do can burn calories. before you know it those pounds will melt away. have faith in yourself, i have all the faith in the world you can do it. loves and hugs to you and your journey to a new you. :flowerforyou:
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Welcome aboard. You can do this but you have to really want too. Sure it will be hard from time to time and you might go over your calories on some days but hopefully not many just make sure if you to jump right back on track the next day. You will feel so much better once you start losing the weight. Make small goals and you will succeed. Look at this as a lifestyle change so don't give up your favorites just eat them in moderation. I just tell myself I can have some more of that tomorrow :}.
  • 2blessed1022
    2blessed1022 Posts: 1 Member
    :happy: Hi at 435 I want to live so we can do this
  • ginsmar
    ginsmar Posts: 12 Member
    good luck , you will find it challenging and rewarding, stay steady at it and you will see results,program does work. I started last on Jan 1 and by Dec 12 lost 100lbs, i still want to lose another 60-70 this year as my goal. I found it easy to start slow in exercise routine and just ramped up the # of repetitions over time (every month or so). I made it a point to allow myself 3--4 hrs of workout time per week, it works and i do it at home.
    also, do more than just use weight as the guide,measure arms, legs, waist etc on a set time (ie once a month or so) and you will see changes, and you get to toss old clothes, i did....
    if you have a bad day, there is tomorrow, but i always try to keep to my goal for the 7 days.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    You can do this. You truly, truly can. But you need to believe this for yourself. For all the support we can offer you, you need to help, too.

    Don't aim for perfect. No one is perfect. Aim for little successes and build on them, day by day, little by little. Everything takes practice. Even this.

    I began at 410, almost two years ago, I'm only down 60, but I haven't yet given up, and that's the key, the big one. Not giving up.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    The past is gone along with all failed attempts. Live for today and tomorrow.

    I agree that replacing all sugary drinks is a really good place to start. Drink water instead. You can flavor it if you want. I've been putting a slice of lime into my water today. Slice strawberries are excellent, too, but I don't have any right now.

    Also log everything you eat under food. It can seem like an awful chore at first, but it will give you a lot of valuable information that you can print off and take to your doctor.

    Best wishes. I have far less to lose but some days are a struggle.
  • make_it_so
    make_it_so Posts: 40 Member
    I just wanted to make a comment about the soda thing. If you like sodas like most of us, you can switch to zero calorie sodas and after a while, you will not remember what regular ones taste like and still get your sweet fix at 0 calories per serving! I used to drink sweet tea all the time, but now I prefer unsweet with splenda added.

    Also I just wanted to say that everyone wants you to succeed! Good luck and keep us posted on your success!
  • gilmoredl
    gilmoredl Posts: 8 Member
    You can do it. I can't lie and say that it'll be easy. You already know that it won't be but in a few months the feeling of progress will be worth it. I've started and stopped trying to be healthy so many times but seeing others that want to do this gives me motivation. It's not just for vanity, it's for health and living the best life possible. Best of luck and I hope to see you around!