Embarrassing Moments



  • reteed
    reteed Posts: 22 Member
    My daughter got to throw out the first pitch at a major league baseball game. I got to go out on the field with her. After coming out of the dugout, I tripped over first base and fell flat on my face in front of 14,000 fans.

    I have also been at a Coca Cola dinner and ordered a Diet Pepsi to drink.
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    I was screening a patient for a upcoming medical procedure and ask about any prior surgery and he told me he had a recent autopsy .. LOL I had to put him on hold to compose myself and just marked biopsy off and went on with my screening..
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    As a freshman in college, not yet accustomed to alcohol. . .I imbibed a bit too much one evening early in the year. I then proceeded to bend the ear of this pleasant young gal about how hot the guy we were hanging out with was, and why i couldn't understand why he wasn't in to me, blah, blah, blah. . . .Found out the next day he was kinda dating HER!!! Ooops. . .better. . . she was in my biology class and came over and sat right down next to me on Monday. I wanted to crawl under the desk!!!

    insert foot in mouth
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    I only have a million...but one that sticks out happened a few years ago. I was breaking a horse, and it wasn't going well AT ALL. He bucked me off, and my shirt caught on the horn, ripping it off of me. The next week, he tossed me again. This time, I took the horn down my pants and he about pulled those off too. :noway:

    For some reason I am picturing you breaking in a unicorn.........or is it just me? :huh:
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I have a lot of them too. The one that sticks in my mind was when I was walking down the sidewalk as these two guys who were standing on the corner obviously were checking me out. So I start putting it on swaying my hips thinking I must really look hot today. Just as I go close to them, I slipped and fell. I didn't get hurt, but I hear them trying not to laugh as I ducked into the closest building. If it were a snowy or icy walkway, I could understand it. But it was dry and in the middle of summer!

    oh boy... hehe

    did you have a nice trip?
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I was training my two rescue dogs on leashes in a park.. They are large breeds and had spent most of their lives in a shelter so this was a challenge. Well, the park was a leash on only park, but that doesn't often stop ppl from unleashing theirs in my town. Well some person unleashed their two teacup breeds dogs that came barreling towards us.. my dogs went insane, slammed me chest first into a metal trash can that was bolted to the ground. I lost my breath and hit the ground and was dragged several feet... which made my pants drop to my ankles... wasn't wearing.... sigh... underwear

    Oh my god... now this is a candidate for the winner of this thread in my eyes so far... wow.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    My daughter got to throw out the first pitch at a major league baseball game. I got to go out on the field with her. After coming out of the dugout, I tripped over first base and fell flat on my face in front of 14,000 fans.

    I have also been at a Coca Cola dinner and ordered a Diet Pepsi to drink.

    oh god... double whammy
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I was screening a patient for a upcoming medical procedure and ask about any prior surgery and he told me he had a recent autopsy .. LOL I had to put him on hold to compose myself and just marked biopsy off and went on with my screening..


    safe to say work was *dead* that day
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    Hm... I have a lot, too! I've become somewhat desensitized! ;D

    But when I was a freshman in college, I was moving into the dorms--super busy, everybody else was moving in too. I was carrying something awkwardly big, so I couldn't reach my ID to unlock the front doors... So this guy comes up, and I was like "Hey, can you unlock the door for me? My hands are full..." And for whatever reason, he didn't have his ID on him or he didn't live in the same dorm or something, so he couldn't use his... So I said "That's ok, you can just use mine! It's right here!" And I nodded down to my ID that was hanging on a lanyard around my neck, jammed awkwardly right underneath my boobs and against the piece of furniture or whatever I was holding... So embarrassing! He looked seriously uncomfortable and lost for words, before somebody else came up and unlocked the door for us.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    I only have a million...but one that sticks out happened a few years ago. I was breaking a horse, and it wasn't going well AT ALL. He bucked me off, and my shirt caught on the horn, ripping it off of me. The next week, he tossed me again. This time, I took the horn down my pants and he about pulled those off too. :noway:

    For some reason I am picturing you breaking in a unicorn.........or is it just me? :huh:

    Haha. Fairly certain she means the saddle horn. Western style saddles have a horn (kind of like a big handle sticking out of the top?) on the front of them which they used to use to tie off the rope when roping cattle and things like that. Not a pleasant thing to lose your balance on.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    Hm... I have a lot, too! I've become somewhat desensitized! ;D

    But when I was a freshman in college, I was moving into the dorms--super busy, everybody else was moving in too. I was carrying something awkwardly big, so I couldn't reach my ID to unlock the front doors... So this guy comes up, and I was like "Hey, can you unlock the door for me? My hands are full..." And for whatever reason, he didn't have his ID on him or he didn't live in the same dorm or something, so he couldn't use his... So I said "That's ok, you can just use mine! It's right here!" And I nodded down to my ID that was hanging on a lanyard around my neck, jammed awkwardly right underneath my boobs and against the piece of furniture or whatever I was holding... So embarrassing! He looked seriously uncomfortable and lost for words, before somebody else came up and unlocked the door for us.

    Thats what i call a booby trap
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    I hate to say this but I have to many embarrassing moments. The one I can think of just happened a few months ago....

    I work for an airline and was at long beach airport helping that airport out. I had a long day without a break so I decided to go with another co worker on break. I went to the snack bar to grab a diet coke and a Twix ( i needed sugar) There was a guy there and we were playing the eye and smile game. I bought my stuff and was talking to another person when my co worker left me. I continued the flirting game with this guy and noticed he was eating my Twix. I didn't mind cuz he was cute and didn't say anything. It was time for me to get back to work and saw the rest of the Twix on the bar so I grabbed it and said " I at least get half" and I did the sexy walk away. ( girls you know what I am talking about) When I got back and asked why my co worker left and to tell her how hot that guy was and told her what I did she just starting laughing her *kitten* off. It turned out that she took my folder and candy bar with her and the Twix I was eating really was not mine but that guys.

    I still get teased by all the co workers at that airport.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Bump totally want to read these but don't have the time now!
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    While walking through Walmart with my son (then 3) he said in his loud voice "Mommy why can't you have anymore babies? Is it because the dentist took out your baby parts?" Yep the dentist. I was so embarrassed.
  • kiraleilani
    kiraleilani Posts: 124 Member
    One summer day I was visiting my dad in AZ who had a pool. I had all the neighborhood teens over for a little swim party. I was wearing a bikini (this will be pertinent later.) We all decided to go over to my friend's house, so we threw on some shorts and went over. About an hour later everyone started shouting that we should get in the hot tub, and I stood up and said, "Count me in!" and pulled my shorts down so I would be bikini ready to jump in. Except that I had forgotten that I had taken off my wet bikini bottoms and replaced them with panties when I put my shorts on. Yep, I was standing in a coed crowd of teens in a bikini top and undies after pantsing MYSELF. Humiliating!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    When I was pregnant (with twins) I was either so tired that I couldn't think straight, so full of hormones I had that 'pregnancy foggy brain' or so sick to my stomach that I just wanted to be anywhere but work. Well, my boss was a very old, cranky battleaxe that we all called The Barracuda. She and I never got along because I did things in the way that I found efficient, often in the exact opposite way that she would have (the whole crew often had to go redo a lot of her work because she wasn't used to computers, I digress).

    Anyway, one day, after a very long morning of The Barracuda yelling at me and belittling me infont of clients and sales reps, I checked my watch and started packing up my stuff - feeling thankful my shift was finally over. All of my coworkers were still doing odds and ends and I assumed they were being extra dilligent to keep from getting yelled at as well. I got my sweater on and my purse and keys and lunchbag and shut my computer down. When I stood up, The Barracuda said, "Uh, where do you think you're going?" To try to be jovial, I said, "Oh I'm going home while all the rest of the busy bees finish up with whatever they're doing." She looked at me puzzled for a moment and said, "It's 3:45, not 4:45, you need to sit down and get back to work"

    MOR.TI.FIED (and in trouble again!!!!)
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    Caught a toe pick while at the skating rink and fell flat sliding into a bunch of my daughter's friends....I work in the school's library. "Mrs.C. do they have ice skating books in the library? " I'm going to try hockey skates.
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I hate to say this but I have to many embarrassing moments. The one I can think of just happened a few months ago....

    I work for an airline and was at long beach airport helping that airport out. I had a long day without a break so I decided to go with another co worker on break. I went to the snack bar to grab a diet coke and a Twix ( i needed sugar) There was a guy there and we were playing the eye and smile game. I bought my stuff and was talking to another person when my co worker left me. I continued the flirting game with this guy and noticed he was eating my Twix. I didn't mind cuz he was cute and didn't say anything. It was time for me to get back to work and saw the rest of the Twix on the bar so I grabbed it and said " I at least get half" and I did the sexy walk away. ( girls you know what I am talking about) When I got back and asked why my co worker left and to tell her how hot that guy was and told her what I did she just starting laughing her *kitten* off. It turned out that she took my folder and candy bar with her and the Twix I was eating really was not mine but that guys.

    I still get teased by all the co workers at that airport.

    Like stealing candy from a baby hehe
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    While walking through Walmart with my son (then 3) he said in his loud voice "Mommy why can't you have anymore babies? Is it because the dentist took out your baby parts?" Yep the dentist. I was so embarrassed.

    Future surgeon in our midst :-)
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    While walking through Walmart with my son (then 3) he said in his loud voice "Mommy why can't you have anymore babies? Is it because the dentist took out your baby parts?" Yep the dentist. I was so embarrassed.

    FTW. That had to have been awful, you must put this gem in a scrapbook or some such thing and embarrass your child when he is a teenager :D