What am I doing wrong?



  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    Strength training it is then as per everyones' suggestions.

    I have never dieted in my life nor counted calories so I am finding myself at a hard place.

    I would bear everyones' opinions in mind and get a gym membership to do some strength training.

    I have never stepped foot in a gym before so am quite excited!

    Thank you for your quick response everyone.

    All the very best

    A x
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member

    I am wondering whether I am unable to lose any weight as I have been following the same routine for such a long time?
    Or do I need to eat more? The calorie calculor on here says that I should eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight but I seriously cannot survive on 1200 calories. That's so little!. Also, I have never had breakfast in my life so I wonder whether I ought to start?. The scent of food makes me sick in the morning. It ruins my whole day.
    I appreciate everyones' suggestions for strength training but I seriously hate it. I don't want to look bulky as I have a petite frame.

    Yes, you need to eat more than that. Have you figured your your BMR and TDEE? I go by those instead of what MFP says I should be eating and I'm losing weight.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Millions thanks for everyones' fantastic reply.
    I have an elliptical machine at home and use it three times a week for 70 minutes or so each time.
    I am also a keen cyclist ( a wee bit too obsessive at times ) and cycle around 60 miles a week. Cut down from 150.
    The trouble is I have been doing following the same routine for the last five years. It's because I am terribly hyperactive and need to exercise to burn off the extra energy!
    My weight has never been a concern to me before neither has the amount of food I eat. I am pretty much a clean eater during the week. Except for once a week.
    I am wondering whether I am unable to lose any weight as I have been following the same routine for such a long time?
    Or do I need to eat more? The calorie calculor on here says that I should eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight but I seriously cannot survive on 1200 calories. That's so little!. Also, I have never had breakfast in my life so I wonder whether I ought to start?. The scent of food makes me sick in the morning. It ruins my whole day.
    I appreciate everyones' suggestions for strength training but I seriously hate it. I don't want to look bulky as I have a petite frame.

    - do not worry about eating breakfast - it will make no difference to weight loss assuming calories and macros are the same.
    - you will not bulk up as others have said.
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    You are going to have to change your exercise. I have been stuck in a RUT as well so I know I need to do something other than just walking.
    I tried Zumba one day and I havent been back and I liked it and it burned alot of calories.

    So try to do different exercises and that should work.
    Are you drinking alot of water...that will help also!

    Good luck and dont give up
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I'm 5'4. 117 is a tough number for me to consider as I feel I appear too small at that weight BUT being at the lower end of the scale, it could be that you don't have enough TO lose so it will be much more difficult.

    I honestly suggest to start lifting weights to make those clothes fit better. Even if you gain a lb or two, you will be toning. Don't fear that you will get bulky because that won't happen to women. However, lifting will tone and shape your physique, slim the waistline, and appear as though you have lost weight when in reality you've gained muscle.

    If you don't want to lift, be patient because the less there is to lose, the harder it is to lose..
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    Millions thanks for everyones' fantastic reply.
    I have an elliptical machine at home and use it three times a week for 70 minutes or so each time.
    I am also a keen cyclist ( a wee bit too obsessive at times ) and cycle around 60 miles a week. Cut down from 150.
    The trouble is I have been doing following the same routine for the last five years. It's because I am terribly hyperactive and need to exercise to burn off the extra energy!
    My weight has never been a concern to me before neither has the amount of food I eat. I am pretty much a clean eater during the week. Except for once a week.
    I am wondering whether I am unable to lose any weight as I have been following the same routine for such a long time?
    Or do I need to eat more? The calorie calculor on here says that I should eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight but I seriously cannot survive on 1200 calories. That's so little!. Also, I have never had breakfast in my life so I wonder whether I ought to start?. The scent of food makes me sick in the morning. It ruins my whole day.
    I appreciate everyones' suggestions for strength training but I seriously hate it. I don't want to look bulky as I have a petite frame.

    - do not worry about eating breakfast - it will make no difference to weight loss assuming calories and macros are the same.
    - you will not bulk up as others have said.

    Thank you.
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    I'm 5'4. 117 is a tough number for me to consider as I feel I appear too small at that weight BUT being at the lower end of the scale, it could be that you don't have enough TO lose so it will be much more difficult.

    I honestly suggest to start lifting weights to make those clothes fit better. Even if you gain a lb or two, you will be toning. Don't fear that you will get bulky because that won't happen to women. However, lifting will tone and shape your physique, slim the waistline, and appear as though you have lost weight when in reality you've gained muscle.

    If you don't want to lift, be patient because the less there is to lose, the harder it is to lose..

    Thank you.
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    You are going to have to change your exercise. I have been stuck in a RUT as well so I know I need to do something other than just walking.
    I tried Zumba one day and I havent been back and I liked it and it burned alot of calories.

    So try to do different exercises and that should work.
    Are you drinking alot of water...that will help also!

    Good luck and dont give up

    Thank you. Never a quitter. Always a believer and fighter.
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    You are 3# above the "lowest" recommended weight for your height. Lift some weights and stop the obsession with the number on the scale. Work on loving your body and what it can do. You are already lean, get stronger.

    Thank you.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I eat around 1600 calories everyday. Once a week I eat 2000 calories. I exercise 4-5 times a week each time burning 500 or more calories.
    I am still not losing any weight?. I don't understand. I am female 5'4 weighing 117 pounds. I am trying to lose 7 pounds to fit into my clothes better.
    Thanks everyone for your kind feedbacks.
    A x

    5'4" and 117 lbs? I was that size in college and wore a size zero. Why do you think you need to lose 7 more pounds? You are at a healthy weight.
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43

    I am wondering whether I am unable to lose any weight as I have been following the same routine for such a long time?
    Or do I need to eat more? The calorie calculor on here says that I should eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight but I seriously cannot survive on 1200 calories. That's so little!. Also, I have never had breakfast in my life so I wonder whether I ought to start?. The scent of food makes me sick in the morning. It ruins my whole day.
    I appreciate everyones' suggestions for strength training but I seriously hate it. I don't want to look bulky as I have a petite frame.

    Yes, you need to eat more than that. Have you figured your your BMR and TDEE? I go by those instead of what MFP says I should be eating and I'm losing weight.

    My BMR is 1236 a day? I think it's too low. I simply will die of starvation at 1200 calories a day!
    And yes I was wondering whether I need to increase my daily calories. I think I will do that. Thank you.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Eat less, exercise more, or exercise better.

    Retarded answer.

    For the most part, people are correct....you're already at a healthy weight. BMI....that's a crock of ****.

    Get your BODY FAT % checked. What you want to do is TONE. This requires muscle building. Your diary is closed and you make no mention of your actual workouts...

  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I am totally in the same boat, but realized I am fighting a battle I will probably never win....so that being said, I am more concerned with inches and BMI,rather than the scale, the scale can be soo mean ...more strength training and toning, Just want to feel good in my clothes, and I wil lbe happy
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    I eat around 1600 calories everyday. Once a week I eat 2000 calories. I exercise 4-5 times a week each time burning 500 or more calories.
    I am still not losing any weight?. I don't understand. I am female 5'4 weighing 117 pounds. I am trying to lose 7 pounds to fit into my clothes better.
    Thanks everyone for your kind feedbacks.
    A x

    5'4" and 117 lbs? I was that size in college and wore a size zero. Why do you think you need to lose 7 more pounds? You are at a healthy weight.

    Well a year and a half ago I was 98-107 pounds so it's quite a huge change for me. As I said my clothes are tight on me. I am quite happy at the weight I am but some people whom I met recently after a year and a half mentioned that I look "chubby" and that upset me as I have never been "chubby" in my life. I guess I thought if I fit better in my clothes then I won't look "chubby". I also don't want to throw away my favourite clothes. I suppose am just being silly.
  • willwillywilson
    Skinny people always want to be skinnier. What the hell is wrong with you people? LOL
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    I am totally in the same boat, but realized I am fighting a battle I will probably never win....so that being said, I am more concerned with inches and BMI,rather than the scale, the scale can be soo mean ...more strength training and toning, Just want to feel good in my clothes, and I wil lbe happy

    Thank you. I guess I ought to focus on inches then. I just have no idea where to begin that's all.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    Millions thanks for everyones' fantastic reply.
    I have an elliptical machine at home and use it three times a week for 70 minutes or so each time.
    I am also a keen cyclist ( a wee bit too obsessive at times ) and cycle around 60 miles a week. Cut down from 150.
    The trouble is I have been doing following the same routine for the last five years. It's because I am terribly hyperactive and need to exercise to burn off the extra energy!
    My weight has never been a concern to me before neither has the amount of food I eat. I am pretty much a clean eater during the week. Except for once a week.
    I am wondering whether I am unable to lose any weight as I have been following the same routine for such a long time?
    Or do I need to eat more? The calorie calculor on here says that I should eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight but I seriously cannot survive on 1200 calories. That's so little!. Also, I have never had breakfast in my life so I wonder whether I ought to start?. The scent of food makes me sick in the morning. It ruins my whole day.
    I appreciate everyones' suggestions for strength training but I seriously hate it. I don't want to look bulky as I have a petite frame.

    Unless you are a guy, you can't bulk without use of alternative products as your body doesn't produce enough testosterone TO bulk. Lifting is the best option for you to lose. I hates it at first, LOVE IT now because I see the results. Get off the elliptical and pick up some weights at least 3 times per week. In 3 weeks if you are really working it and putting in serious effort, you will see the results in how your clothes fit and how your shape.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I eat around 1600 calories everyday. Once a week I eat 2000 calories. I exercise 4-5 times a week each time burning 500 or more calories.
    I am still not losing any weight?. I don't understand. I am female 5'4 weighing 117 pounds. I am trying to lose 7 pounds to fit into my clothes better.
    Thanks everyone for your kind feedbacks.
    A x

    5'4" and 117 lbs? I was that size in college and wore a size zero. Why do you think you need to lose 7 more pounds? You are at a healthy weight.

    Well a year and a half ago I was 98-107 pounds so it's quite a huge change for me. As I said my clothes are tight on me. I am quite happy at the weight I am but some people whom I met recently after a year and a half mentioned that I look "chubby" and that upset me as I have never been "chubby" in my life. I guess I thought if I fit better in my clothes then I won't look "chubby". I also don't want to throw away my favourite clothes. I suppose am just being silly.

    You are NOT chubby at your weight. Personally I would tell those people to go....well do something I cannot write here otherwise I will get in trouble. If you want to 'firm up', strength train.
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    Skinny people always want to be skinnier. What the hell is wrong with you people? LOL

    I am by no means skinny. Buying a new wardrobe would cost me more. Losing a few pounds would cost me considerably less thus gaining more confidence in myself which would be priceless.
  • Aish30
    Aish30 Posts: 43
    I eat around 1600 calories everyday. Once a week I eat 2000 calories. I exercise 4-5 times a week each time burning 500 or more calories.
    I am still not losing any weight?. I don't understand. I am female 5'4 weighing 117 pounds. I am trying to lose 7 pounds to fit into my clothes better.
    Thanks everyone for your kind feedbacks.
    A x

    5'4" and 117 lbs? I was that size in college and wore a size zero. Why do you think you need to lose 7 more pounds? You are at a healthy weight.

    Well a year and a half ago I was 98-107 pounds so it's quite a huge change for me. As I said my clothes are tight on me. I am quite happy at the weight I am but some people whom I met recently after a year and a half mentioned that I look "chubby" and that upset me as I have never been "chubby" in my life. I guess I thought if I fit better in my clothes then I won't look "chubby". I also don't want to throw away my favourite clothes. I suppose am just being silly.

    You are NOT chubby at your weight. Personally I would tell those people to go....well do something I cannot write here otherwise I will get in trouble. If you want to 'firm up', strength train.

    Thank you. Your kind thoughts much appreciated x