Thanksgiving weight gain contest!



  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    only 1.9 - I hope there wasn't a prize involved here :(
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    Gained 2.2lbs but I did just eat some left overs for breakfast before I weighed.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    4 lbs!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Should I be concerned that I stepped on my scale today and it promptly stopped working?
  • TerraLea
    TerraLea Posts: 87 Member
    I am happy to report that I am down .4 lbs today. :-)
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    I lost 2.. Boy did I feel better when I got off the toilet :o)
  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    I am half-man, half-stuffing.

    lol!! YES!!!
  • +2
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yesterday: 167
    Today: 174.5

  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Down .5! Oh wait... I didn't have Thanksgiving yesterday. *sigh* Can't play can I? *kicks rocks*
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    i didn't weigh myself this morning. but I don't think i did too bad, ate once all day drank a lot of water, only had 1 plate of food and a small serving of banana pudding and all leftovers are at my parents house :-) though i might talk my husband in to taking me to HEB so i can get a pumpkin pie since we didn't get to have any yesterday.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    +5.8 lbs. since I weighed last week. It's all Paula Deen's fault for yesterday's sodium drenched southern greens (that were delicious by the way). And of course I needed cornbread to absorb every bite! Oh, and sweet potato pie to balance the salty/sweet. Lots of water on the menu for today! :drinker:
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I was down a pound.


    I totally indulged ad libitum+.

    Still not hungry - I've had a latte,a V-8, and 3 cloves of fried garlic so far today. Waiting for the hunger...
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    Despite my over-the-top gym visit prior to eating I managed to gain about half a pound.....
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Yesterday: 167
    Today: 174.5


  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yesterday: 167
    Today: 174.5



    Meh. I kind of cheated. The trend line leading up to Wednesday was firmly at 169. The 167, while legitimately what the scale said, was completely unexpected and artificial...(but then again, the 174.5 was also artificial, just in the other direction).
  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    surprised me 1 lost girley problems/water weight might have had somethin to do with it

    so basically i stayed the same even though I ATE EVERYTHING
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Oddly - I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I was 6 lbs. lighter according to their records.
  • arnoswife
    arnoswife Posts: 228 Member
    5lbs up since yesterday morning weigh in!! LOL, it will be gone hopefully by Monday!!
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    up 2 pounds today:)