LADIES: 5'3 (115-125 pounds)



  • jahenry17
    jahenry17 Posts: 80 Member
    I am in exactly the same boat. I am going for 115-120 and am also 5'3. I am currently 156. I just started on Monday.
  • jahenry17
    jahenry17 Posts: 80 Member
    you look great!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I'm 5'4" and currently 116 - which is where I am fine being from a pounds perspective. What I'm working on is toning up and losing body fat. I have no idea what mine actually is but based on the online calculators using inches, it's in the 24-26% range. Would love to get down to at least the 20-22% range. No pictures to share though, way too self conscious for that.
  • tquinn424
    tquinn424 Posts: 24 Member
    5'3 and currently 113. Pictures are in my album
  • whipa494
    whipa494 Posts: 41 Member
    super inspirational! I'm 5'3 and currently at 153 with a goal of 130 or less... we'll see!

    We are twins! I'm 152 lbs hoping to get down to 130. How old are you? :)
  • 5'2 and 123lbs:tongue:
  • I love this thread!

    I am 5'2" and right now around 143. My goal weight is somewhere between 110-120! I feel like 110 is just a dream, but we'll see! Right now I feel completely chunky and self-conscious in pictures, etc.

    Those of you who have gotten down to 118 and below -- what did you do to get there?
  • I'm 5'1 & my goal weight is 115-120. It's going to be hard but I will keep trying forever!
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member

    This is me at 142lb. I have been at this weight for two years...I'm stuck! I want to get to like 130-135. I'll be happy if my hips will shrink. I have done insanity and still supplement with it. I just ordered turbo fire and hip hop abs to hopefully help me and give me more of a variety. My major issue is that i have no will power when it comes to sweets! Like I know if I could just toss all the crap like that I would be dropping lbs. So what do you all do to where you don't have that problem?
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my start weight was 136.6 and my goal weight is around 118. I am about halfway there right now.
  • I'm around 155lbs (not too sure at the moment- and i think ill put off weighing myself until after xmas.. :s) and hoping to get down to about 125-110lbs- feel free to add (or is it friend?) me ^-^
  • Mwaries88
    Mwaries88 Posts: 21 Member
    Loving the progress pics!
  • Mwaries88
    Mwaries88 Posts: 21 Member

    This is me at 142lb. I have been at this weight for two years...I'm stuck! I want to get to like 130-135. I'll be happy if my hips will shrink. I have done insanity and still supplement with it. I just ordered turbo fire and hip hop abs to hopefully help me and give me more of a variety. My major issue is that i have no will power when it comes to sweets! Like I know if I could just toss all the crap like that I would be dropping lbs. So what do you all do to where you don't have that problem?
    I have the same problem with sweets! To satisfy my cravings, sometimes I will make "frozen chocolate bananas" or even slice bananas and put little chocolate morsels on them, put them in the microwave for 20 seconds and they are 2 year old son loves them too. Fast, easy and healthy especially if you're using dark chocolate.
    Another alternative is to add some ingredients to your protein shakes...there are a ton of recipes on another thread here for recipes.
    Good luck!
  • Bump
  • TAS82
    TAS82 Posts: 19 Member
  • carbear02
    carbear02 Posts: 12 Member
    You look awesome - how'd you get those abs?
  • stephy1130
    stephy1130 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All!,

    Looking for some advice on here! I am 5'3.5" and currently weigh about 123-125 pounds. I have lost about 20 pounds in the past 2 in a half years and my lowest I had gotten to was 113-115, which was not too long ago, summer 2013. So I have recently gained about 10 pounds, that came out of no where. I have gained inches in my hips and thighs (my problem areas), I am doing insanity currently finishing my third week and I havent seen any changes this time around like I did the first time I did insanity. I want to get back to my goal weight of 113, and more importantly fit back into my pants again. Everything is so much tighter!!

    Any suggestions on what could help me lose weight and inches and look skinnier?

  • I am 5'4 and 250 pounds, I was 260. I just started a little over a week ago. My goal is to get to 145. I have a long way to go, and a lot of rough times ahead, but I am determined (:
  • briannashaw_
    briannashaw_ Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 5'3 1/2 and I'm shooting for 115-125 lbs. I'm currently 169, so I have a little ways to go, to keep myself motivated, I set up short term goals - my next short term goal is 150. :smile:
  • brigidy
    brigidy Posts: 36 Member
    I am 45 years old and 5'3 1/2, I started in Jan. 2013 at 165 pounds. I started the 1200 calorie diet eating healthy grains, ground turkey, fruits and veggies. I also worked out on the elliptical each evening, did Richard Simmons videos, or walked. I was down to 115 pounds by September. However, I felt I was too thin at that weight. My face starting "sinking in" and I didn't look healthy. So, I gained back 5 pounds since December. It was hard to do because I was so focused on my diet it felt strange going over calories. Now I weigh 120 and look much better (for me).
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member

    I am 5'3"
    I started out weight 167 lbs and am currenty 131 lbs with a goal weight of 120.
    you look like a different person and YEARS younger
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    I've so enjoyed reading these.

    I'm 5'2.5", 151 pounds. I want to be 110-120 (depends on what I look like when I get close to 120)

    I've been struggling for years to get into the right groove to lose the weight. I'm getting a lot closer now. Was 156 right after the holidays, so lost about 5 pounds since then. But I have a problem with eating too much on the weekends that I'm trying to work on.
  • LoveForRunning
    LoveForRunning Posts: 17 Member
    5'4" here & lost another pound today. Down to 119lbs. 9 more to go to reach my goal!

    Best of luck crazytreelady! You can do it :happy:
  • tinnyhinny
    tinnyhinny Posts: 51 Member
    I started Aug 2013 @168lbs. 5 2".
    6 mths later 134.8lbs.
    Goal set to 110lbs. = 24.8LBS TO GO, it really depens on how I feel. I have a goal to rock a bikini this summer! Profile picture from Dec.
    VHANEW Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    This is a new attempt for me. I started Friday at 177.8 and am now 173.7 and am working to get down to 125. I'm 46 but trying not to use that as an excuse! Thank you for all of your postings. I am replacing the words "hoping to get to" with "working to get to". Please friend me if you'd like. Have a great day!
  • Hi

    I'm 5'3 and i'm aiming for about 126lb (9st)

    trying to eat 3 protein based meals and i've cut out wine completely

  • Hi

    I know what you mean with that one. i'm really good through the week but I go totally off the rails at the weekend.
    Sunday....... G&T, pizza, moam chews and crisps.....
    Not weighing myself till Friday now sticking to my 1200 cals

  • Gray_Sare
    Gray_Sare Posts: 21
    My profile has pictures of me pre-baby (I'm due in a week) when I was at 115 pounds. I'm 5'4 and will be working to get back to that so if anyone wants to add me feel free! *I'm not very muscular at this weight, just fyi.
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    5'3 and 123 but flucuate between 115 and 125
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I am 5'2 and at my goal weight I was at 125 - a 60lb loss that took a little over 2 years. I now fluctuate closer to 130 but am happy where I am as I am at 23% body fat, feel great and my clothes still fit the same. I run 5-6 days a week and workout in the gym usually twice a week and try to fit in one more strength workout at home. I do work from home so that makes it easier to fit my run in around meetings, etc. I also have a new running buddy who gets me out door every day :happy:
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