skipping breakfast



  • Justagirl1978
    Justagirl1978 Posts: 64 Member
    I *never* skip breakfast. It just comes at 3pm :)
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    I do it!! it's so much better. Cereal takes so many calories and it doesn't make you full
  • You shouldn't skip breakfast because coffee is the most important meal of the day.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    There's a diet called carb-backloading, that's very similar to intermittent fasting. It's said to make your natural growth hormones go through the roof. Something you could look into. But, I'm too damn hungry in the morning to hold onto calories all day. I at least have a protein shake
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    No way. Skipping breakfast sets me up to be tired, weak, grumpy and damn hungry!! Everyone is different but doesnt work for me at all.

    ^ What she said, especially if you have to go to a job that requires you to stand on your feet all day long.
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    I do...and I am five pounds from's the way I like to eat and I don't feel crap on it either...
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    If you really want to skip a meal to save calories skip your last meal.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I myself think breakfast is essential, giving your matabolism a kickstart.

    ^^^ broscience you got there dude....


    I eat my "first meal" at 10 or 11 each day, that's the start of my 8-10 hour IF feeding window. the other 14-16 hours (mostly overnight) there is no eating for me (morning coffee the exception).

    So essentially, we all eat "Breakfast" because that stands for "Break the Fast". Whatever time you first eat after waking is "break-fast". My breakfast just happens to be non-traditional breakfast foods eaten at 11 AM...but it's still technically "Break Fast"
  • noneed94
    noneed94 Posts: 6 Member
    By doing the exact opposite, I lost 45 pounds. Don't skip breakfast! There's a woman in Turkey, where I live called Canan Karatay and she says eat lots of things for breakfast (I'm not talking about Nutella, though, sorry) and the body will actually work more to burn those calories during the rest of the day. You won't be depriving yourself and it'll help you keep sane so you won't binge. If you wanna skip any meal, skip dinner. Lots of luck!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    which I could say thats how I am, but I'm the opposite, I have to force myself to eat breakfast... I'm no expert but I've always been told to eat breakfast bc it's what gets your metabolism going.... just eat lower calorie breakfasts... likes eggs or something. they fill you up :)

    breakfast or a snack does not "get your metabolism" going. .

    breakfast is not the most important meal of the day.

    It takes days of not eating or days of over eating for your metabolism to notice that you dont know what you are doing to yourself.

    If you like eating breakfast, then eat it.

    If you dont like eating breakfast, save those calories for later.

    It does not matter.

    And quit reading popular magazines (Men's Health, Women's Health, Muscle Mags, Oxygen, etc.) for anything other than seeing pictures of photo shopped perfect people.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    iv always believed that breakfast is the one meal you should never skip
    i also know that i am appauling at actually eating breakfast... oops
    maybe just cut down what you do have? it doesnt have to be a high calorie breakfast...
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    I myself think breakfast is essential, giving your matabolism a kickstart.

    ^^^ broscience you got there dude....


    I eat my "first meal" at 10 or 11 each day, that's the start of my 8-10 hour IF feeding window. the other 14-16 hours (mostly overnight) there is no eating for me (morning coffee the exception).

    So essentially, we all eat "Breakfast" because that stands for "Break the Fast". Whatever time you first eat after waking is "break-fast". My breakfast just happens to be non-traditional breakfast foods eaten at 11 AM...but it's still technically "Break Fast"

    ^^^ This is me as well. I'm just not hungry till 10 or 11.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I eat it only if I am hungry! Some mornings I wake up and I am starving, others I am not bothered and can wait until lunch. (:

    Listen to your body, eat when you're hungry! Don't starve yourself for the sake of having more calories later in the day. You could always do an extra workout if you need some! :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    You shouldn't skip breakfast because coffee is the most important meal of the day.

    Amen.. With two tablespoons of nonfat half and half....
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member
    I don't normally eat breakfast because I don't feel like it or because I don't have time. My mum eats 6 times a day and always has breakfast and has 3 snacks a day and she's lost alot of weight (about 4 dress sizes)
    I lost 8kgs last year bearly ever eating breakfast. (but I've put it back on :( !!)
    It's what ever works for you. If you normally eat breakfast you'll probably get tired and run down if you don't
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I don't normally eat breakfast because I don't feel like it or because I don't have time. But it's not a good thing! It's better for your metabolism to eat breakfast and to eat less in the evening :)

    nope, not true
  • lmbs1966
    lmbs1966 Posts: 57 Member
    We can all sit here and give our opinions but you have to do what works for you. Try it, if it works for you great, if not, you'll know for yourself. I only breakfast/ eat if I feel hungry upon waking, but most of the time I don't have anything until around noonish.. I usually always have cals left over at the end of the day. :happy:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    It's funny to see all the mass programming..."breakfast is the most important meal" and all that metabolism boosting nonsense...I wonder if anyone has researched the reason this myth has been perpetuated, or maybe we can guess, that the big processed cereal corporations who do mass marketing campaigns and study human behaviour know exactly how to manipulate the population...come on people, time we all thought outside the freaking system box...get a life and do not perpetuate BULL****!!!
  • littlemeowmaid
    littlemeowmaid Posts: 114 Member

    nope, not true

    yes true, but only depending on your body!
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I always have breakfast...never skip it. Everyone is different n has their own reasons for it but mine is mainly for medical = for health... and health is wealth.

    I am type 2 diabetic, having breakfast and regular balanced meals etc helps maintain my body's even blood sugar levels. I use to be on over 600 pounds and on 170 units of insulin a day... I am now on no insulin at my sugar have come in check by eating healthy and balancing all my meals.