Is my hubby a saboteur or am I weak?



  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    In your post I see four issues you mention:

    1. Eating the pizza: As you said, you stayed within your calories, so this isn't an issue. You shouldn't feel bad for eating pizza. I lost 40 lbs in six months eating much healthier but in moderation. I didn't deprive myself of, beer, chocolate. Had it all. But never went over my calories. Avoidance and deprivation is a bad idea. Some people can make a total 180 and start eating clean, but rarely, in those early days of weight loss is that an effective means of losing weight. It is usually a recipe for failure.

    2. Eating at night: Studies show over and over that the time of day you eat has no bearing on weight loss. Your body doesn't stop burning calories because you fall asleep. Your body still needs fuel to perform basic bodily functions like breathing, pumping blood, etc. Eating at night does not effect your weight loss.

    3. Your husband eating foods he enjoys after you are in bed: This sounds like an unhealthy habit. That fact that he is feeling he must hide food from you is unfair to him. Not once in my journey did my choices effect my family. As a whole, we eat healthy anyhow, but if I did not have enough calories for something, in no way did my family have to avoid those things. It is about self control. Like someone else said, food is going to be surrounding you at all times. You need to buck up buttercup. Your husband shouldn't feel like he needs to hide his choices and you shouldn't make him feel that way. If he was doing it to be considerate, then that is nice, but you need to make him feel like it is unnecessary. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure if you can't even see other people enjoying foods you want to avoid.
  • ManEnMotion
    ManEnMotion Posts: 73 Member
    You are only accountable to yourself. My family lives their normal dietary life... Eating out occasionally, bringing takeout food home and my wife is an amazing cook of things I can and can't eat.

    The first 2 weeks I started my diet I tried to get my family to try my foods and they almost killed me. So I decided not to make them follow my eating habits. Now I've taken over most of the cooking and kitchen duties. I cook their meals and snacks and then I cook my meals and snacks. I feel so happy when I can make a dozen chocolate chip muffins and not even get a craving.

    The other day at A&W I watched the family eat their meals. No I wasn't starring at them like a starving puppy at the table :0)
    I just make sure I always have food close at hand.... Usually a ziplock bag of raw veggies or chicken.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    First off. Do you not plan to ever eat pizza?? I give ya a high five for only eating one. That is will power. Second, if you are trying to change your life style it doesn't mean your husband will be on the same page. Its up to you to decide to eat or not. Again one slice of pizza doesn't make you weak. My husband is thin and doesn't eat the best and liks his sweets. I choose to eat them or not.I don't cut everything out so in moderation I do eat some of the things he does.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    How is he sabotaging you if he's eating pizza and wings after you go to bed? I don't get it.
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I live with my 2 adult children (ages 19 and 20) and they bring pizza into the house 3-4 times a week. It is my choice to eat it or not. If I do choose to eat it (or the chips or the cookies or any of the other assorted junk food), I will not feel guilty for it.

    Your husband DID wait until you went to bed which doesn't sound like he is sabotaging you. Sounds like he just wanted pizza and knew you "couldn't" have it.
    BTW - you clearly could if you were that much under your calories that eating it didn't put you under.