YOU! i have a question for you..



  • NocturnalGirl
    During dinner time, which is like after midnight haha
  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    I definitely eat most of my calories at dinner because that's the meal I eat with my husband. I can control my portions and what I eat much better when I am on my own. I am only allowed 1200 calories per day and he can eat 1600 (we both use MFP) - he typically has a lot that he needs to take in at the end of the day whereas I don't have as many so I try NOT to eat a lot of calories during the day.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I eat the most for dinner, too. Although I've learned to eat a bigger breakfast than I ever did!
  • Grandmasboy2852
    Pretty much force myself to eat from when I wake up until about 5 (when I get out of work). After that I'm like a bear that just got out of hibernation and I raid my kitchen until either:
    1. I am too full to move
    2. I have consumed everything in my house and I need to scavenge for food at the nearest place that has any. ( mostly wawa - or if I am really hungry end up hitting up the grocery store)

    I found that no matter how much I force myself to eat during the day, the bear in me still comes out at 5:00.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I have small nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and snacks throughout the day, but then dinner is the biggest meal. I'm usually trying to eat all the calories I need, especially if I worked out.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    just out of curiosity...

    what time of day do you find you eat the most? (i was reading the "BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT meal of the day" post, and it got me thinking.. ) WHAT TIME OF DAY DO YOU FIND YOU ARE INTAKING THE MOST AMOUNT OF FOOD (whether it be portion or calorie wise)?

    "breakfast time"?!?
    "lunch time"?!?
    "dinner time"?!?

    or you can throw a time out, whatever works..

    The times I eat has evolved for me throughout the journey.

    Everyone is different and time does not matter at all. Some people need to eat often, but most find that eating too often makes it hard to stay within a calorie budget and it's too easy to eat too much.

    It's funny because I got obese and my husband has not fluctuated in weight more than 10 lbs since he was 19 years old. We are both in our early 50's now and have been married a long time. Once I went from obese to 10% body fat and found the secrets that work for me I realized he naturally had them all alone. I fell into the trap of thinking I HAD to have breakfast or I would die of starvation if I went to long between meals. I couldn't even fast when people in my church wanted to. My husband always refused to eat if he was not hungry, no matter when it was. Sometimes he would go all day without eating and eat one meal and I would get mad at him because I thought it was not good for him. He also rarely finishes his plate. It used to hurt my feelings. Now I realize he is naturally good at self regulating his weight and that is why he never got fat like I did. Now when he does not finish his plate I happily scrape it into the garbage can and say "Good for you, your body is not the garbage can!". Now we don't TRY to waste food, we are on a tight budget and we really try to buy, cook, and serve the correct amount so we don't waste food. But the bottom line is YOU decide when you want to eat or when you don't want to eat and your body is not a garbage can and the food that goes in the can does not help the starving people in the world and it won't help anyone if you eat it, that is for sure.

    Here is what how the timing evolved for me, not that when you eat matters in the slightest. All that matters is a calorie budget.

    First, I failed with weight loss for 15 years. These were the diets I tried and failed and did the diet yo-yo with for 15 years:

    Low fat high carb, Slim-Fast, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Organic, Weston Price Diet, The Schwarzbein Principle, Eat Fat Lose Fat, The Ultimate PH Solution, The Makers Diet, A friends diet from a personal trainer/dietician

    I finally just got sick of it all and made up my own diet with healthy foods I enjoy and smaller portions. I ate my meals from small desert plates and bowls. I stopped eating in the evenings (not that when you eat matters.) I started calling what I did mini-meals and mini-fasts and I lost 40 lbs. Then I found Eat Stop Eat and learned why it worked and everything took off for me at that point.

    Eat what you want, eat what you like, mostly healthy. Don’t deprive yourself of foods you love unless there is a serious health risk. Depriving yourself of food you love and creating extensive good food and bad food lists at some point borders on a mental disorder. It will drive you insane.

    So anyway, I bumbled my way into intermittent fasting first on my own, and then more through research. It was exciting for me because the research had scientific data to prove why what I found what worked for me on my own worked. Also my doctor checked my hormone levels and blood work throughout the process and between the lab results and the DXA scan it proved that I didn't go into starvation mode or lose lean body mass throughout the process of going from obese to 10% body fat. My doctor is super happy with me.

    Now that I'm lean and on more of a maintenance calorie budget everything is different for me. I usually skip breakfast and head straight to the gym to workout fasted. This is is something I only started recently. I always said I couldn't do this. It's hard at first (just like fasting), but once you push through it your body adjusts and it is EMPOWERING to overcome your limitations. It's especially fun when you realize that just because you are uncomfortable does not mean you are hurting yourself. You can always have a doctor check things out for you to find out if what you are doing is healthy or not.

    So, everyone is different. Experiment. Research. Have fun. Find what works for you. Don't limit yourself. It really is mostly all about MINDSET.

    Some links on the timing of eating subject:
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Pretty much force myself to eat from when I wake up until about 5 (when I get out of work). After that I'm like a bear that just got out of hibernation and I raid my kitchen until either:
    1. I am too full to move
    2. I have consumed everything in my house and I need to scavenge for food at the nearest place that has any. ( mostly wawa - or if I am really hungry end up hitting up the grocery store)

    I found that no matter how much I force myself to eat during the day, the bear in me still comes out at 5:00.

    haha that's too funny.. reminds me of my SO..
  • LadyofLight08
    LadyofLight08 Posts: 245 Member
    I noticed I do very well throughout the whole day, I eat dinner at 6pm and usually my cravings come after that during the evening when I'm still awake.
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I try to spread it out, but it gets more as the day goes on. Light on or no breakfast, medium lunch, regular dinner with reasonable snacks in the afternoon and evening if necessary.