diet pop?



  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    Yes you can but you need to be careful with the sugars and salts. Caffine isn't the real culprit in pop. I will say do it in moderation and you should be just fine. =)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes you can but you need to be careful with the sugars and salts. Caffine isn't the real culprit in pop. I will say do it in moderation and you should be just fine. =)

    Its diet pop and there is not much sodium in it at all compared with many other things people eat/drink.
  • Cindy393
    Cindy393 Posts: 268 Member
    Again, 15-30mg of sodium is not "high." A single serving of fruits or vegetables will have more sodium than that. Is fruit high sodium?

  • harlesscasey
    Again, 15-30mg of sodium is not "high." A single serving of fruits or vegetables will have more sodium than that. Is fruit high sodium?

    i was just reading a article on this...
  • tjwilliam1
    tjwilliam1 Posts: 14 Member

    You have inspired me to have my diet sodas with a stalk of celery sticking out of it....... and vodka

  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I drink 1-4 cans a day of Coke Zero and I havent had any problems losing weight. I also drink water obv, but without my soda I dont think Id b able to stay on track. Its the only think keeping me sane knowing I can always go get a soda if I get cravings for something or feel like eating when I'm not hungry
  • candygirl1980
    I am a huge fan of diet sodas too, but its my new years resolution to cut it out of my diet completely. Its diet but all the artificial sugars and chemical are really bad for you and can stimulate a rise in appetite. I am doing a lot better as Im 6 days into cutting back. I allow mysef a treat after dinner and afterwards will have a few sips of a diet soda to wash it down. To me thats when they taste the best after something sweet. The headaches are definately from caffiene withdrawals but they will go away after a couple or 3 days when your body gets use to not having it anymore.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I have a diet pop EVERY day and I have lost 85 lbs.

    This, for me anyways, is a lifestyle change and it had to be realistic to me. Giving up pop wasn't realistic.

    ETA: I drink atleast 9 glasses of water everyday too
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I do.. once or twice a week :drinker:
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Diet pop is full of salt so will make you retain water, thus it will seem like you dont lose weight....if its caffeinated, which im assuming it is, that will be why you are getting headaches when you dont have it.
    Probs best not to have it, as it does seem to stall weight loss a bit...and it full of crap thats nowhere near good for you, plus the whole caffeine thing
    Having it sometimes isnt too bad, but i wouldnt recommend everyday :)

    What kind of pop are you drinking that it's full of salt??? There is maybe 50mg per can... a lot less than some veggies and fruits.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    due to supply and demand I'm going to recommend everyone stop drinking it. It WILL make you fat
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 808 Member
    Sure you can lose weight drinking diet pop, so long as you're logging your calories and eating properly. The question you will eventually want to ask yourself, though, is whether you're doing yourself any favors drinking carbonated water full of chemicals. I ditched the diet pop and if I want something fizzy I'll just drink the real thing.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    due to supply and demand I'm going to recommend everyone stop drinking it. It WILL make you fat

    How will diet pop make you fat?
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    due to supply and demand I'm going to recommend everyone stop drinking it. It WILL make you fat

    How will diet pop make you fat?

    Trust me, it's science
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    due to supply and demand I'm going to recommend everyone stop drinking it. It WILL make you fat

    How will diet pop make you fat?

    Trust me, it's science


    Nothing wrong with drinking diet pop.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I read that diet soda will feed the candida in your body just like regular sugar does (it's the saccharine in it that makes us bloated and our bodies take to nutrisweet/saccharine (fake sugar) the same as it does sugar). That beer belly look is overgrowth of out of control candida and is why a lot of people appear overweight. So if you're going to drink diet soda, drink the kind that has a natural sweetener in it like stevia vs saccharine. You can find it at health food stores. Many people have an overgrowth of candida in their bodies which prevents weight loss and keeps us fat. That said, I am trying to avoid any artificial sweetners such as the kind in diet soda to keep the candida under control.

    Are you saying I have a yeast infection?
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    due to supply and demand I'm going to recommend everyone stop drinking it. It WILL make you fat

    How will diet pop make you fat?

    Trust me, it's science


    Nothing wrong with drinking diet pop.

    Look I'm no food additive engineer... But I believe the chemicals just get stuck in your body and they make you fat
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I read that diet soda will feed the candida in your body just like regular sugar does (it's the saccharine in it that makes us bloated and our bodies take to nutrisweet/saccharine (fake sugar) the same as it does sugar). That beer belly look is overgrowth of out of control candida and is why a lot of people appear overweight. So if you're going to drink diet soda, drink the kind that has a natural sweetener in it like stevia vs saccharine. You can find it at health food stores. Many people have an overgrowth of candida in their bodies which prevents weight loss and keeps us fat. That said, I am trying to avoid any artificial sweetners such as the kind in diet soda to keep the candida under control.

    Do you have any studies to back this up?

    Candida can grow on many other things besides artitifical sweeteners. If you are just cutting out artificial sweeteners you haven't cut out all the things that harm.

    If you have a good immune system candida is not a concern. I don't get where you got this information however it is false.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    due to supply and demand I'm going to recommend everyone stop drinking it. It WILL make you fat

    How will diet pop make you fat?

    Trust me, it's science


    Nothing wrong with drinking diet pop.

    Look I'm no food additive engineer... But I believe the chemicals just get stuck in your body and they make you fat

    Dude, seriously, all you need to do is a cleanse once a month and you can get rid of all that stuff. Enjoy your diet poop.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    due to supply and demand I'm going to recommend everyone stop drinking it. It WILL make you fat

    How will diet pop make you fat?

    Trust me, it's science


    Nothing wrong with drinking diet pop.

    Look I'm no food additive engineer... But I believe the chemicals just get stuck in your body and they make you fat

    Yup.. that's exactly how it works.

    Doesn't matter how many calories you eat, how much exercise you do but instead it's the chemicals...