THIS is how hard it is to reach 1200 calories



  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    All looks good, but 2100 cals is *a lot* for some of us. I really get tired of all the sanctimonious people here who think they know what cal intake is good for hundreds of thousands of users of MFP. Stop and just think how ridiculous that is. Do your thing for you. Enjoy it. And stop trying to preach to others, who may have many health/physical/other issues you know nothing about. I'd be 180+ at 5'2" if I ate all of what you just showed every day. We're all on our own journey here.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Why do you need to eat every 2-3 hours? It seems so unnecessary and will probably leave the person hungrier then if they just ate 3 solid meals.
    Because it keeps your metabolism going and fired up which will burn more calories throughout the day for you.

    That's a myth, you won't "burn more" if you eat the same amount of calories in 5 meals, than you would if you ate them in 3 meals. Your metabolism keeps going if you are a living, breathing person who moves around and stuff, and if you're not starving yourself.

    For me, I do both. I try to eat a large, low-carb high fat/protein late breakfast, and that keeps me full for at least 4-5 hours. I do this because I operate on a later wake/sleep schedule, and find that I tend to get hungrier towards the evening/night so I try to save my calories for later.
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    Exactly. :-)
    I have had surgery and I am suppose to eat 800 calories a day according to my Dr ! No one should??? I think you need to research before you start making statements for everyone. TYVM
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    Your counter says you've lost 0 pounds. It doesn't look like you need to lose as much as many of us here.
    People are still responding with the fact that they eat less than 2100...

    Giving up
    *face palm*

    Read my above comments lol
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Why do you need to eat every 2-3 hours? It seems so unnecessary and will probably leave the person hungrier then if they just ate 3 solid meals.
    Because it keeps your metabolism going and fired up which will burn more calories throughout the day for you.

    Quote: That's a myth, you won't "burn more" if you eat the same amount of calories in 5 meals, than you would if you ate them in 3 meals. Your metabolism keeps going if you are a living, breathing person who moves around and stuff, and if you're not starving yourself.

    My Response: I don't agree that all calories are the same in terms of thermogenic effects, nor do I agree that timing does not matter. However, I do think there are a variety of studies that could back up either viewpoint, so my opinion is people should just try both and see what works better for them individually. For me, my blood sugar stays more stable if I eat smaller meals, which I like, so there could be benefits other than just metabolism. I know NROLW and Tosca Reno really push the small meals more frequently, so there could be a lot of people on here who are on a particular program designed around this concept, and if it works, who cares? :wink:
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    Your counter says you've lost 0 pounds. It doesn't look like you need to lose as much as many of us here.

    i don't even know what my counter says. but anyways, yeah i lost 40 lbs already, and yeah im happy where i am now. ive lost weight and built muscle.... so i cant share advice and help people?

    EDITED: now that i see my counter, yeah i started at 165 lbs, went down to 126 now i built muscle and am 142. i moreso just have the ticker there to show my crossfit design. but yeah, dont take any advice from me, i havent lost ANY weight and am clearly overweight *rolls eyes*
    All looks good, but 2100 cals is *a lot* for some of us. I really get tired of all the sanctimonious people here who think they know what cal intake is good for hundreds of thousands of users of MFP. Stop and just think how ridiculous that is. Do your thing for you. Enjoy it. And stop trying to preach to others, who may have many health/physical/other issues you know nothing about. I'd be 180+ at 5'2" if I ate all of what you just showed every day. We're all on our own journey here.

    IF YOU READ my above comments you would see that NO WHERE did i say people should eat 2100 calories like me. i posted this, AGAIN, as an EXAMPLE of how you can exceed 1200 calories in a healthy way!!

    and yes, im sticking behind it that no one should eat under 1200 calories. 1200 calories of HEALTHY food with have a different effect on your body than 900 calories of granola bars.

    anyways. enough defending my thread, don't like it, leave. thanks

    thanks to everyone that appreciates this thread, as i only did it to help :-)
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    U belong in the clean eating group! (search for it: clean eating and cardio challenge new years 2013)
    Ur pix are my new daily plan!!! Thx for sharing. I totally agree-- feed the furnace !

    thanks!! i'll check it out :) even though the thought of cardio makes me quiver. hahah
    i think that bowl of oatmeal looks delicious and looks like it would be very tasty/fruity

    every morning i like to start my day off with 1.5 cups of oatmeal, 18 grams of natural peanut butter, 1 packet of zero calorie sugar sweetener with a table spoon of ground cinnamon. sometimes ill chop up an apple or banana. but yours looks very tasty.

    thanks!! i LOVE oatmeal have it almost every day as well :) theres sooooo many ways to dress it up :)
  • youngblood_2010
    bump for food porn purposes
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    To be fair, some people having eating disorders and telling them 'eat more!' is about as unhelpful and potentially harmful as telling someone with depression to 'be happier!'.

    You know, I never thought of that. And I'm a big advocate of the "don't tell depressed people to cheer up, that's stupid and unhelpful" camp. Huh. Thank you for putting it that way, I wouldn't have have seen that otherwise.
  • sassyfrass9
    sassyfrass9 Posts: 71 Member
    where do yuo buy psyllium husk? i dont think i have ever seen that in my grocery store lol
  • firelle
    firelle Posts: 118 Member
    Bump. I need more protein recipes because I hit my carbs easy (I'm set to 1200 but always go over), but need way more protein. Debating whey isolate vs casein...
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I've picked up Physilium husk in bulk food stores but i'm sure they have it health food store.

    I'm having 3 meals plus snacks and going in from 1200 to 1500 calories. And losing so that's fine by me.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I'm not even remotely disagreeing with your opinion regarding increased calories. But frankly, I could never eat that much food. At least, not and feel good about it (overly full tummy). Having nothing to do with the calories. That's just a lot of eating.

    But I'm glad you have found what works for you. I have also found what works for me, and if it quits working, I'll try something new. :smile:
  • Susantuti
    Susantuti Posts: 168 Member
    This is all HEALTHY and it is around 2100 calories. Please, eat more. It's not that hard.

    This is the part that muddles your point.
    I am a big advocate of the EMTWL group. I have lost weight eating 1200 calories (then plateaued and regained it back when i started eating like a normal person lol) , and I have lost weight eating 1800 calories (less muscle was sacrificed) I love Dan and his In place of a roadmap, and I must say, I get quite bothered seeing women say its hard to reach 1200 calories. No one should eat below this. So I am here to paint a picture for you. I figured instead of just writing, I would put it in pictures.... Here goes...


    This is all HEALTHY and it is around 2100 calories. Please, eat more. It's not that hard.
    Where exactly is the confusion? At no point did she tell people they can't eat their 1200 calories and be happy.

    EXACTLY!!!! and this happens on almost every single post.
    She was only giving an example for those who have trouble getting there. I'm not one of them by the way. I can eat like nobody's business. hahaha! That's why I need to lose weight now. lol
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    where do yuo buy psyllium husk? i dont think i have ever seen that in my grocery store lol

    i live in canada so i buy mine at bulk barn. any health food store should have it, or if your grocery store has an organic isle it should be down there
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    Bump. I need more protein recipes because I hit my carbs easy (I'm set to 1200 but always go over), but need way more protein. Debating whey isolate vs casein...

    if you are debating, i would do whey. most recipes call for whey protein, plus you can use it in all throughout the day. its most benificial right after a workout because it is fast releasing so it will go right to your muscles. casein on the other hand is something you would have right before bed because it's a slow releasing protein so it will provide protein a while longer while you sleep. if anything i would say get a 5lb whey protein and a 2lb casein
  • lisgirl23
    I understand what you mean, but people with busy schedules don't have time to sit down and prepare and eat 5+ meals. I have always been a picky eater and I find it really difficult to eat 1200 calories a day unless I'm eating ****ty foods or eating so much food in one sitting my stomach hurts.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Well done sweetie, course when I was 23 and working out I ate closer to 2000 calories a day , metabolism was on fire then :)
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    Well done sweetie, course when I was 23 and working out I ate closer to 2000 calories a day , metabolism was on fire then :)

    thanks!! as i said previously, i really dont have a good metabolism. i was overweight litterally from ages 5-20. i used to eat 1200 but realized i can lose on 1800 as well. but this thread has nothing to do with that. just showing that you can eat big volume and still be healthy !:)
    I understand what you mean, but people with busy schedules don't have time to sit down and prepare and eat 5+ meals. I have always been a picky eater and I find it really difficult to eat 1200 calories a day unless I'm eating ****ty foods or eating so much food in one sitting my stomach hurts.

    i cook maybe twice a week. i hate cooking and these meals take under ten minutes because im so lazy. thats why they look so "easy" because they are. you can make it look a lot fancier putting in the effort, so busy schedules isnt an excuse to not eat 5x day, i cook all my stuff on sundays. takes 1.5 hours. and being a picky eater is okay. so am i. i hate veggies. so i just eat what i enjoy. thats why i did this, again to show its not hard to reach 1200 (my menu shows 2100) with healthy foods!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am a big advocate of the EMTWL group. I have lost weight eating 1200 calories (then plateaued and regained it back when i started eating like a normal person lol) , and I have lost weight eating 1800 calories (less muscle was sacrificed) I love Dan and his In place of a roadmap, and I must say, I get quite bothered seeing women say its hard to reach 1200 calories. No one should eat below this. So I am here to paint a picture for you. I figured instead of just writing, I would put it in pictures.... Here goes...

    Breakfast @ 9am 1/2 Cup Oatmeal with Choco Protein, Strawberries, Blueberries and Psyllium Husk for volume and fiber.

    Lunch @ 12pm 1 Salmon Burger, Asparagus, Tomato, and 1 Avocado

    Lunch #2 @ 3pm Lean Ground Turkey, 1 Apple, 15 Almonds, and Asparagus

    Snack @ 5pm Pre Workout 1 Cup Greek Yogurt w/ Strawberries and Cocao Nibs *&Calorie free choco syrup*

    Post Workout @8pm 1 Cup Egg Whites w/ 2 TBSP Natural Bacon Bits & 1 Sweet Potato

    Before Bed Snack- Casein Ice Cream ( 1 scoop casein, 1 TBSP PB, 3/4 cup Almond milk- 1 hr in freezer)

    This is all HEALTHY and it is around 2100 calories. Please, eat more. It's not that hard.

    <3 U 2!