Ketosis Diets???? LOW carb HIGH protein??? Weight Loss?



  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Hi everyone! :)

    I would like some information about 'Ketosis Diets' (Low Carb - High Protein). I could just Google it, but I'm more interested in personal opinions. :)
    Does eating this way help with weight loss more substantially? How do you feel on this kind of diet? What is your energy level? I'm worried my energy levels will be affected.

    What I read about ketosis diets is this
    When you eat high amounts of protein and reduce your carbohydrate intake, your body goes into a state of ketosis. This means fat is being used for energy instead of carbohydrates.

    I'd also be interested in meal ideas.

    Thanks so much! :)

    been there done that... its a bad diet, eat your carbohydrates
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I'm glad you found a method that works for you but I stand by every word I've said. I also don't have any issue with low carb diets as a tool/method for some people. But you cannot violate thermodynamics.

    It's not just a method that works for me, there's entire forums of people that use this method quite effectively. There's thread after thread of success stories at many different paleo websites, so you shouldn't completely discount the fact that VLC method does work. While I do agree that on some diets there needs to be a deficit in calories, I don't think that method should be used for everyone. And I'm proud to say I'm a fat burner vs. a carb burner, there's a huge difference in how my body feels when I'm using fat as fuel vs. carbs. I'm just curious, have you ever tried implementing the paleo/primal way of eating?

    First: Nowhere have I discounted whether or not a low carb diet works.

    With no disrespect intended at all: a calorie deficit must exist to lose weight. It is not optional, it is mandatory. Now, if you choose a method that causes a deficit through satiety/food selection, then you can succeed without counting the calories. But energy intake must be less than expenditure, over time.

    If you eat fewer carbs you burn more fat, but you also EAT more fat.
    If you eat more carbs you burn less fat, but you also EAT less fat.

    The above, essentially, is why it makes no difference.

    If you feel better on your diet then have at it and enjoy your success.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I love how the same anti-low carbers always jump in this discussions. Yes, low-carbing is soooo unhealthy (snark). Most of these same people who are anti-low carb support the following:
    * eating approx. 1 gram protein for every pound of lean body mass
    * eating healthy fats at about a half-gram per pound of lean body mass
    * then filling in the rest of your calories for the day with healthy carbs

    Guess what this describes? If you simply ensure that most of those healthy carbs are from non-starchy vegetables, you've described a great low-carb diet!

    Soooo... If I get 300g from carbs on a daily basis from lettuce and broccoli, I'm on a low carb diet? O.o
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I love how the same anti-low carbers always jump in this discussions. Yes, low-carbing is soooo unhealthy (snark). Most of these same people who are anti-low carb support the following:
    * eating approx. 1 gram protein for every pound of lean body mass
    * eating healthy fats at about a half-gram per pound of lean body mass
    * then filling in the rest of your calories for the day with healthy carbs

    Guess what this describes? If you simply ensure that most of those healthy carbs are from non-starchy vegetables, you've described a great low-carb diet!

    Soooo... If I get 300g from carbs on a daily basis from lettuce and broccoli, I'm on a low carb diet? O.o

    Silly boy. :tongue: Are you a closet lettuce/broccoli binger?

    Well, if you want to eat the 25.75 cups of chopped broccoli and 149.5 cups of chopped lettuce it would take to get 150 grams/carb from each to equal 300 grams of carb/day, I say you can go for it. I want to be there to watch.

    And if you are a low-carber who subtracts fiber grams from the carb grams as many do, you would have to eat a lot more broccoli and lettuce than that to meet 300 grams/carb. Oy veh! Didn't figure out how many cups that is because it makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it.

    However, also consider that this would be 1,577 calories. Let's say your calorie goal is 2000 calories that day. This would only leave you 423 calories for your protein and fats. I just don't see any way you could meet the macros and still stay within your calorie target. I suppose if you're someone who eats 3000+ calories a day it would be possible.

    But, like I said, I want to watch. I'd be curious if someone could do that and not have their stomach explode. And better be close to the bathroom!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
  • Kaathmandu
    Like I said before, horses for courses ... what suits some people, doesn't work for others ... I have put on weight while religiously following diet programmes that have made people very wealthy - obviously, they work for some people!
    What works for me is Atkins, the original. When I'm on programme - most of the time for the last three years - I only have 10-20g carbs per day. (Any more, and I don't lose weight.) And guess what?! I'm healthy, active and feel good on it. >>> And 60+kg lighter! <<<
    When I'm "off the wagon" for festivals, holidays, birthdays, etc :drinker: - I eat heaps of carbs (I am a carboholic :ohwell: ) and I feel cr@ppy.
    You know how they say alcoholics can give up drinking, and smokers can give up smoking, but we can't give up food? I can't do moderation, it is not my nature ... so, for me, it is easier to 'just say NO' to carbs :laugh:
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    I did a ketosis diet for 3 months and i lost a good amount of weight. But i broke out in hives because of it for over a month. You can't go without carbs for too long without hurting yourself. Carbs are your main energy source for your body. Just eat healthy foods and stay in a calorie deficit and you'll lose weight.
    No, wrong. Being without carbs for "too long" will not hurt you. Carbs are the body's preferred energy source because they are the easiest to break down. Fat is just another energy source. People aren't giving the body's ability to adapt nearly enough credit.


    Ur metabolism will slow down and carbs wont make u fat if ur in a caloric deficit..

    Think before you post. Anatomically we are no different than our Homo Sapiens ancestors from 150,000 years ago. Do you think that those people, with zero knowledge of agriculture, had any way to stay out of ketosis for months on end? Unless they lived in a tropical environment (which some did, to be sure) there was no way at all to get carbs in any significant amount except during the month that trees and bushes were in fruit.
    There was no wheat or grains being eaten. Essentially they lived on leaves and meat for 80% of the year. The fact that they thrived on this diet from weaning well into adulthood is evidenced by the fat that you and I are here now.

    Moving a little closer to home, northern native people (Canadian first-nations, for example) until very recently, lived on a diet consisting entirely of fat and protein. Seal meat and fat, and fish were their entire diet. In the arctic, there's never a chance of stumbling upon an apple tree. They lived full, rich lives, and were likely in ketosis for most of it.

    A low carb diet is not dangerous. Its normal.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I did a ketosis diet for 3 months and i lost a good amount of weight. But i broke out in hives because of it for over a month. You can't go without carbs for too long without hurting yourself. Carbs are your main energy source for your body. Just eat healthy foods and stay in a calorie deficit and you'll lose weight.
    No, wrong. Being without carbs for "too long" will not hurt you. Carbs are the body's preferred energy source because they are the easiest to break down. Fat is just another energy source. People aren't giving the body's ability to adapt nearly enough credit.


    Ur metabolism will slow down and carbs wont make u fat if ur in a caloric deficit..

    Think before you post. Anatomically we are no different than our Homo Sapiens ancestors from 150,000 years ago. Do you think that those people, with zero knowledge of agriculture, had any way to stay out of ketosis for months on end? Unless they lived in a tropical environment (which some did, to be sure) there was no way at all to get carbs in any significant amount except during the month that trees and bushes were in fruit.
    There was no wheat or grains being eaten. Essentially they lived on leaves and meat for 80% of the year. The fact that they thrived on this diet from weaning well into adulthood is evidenced by the fat that you and I are here now.

    Moving a little closer to home, northern native people (Canadian first-nations, for example) until very recently, lived on a diet consisting entirely of fat and protein. Seal meat and fat, and fish were their entire diet. In the arctic, there's never a chance of stumbling upon an apple tree. They lived full, rich lives, and were likely in ketosis for most of it.

    A low carb diet is not dangerous. Its normal.

    Strong logic
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I did a ketosis diet for 3 months and i lost a good amount of weight. But i broke out in hives because of it for over a month. You can't go without carbs for too long without hurting yourself. Carbs are your main energy source for your body. Just eat healthy foods and stay in a calorie deficit and you'll lose weight.
    No, wrong. Being without carbs for "too long" will not hurt you. Carbs are the body's preferred energy source because they are the easiest to break down. Fat is just another energy source. People aren't giving the body's ability to adapt nearly enough credit.


    Ur metabolism will slow down and carbs wont make u fat if ur in a caloric deficit..

    Think before you post. Anatomically we are no different than our Homo Sapiens ancestors from 150,000 years ago. Do you think that those people, with zero knowledge of agriculture, had any way to stay out of ketosis for months on end? Unless they lived in a tropical environment (which some did, to be sure) there was no way at all to get carbs in any significant amount except during the month that trees and bushes were in fruit.
    There was no wheat or grains being eaten. Essentially they lived on leaves and meat for 80% of the year. The fact that they thrived on this diet from weaning well into adulthood is evidenced by the fat that you and I are here now.

    Moving a little closer to home, northern native people (Canadian first-nations, for example) until very recently, lived on a diet consisting entirely of fat and protein. Seal meat and fat, and fish were their entire diet. In the arctic, there's never a chance of stumbling upon an apple tree. They lived full, rich lives, and were likely in ketosis for most of it.

    A low carb diet is not dangerous. Its normal.

    I would do more research as to what many ate during those was not low carb.
  • mdh185
    mdh185 Posts: 49 Member
    ^ Totally correct. Whatever the pros and cons may be on weight loss, the worst thing about going into ketosis is it gives you serious dog breath. If you don't mind that go for it.:happy:
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    I tried doing low carb when Atkins was popular...about 25 grams of carbs/day. Honestly I didn't lose much weight. (didn't have much to lose at the time) The plus was I was rarely hungry or had cravings. On the bad side...I was cranky and had bad breath! I also used processed low carb products like candy w/ sugar alcohol. I've found for me a quicker fat loss by eating lots of protein, fruits & veggies with a small amount of bread, pasta, candy... and beer.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Kind of amused by the "People feeling lethargic on LC diets" remarks.

    I lost 140 pounds on LC and will keep doing it to lose the rest. I feel great, I eat a ton of veggies and I have ZERO issues with being lethargic or sluggish.

    People think of low carb as the "I can eat all the cheese and bacon I want" diet, those are the ones who will fail.

    You know veggies are carbs right? If you're eating a ton of them you may want to watch it.

    Some folks do have performance issues on a low carb diet. Some don't.
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member

    I can't fathom someone only eating 15-17 carbs a day! Really? That's like a small apple cored~! My son is Type 1 Diabetic and we have to weigh everything and he only gets less than that for a snack between his prevent high BS. WOW! Not for me...

    It took some getting used to but I feel so much better and it's what works for my body. I've actually lowered the viral load in my body from my chronic illness over the past 3.5 months and have lost nearly 20lb so far.
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    ^ Totally correct. Whatever the pros and cons may be on weight loss, the worst thing about going into ketosis is it gives you serious dog breath. If you don't mind that go for it.:happy:

    That isn't true for everyone, just like this diet doesn't work for everyone. My obsession with flossing probably helps, though.
  • theblackbirdtree
    However, for my normal exercising which consists of a wide variety of things like heavy lifting, spinning, kickboxing, running (especially fartlek-style running on hills), sprints/stairs, lap swims, shorter bike rides of 15-20miles, etc.,
    (especially fartlek-style running on hills)

    Very distracting.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Blame the Swedes! :tongue:
  • fire34116
    Bumping to keep the link, to read later
  • mittyrox
    I followed a ketosis diet (IDeal protein) for 10 weeks and loss 30 pounds! But i had to take vitamins (calcium, potassium, magnesium) and had to eat 4 cups of veggies a day, and a lot of protein.. probly 65g or so.

    It was SO tough - no drinkiing, no fruit, but I leanred to cook for it and got sort of unadiccted to mindless eating.

    After i lost the weight, i had to slowly incorporate fat and carbs into my diet, at breakfast, for 2 weeks. This was so inslulin levels were regulated or something like that..
  • blp0004
    blp0004 Posts: 1
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Burke and hare would be proud