Boooo me if you want to!!



  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    This is exactly why I don't do forums anymore smh...
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Valerie, your several posts are negating your argument that those of us who hate to see people encourage others down a road that risks an eating disorder are mean or not classy or arrogant or whatever you said.

    Even without your unmeasured responses, the fact is, there is worrying behavior on this board. There is a subculture of kids who think it is cool to be anorexic. It blows my mind but it is true.

    There are also a ton of women here who seem to want to be in a victim role, so despite evidence to the contrary, they can't eat more and be happier because they have X reason that makes them special so they have to do it harder.

    Then there are all the threads of people who have stalled because they are eating so little and working out so much and they have no idea why they're struggling.

    Then, a bunch of the eat more police as you so kindly call those of us that are concerned about others, well, some of us DID do the very low calorie silliness and we are sharing our experiences hoping that you will learn from us and not make the same mistakes.

    You seem a bit grown to be responding to kindness so harshly. I wonder why that is.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    i don't give a **** how much you eat or about your stupid thyroid. good for you.

    Nice comeback, very eloquent in your debating skills. Here, have some milk and cookies: images78-2.jpg

    no thanks. i hate milk. get that **** away from me.

    Aww. how about some cake? eating-a-whole-cake-smiley-emoticon-3.gif

    And btw - its an internet image. If you are telling me to get it away from you, I worry for you. Do you also hear voices?

    I told you to get the milk away from me. Learn to read.

    I can read, which is why I offered you cake instead. How about a cocktail then. smiley-face-making-cocktail-1.gif
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Some people on here find it their God given right to expound on lots of subjects here. Especially 1200 calories or below eaters. You just have to ignore the "haters" and the "know it all's" they are everywhere. Just go about your plan your way.

    What I find so interesting is that years ago people ate at minimal levels. Of course obesity wasn't the problem that it is now. There was no junk food and restaurants were a treat. Somehow we were healthier and people obviously lived through it as a human race because we are all still here. There are lots of areas of the world that do not eat enormous amounts of food consisting of high calorie and high fat diets. My grandmother lived until almost 101, she died last September . Doubt she ever consumed more than 1200 calories a day her entire life.

    Everyone just needs to find what works for them and preface their advice with "this is what worked for me". That doesn't make it gospel.

    Whoa!?? History lesson: Our quality of life and life expectancies are MUCH longer now than they were 50 years ago, or in the times when we "were healthier" as you put them. Those diets didn't really do much for those people, most of them died much earlier, your example is an exception.

    Plus, I would love to see an actual calorie count for the foods your grandmother ate. I'm guessing she did eat more than 1200 a lot of people used butter, lard, and oil when cooking. Chicken was often fried, meats served with gravy. Milk was delivered fresh on a regular basis and people also used a lot of cream when cooking. People who had to scrimp and save bought the cheap cuts of meat, which had a lot of fat, and/or cooked with beans a lot (which are decently calorie dense). Potatoes, noodles, and bread were served in abundance, as they were also inexpensive and easy. Yes, people ate more vegetables, but I highly doubt that entire generations of people were eating below 1200 cals. Don't believe me? Crack open any cookbook from 1850-1940 and take a look at the recipes. Add up the calories.

    Edit to say that people who are under doctor's supervision because they already have had WLS or are preparing for another surgery are the exception and not the rule.
    If 800 cals a day are all you can eat because you've had surgery, that's fine. Good luck & I hope you have long term success - surgery is a hard road to take and I know it hasn't been easy for you to get to where you are. But to equate that with a 25 year old woman who works out 4 times a week and is still only eating 1200 cals.....that's not right.

    They probably did eat more, but they also didn't have desk jobs where they sat behind a computer all day every day, so they actually needed to eat more.

    I have a desk job, thyroid disease, and I'm short. I lose on 1950 calories a day. Next?

    i don't give a **** how much you eat or about your stupid thyroid. good for you.
    Srs? :laugh:

    I think your low-cal diet is giving you low seratonin levels. You need a chill pill. And a cookie.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Just wanted to add...why do you NEVER see those of us who LIKE to eat fewer calories telling others that they need to be eating under 1200? It's always the "eat more" crowd that thinks their way is the only way...even when we have proof that what we are doing is working for us.

    You're either new or blind. I've had friends harassed by vicious likely-anorexics. It is a minority (I can do math and I'm not currently prone to exaggeration), but it is a vocal one and it is one spreading a dangerous message.

    the ONLY people i see harassing anyone are the eat more police. I haven't seen any anorexic types do any harassing.

    In her long experience of approximately 6 weeks.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I can read, which is why I offered you cake instead. How about a cocktail then. smiley-face-making-cocktail-1.gif

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Just wanted to add...why do you NEVER see those of us who LIKE to eat fewer calories telling others that they need to be eating under 1200? It's always the "eat more" crowd that thinks their way is the only way...even when we have proof that what we are doing is working for us.

    You're either new or blind. I've had friends harassed by vicious likely-anorexics. It is a minority (I can do math and I'm not currently prone to exaggeration), but it is a vocal one and it is one spreading a dangerous message.

    the ONLY people i see harassing anyone are the eat more police. I haven't seen any anorexic types do any harassing.

    In her long experience of approximately 6 weeks.

    that's long enough to see who does the harassing on here.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I can read, which is why I offered you cake instead. How about a cocktail then. smiley-face-making-cocktail-1.gif


    Apology accepted.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    Don't listen to the "eat more" police. What do they know? You are a special snowflake who will probably excel on HCG. Find a like-minded group of undereaters where you can all encourage each other with your similar nutritional goals, pat each other on the back for days when you have net 0 calories, and answer the questions about low energy, lost hair, stalled weight-loss, and being skinny-fat.

    These people who challenge you to eat more than a toddler don't really care about your well-being. :drinker:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Don't listen to the "eat more" police. What do they know? You are a special snowflake who will probably excel on HCG. Find a like-minded group of undereaters where you can all encourage each other with your similar nutritional goals, pat each other on the back for days when you have net 0 calories, and answer the questions about low energy, lost hair, stalled weight-loss, and being skinny-fat.

    These people who challenge you to eat more than a toddler don't really care about your well-being. :drinker:

    You made me spit out my popcorn. Bravo.:flowerforyou:
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Don't listen to the "eat more" police. What do they know? You are a special snowflake who will probably excel on HCG. Find a like-minded group of undereaters where you can all encourage each other with your similar nutritional goals, pat each other on the back for days when you have net 0 calories, and answer the questions about low energy, lost hair, stalled weight-loss, and being skinny-fat.

    These people who challenge you to eat more than a toddler don't really care about your well-being. :drinker:

    When did I claim that I was a "special snowflake"? I put my stats into the application and it told me I need to eat 1200 calories a day to lose 0.6 pounds a week. Then the eat more police insist that the website is flawed even though it works for me. My hair is not falling out. How many times do I have to say that? I also said I net 1200 calories a day. I didn't say anything about 0 calories. I'm also not low on energy and did not have stalled weight-loss. Skinny fat maybe, but that's cause I don't work out. I never claimed that not working out is ideal, but I hurt my back and therefore it's difficult. Has nothing to do with my 1200 calorie diet though. I was never muscular even at my lowest weight before gaining.
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 889 Member
    Some people on here find it their God given right to expound on lots of subjects here. Especially 1200 calories or below eaters. You just have to ignore the "haters" and the "know it all's" they are everywhere. Just go about your plan your way.

    What I find so interesting is that years ago people ate at minimal levels. Of course obesity wasn't the problem that it is now. There was no junk food and restaurants were a treat. Somehow we were healthier and people obviously lived through it as a human race because we are all still here. There are lots of areas of the world that do not eat enormous amounts of food consisting of high calorie and high fat diets. My grandmother lived until almost 101, she died last September . Doubt she ever consumed more than 1200 calories a day her entire life.

    Everyone just needs to find what works for them and preface their advice with "this is what worked for me". That doesn't make it gospel.

    I agree, very wise words and insite!!
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I think it is funny that all these people eating 1200 calories really think we care how much they eat. As far as I can see you have an opinion and people eat more have another.

    Usually the frustration comes from seeing how well it works for MOST people and people like you thinking that they are talking to you. I will let you in on a secret...they are not talking to you, they are talking to the person that is asking for help and trying to prevent ignorant people that do no research and base their opinion purely on their own experience. I understand the need to tell the world that you are a beautiful and unique snow flake, but the truth is, we care about the people that are not in your situation and are looking for help.

    I also think that witty comments are a side effect of being well fed. That is 100% an opinion, but I think this thread is proof enough to support this statement.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Just wanted to add...why do you NEVER see those of us who LIKE to eat fewer calories telling others that they need to be eating under 1200? It's always the "eat more" crowd that thinks their way is the only way...even when we have proof that what we are doing is working for us.

    You're either new or blind. I've had friends harassed by vicious likely-anorexics. It is a minority (I can do math and I'm not currently prone to exaggeration), but it is a vocal one and it is one spreading a dangerous message.

    the ONLY people i see harassing anyone are the eat more police. I haven't seen any anorexic types do any harassing.

    In her long experience of approximately 6 weeks.

    that's long enough to see who does the harassing on here.

    Jigga what? You consider me telling you MY height, activity level, and about my thyroid disease to be harassment that necessitates cussing me out? Sounds pretty legit.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I think it is funny that all these people eating 1200 calories really think we care how much they eat. As far as I can see you have an opinion and people eat more have another.

    Usually the frustration comes from seeing how well it works for MOST people and people like you thinking that they are talking to you. I will let you in on a secret...they are not talking to you, they are talking to the person that is asking for help and trying to prevent ignorant people that do no research and base their opinion purely on their own experience. I understand the need to tell the world that you are a beautiful and unique snow flake, but the truth is, we care about the people that are not in your situation and are looking for help.

    I also think that witty comments are a side effect of being well fed. That is 100% an opinion, but I think this thread is proof enough to support this statement.

    I've seen the eat more police make threads dedicated to telling all the 1200 calorie people that they are doing it wrong, so you are incorrect. I also never said anything about a stupid snowflake. what the hell are you talking about?

    If witty comments are a side effect of being well fed, you must be starving.
This discussion has been closed.