How did you meet? where do you find a date?



  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    Unfortunately, online seems to be the best bet. I'm a single parent and met my current boyfriend on okcupid. Lots of creepers on there, but some genuine people too.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I've had three big relationships. 1st was a set-up. Second came through my line when I was working at a grocery store. And my husband I met at a bus stop downtown.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Single for almost two years now.... Think its about time I start dating again... Other than online dating sites how do I get started?

    It's good that you are ready to date again. By taking two years off, you've probably put yourself in a better frame of mind and that's going to be appealing to the new women you are about to meet.

    The number #1 thing you should do is work your friend of friend network. At 39, you probably know a lot of married couples. That's great! Established, married couples are great sources to help you. I'm sure your married friends, especially the wives in these relationships, can help you. I'd be letting all your friend's wives know you are single and going to be dating again, and ask them for help. They'll be receptive to helping set you up if you're a good guy.

    Examine your day to day activities closely. Do things that put you in close proximity of the types of women that you want to date. Exercise classes, grocery stores that encourage social interactions and Meetup groups are good sources. Meetup groups are their own animal. I could make an entire post on the ins and outs of Meetup groups but to quickly summarize the Meetup world, you should avoid bar mix n mingle events, groups specifically labeled singles and focus your energies on Meetup events that involve activities that you are really passionate about.

    Online dating works for some, but many people who do the online thing long enough get really fed up with the nonsense associated with it. Skip bars for the most part.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Options ->personals -> casual encounters
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    We went to middle school/high school together. Then separated ways and reconnected on Facebook and by chance, at a bar. I will never do online dating ever again. Ever.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Pretty much anywhere. I personally HATE online dating scene, mainly because some of them could be long distance and I don't need that. I have only tried to get involved with somebody once and that wasn't really a pleasant experience.

    I personally prefer day to day places. Markets are one of my favorites. Try to socialize a lot. Friends parties etc. If you go to college or something that is very good place for it. THE best pickup line I ever used is "Hi. Can I call you sometime?" Simple and have a very good success rate.

    I wish you good luck, good sir.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Single for almost two years now.... Think its about time I start dating again... Other than online dating sites how do I get started?

    Year and half for me. I'm from a small rural town so you already know everyone and other singles are few and far between. Moving isn't an option for me so I'm kind of stuck.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Single for almost two years now.... Think its about time I start dating again... Other than online dating sites how do I get started?

    It's good that you are ready to date again. By taking two years off, you've probably put yourself in a better frame of mind and that's going to be appealing to the new women you are about to meet.

    The number #1 thing you should do is work your friend of friend network. At 39, you probably know a lot of married couples. That's great! Established, married couples are great sources to help you. I'm sure your married friends, especially the wives in these relationships, can help you. I'd be letting all your friend's wives know you are single and going to be dating again, and ask them for help. They'll be receptive to helping set you up if you're a good guy.

    Examine your day to day activities closely. Do things that put you in close proximity of the types of women that you want to date. Exercise classes, grocery stores that encourage social interactions and Meetup groups are good sources. Meetup groups are their own animal. I could make an entire post on the ins and outs of Meetup groups but to quickly summarize the Meetup world, you should avoid bar mix n mingle events, groups specifically labeled singles and focus your energies on Meetup events that involve activities that you are really passionate about.

    Online dating works for some, but many people who do the online thing long enough get really fed up with the nonsense associated with it. Skip bars for the most part.

    you're cute, we should date.

    There, i skipped all the other bull****. God, that was so easy too!
  • PrincessKittenpants
    Youre 39 years old and don't know where to find a date? :huh:

    Really is this comment appropriate?
    I have been single for three years and it's hard to find someone considering most of us work full time. I work full time, am in graduate school and just about have enough time for me.
    You have a better idea? Are us single people supposed to go out to a bar and meet someone? Last time I checked going out to a bar to meet someone isn't the best idea.
    Church? I'm not religious
    Online Dating? Not as easy as you think
    Grocery Store? Any ideas on how to "meet" someone here

    Don't make inappropriate comments unless you have walked in our shoes


    "Dating" sounds so easy, until you mix in this little thing called LIFE and work and raising children & figuring out how to "start over" after so many years of being in a marriage. It's disgustingly hard. I haven't been single in over 11 years (before now) and have been now for 1.5 years. I haven't had a single date. I'm also not settling though.

    People always tell me they "met someone in a grocery store" wtf? how does that even work? All I ever see are a) the women of the family shopping or b) the men with their family, looking bored as ****.........

    No ideas.

  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Hang out with your friends and theirs and see if any of them know a single girls. But honestly, you'll meet a good girl at random. Could happen any where at any time.
  • wildcatnyc
    wildcatnyc Posts: 2,410 Member
    cuddle parties

    What is a cuddle party? I have never heard of this...
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    cuddle parties

    What is a cuddle party? I have never heard of this...

    Ever heard of an orgy?
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I tried the online dating but it didn't work for me, though I've heard it's better if you're a guy. While I was in the midst of online dating, I joined a kickball team with some friends and ended up dating the pitcher. I agree with the workout classes and gym, you really get to know people (especially those with similar interests as you) and it's easy to ask someone to grab a coffee or [healthy] meal afterwards!
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    I met my boyfriend at a wedding :) he lived in Georgia (i am in IL) and flew up to be the best man in the wedding... I was the maid of honor :) we only hung out for a couple of days during the wedding then he decided to move up to IL to find better work. the rest is history :)
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    Unless you're into nightclubs or lucky enough to bump into someone socially/whilst out shopping etc then online dating or friendship sites probably are your best way to give yourself a wide choice of singletons. It's not always easy but can and does work!

    This kind of depends on what kind of area you live in. I'm from a small town and as soon as I created a profile for online dating I kept getting all these messages from creepos that I KNEW saying "Hey, don't I know you??" Eeeek **delete profile!!**
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member

    I thought you had to be married to go to Applebees????
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Unless you're into nightclubs or lucky enough to bump into someone socially/whilst out shopping etc then online dating or friendship sites probably are your best way to give yourself a wide choice of singletons. It's not always easy but can and does work!

    This kind of depends on what kind of area you live in. I'm from a small town and as soon as I created a profile for online dating I kept getting all these messages from creepos that I KNEW saying "Hey, don't I know you??" Eeeek **delete profile!!**

    LOL same thing happened to me. I'm from a really small town. Everyone knows pretty much everyone (around the same age) and all the people online were the ones with no teeth, no jobs, or 8 different kids with 8 different mothers.
  • heygina
    I have a similar history to you. I got married when I was 22 and was married for 6 years, so when we split I didn't know where to start. Don't ignore the online option, I met my boyfriend on and we've been together since March and couldn't be happier! Best of luck to you! is where my husband and I met.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    This is really odd, but i actually saw my now-husband for the first time on Facebook. He was in a band that hosted a party that I crashed with a friend so I decided to look them up (I drank their alcohol, after all) and I thought he was adorable so I talked to a mutual friend and invited him to hang out with us at my house. The rest is history lol