Anxiety / Anger



  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I suffer bad anxiety. I find whisky helps. Note this isn't to be taken as medical advice. It just works for me.
    Certainly not medical advice, no, but whiskey is classified as a downer, which lowers your mood. Not necessarily in a bad way - it lowers good and bad emotions, and thus I've actually found a shot of a good whiskey very relaxing as it slows my thoughts a bit.

    That. I have a very active imagination full of things I don't want to think about. Alcohol makes it shut up a bit. Plus it knocks me out, can't think if I'm unconscious. Reading back this does make me sound a bit mad. It's not as bad as it sounds.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I suffer bad anxiety. I find whisky helps. Note this isn't to be taken as medical advice. It just works for me.

    I've been down that road, Zomoniac, and it didn't lead to a good place for me.

    Used to work, but I built a tolerance and needed more and more to get the same relief. Once I had a family I couldn't very well get blind drunk to put out the fire any longer.

    Edited to add: not trying to give you advice or render judgement; just explaining my experience with the same treatment :-)
  • Sheymarie417
    Sheymarie417 Posts: 40 Member
    I have the same issues. I was first diagnosed with depression at the age of 12/13. I would get into fits about everything and anything. The slightest thing would set me off. If you said boo to me id hit you. I had a hard time adjusting to things and getting close to people. Last christmas, i overdosed on my anxiety meds. That moment freaked me out completly. I thought i was gonna die. I could stop shaking and my stomach was killing me. After being admitted to a psych ward i realized i need help. With the help of y fiancee i put myself through theraphy. From there i went to a psychatrist. She put me on a mood stablizer that helped me out alot. She told me i have a from of bipolar. That would have been great to know when i was 12. You should really try your hardest to find the right therapist and psycharitis. it took me a near death experience to finally get help. i hope this helps you
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I suffer from general anxiety, panic attacks with agoraphobia, and some depression. And I've experienced the mood swings too. I find when exercise isn't helping or isn't an option, that relaxation works. You can start with simple breathing exercises. Other techniques I've found useful are progressive muscle relaxation and meditation. Good luck.
  • b3lllaa
    Talk to your doctor about Zoloft.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Wil Wheaton said this:

    I haven’t ever felt suicidal, but I do have Depression and Anxiety. I suffered for no good reason for decades, until I couldn’t reconcile my awesome life with feeling terrible all the time. Talking therapy wasn’t ever enough for me, and I was very resistant to medication, because I believed (and continue to believe) that we are an over-medicated culture.

    But, still, I wouldn’t just sit around and suffer if I had a treatable non-mental illness, so I went to a doctor, and I got better. Now, I take some medication every morning, and it has made all the difference in my life.

    I remember the first week after I started meds, Anne and I were out for a walk. I felt her hand in mine, and realized that I didn’t have any lingering tension or unhappiness just buzzing around in my skull. I was just enjoying a walk with my wife, and holding her hand.

    And I began to cry, because I was so happy.

    “It’s like I was in a loud room for so long, I didn’t know how loud it was,” I said, “and all I have now is the ringing in my ears.”

    She squeezed my hand and I said, “I’m going to remember that ringing in my ears, so I never go back into that room again.”

    That was about four years ago, and I’m happy to say that I’ve stayed out of the room. I can actually enjoy my friends, my family, and my life. I have bad days from time to time, but I know they’ll pass, and — most important of all — I may have Depression, but Depression doesn’t have me. I know that’s sort of corny, but it’s pretty accurate, too.

    So, please, if you or someone you know suffer from Depression — with or without thoughts of suicide — please talk to someone, and get help from a doctor. As Jenny says, Depression lies, and you don’t need to let it control your life.

    ^ ^ ^ This. And thank you to the person who posted it.

    SMH at people posting gifs in this thread.
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    I too suffer from stress-based anxiety and have some anger issues. Mine are not very severe, but just enough that when I did a questionnaire for a research study I am in, I was told that I am a high risk for mild depression.

    I found that when I am working on a project that I have to concentrate on a lot, it helps. Also, a long hot shower kind of calms me.

    Mostly, I just pray.

    I'm not a very religious person, and I don't go to church or believe in any type of organized religion. But I am pretty spiritual. And taking a moment, and taking a deep breath and telling myself that it's in God's (or whomever's) hands...well, I do feel a little more at ease putting some trust into a higher power for something that is really out of my control.

    Good luck to you.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    For some people, although I dont know how clinical depression figures in, it's as simple as finding the trigger for your anger. In general, anger is a secondary emotion and is more of a defense mechanism than the underlying emotion. Some people show anger when its really fear they are feeling. My brother in law has anger issues. Everything sets him off and he can't let it go. I shared a house with my sister and her husband for a yr and a half and heard a lot of fighting. Daily. I noticed a trend. He got angry when no one listened to him. If their toddler wasn't listening he got mad. When he and my sis fought she had a nasty habit of saying her piece and walking away always having the last word. She never asked his opinion and made decisions on her own and all if it resulted in him in a constant state of anger. I shared my theory with him and after a few days of seeing it for himself he realized sometimes an outsider sees what is right in front of u.
    I'm sure your anger isn't always stemming from one thing but tracing it back to the source might help for at least half the time. Worth a shot.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    too personal. removed.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have a lot of experience with depression/PTSD and meds saved my life. I was never suicidal, but the meds calmed me down so that I could deal with the real issues rather than getting the extreme anxiety and shuttng down.

    Like some others have said, it may take a while to find the right med(s) at the right dosage. I think prescribing meds for mental health issues is an art form, even more than for physical issues. And if you need more than one med, then you really need to find someone who specialized in psych meds.

    It really does sound like you need some professional help. And that may also take some time and going through a few different therapists before you find someone that you can connect with.

    BTW - At one point I was on a cocktail of 5 different meds, and I was also seeing a therapist. I still a therapist, but it's it's not critical anymore. And I don't take any psych meds anymore.
  • Beckycm1971
    Beckycm1971 Posts: 40 Member
    That was the point of my post though I rambled. It was late for me. But I definitely agree. Sometimes in the Christian community the message is that Jesus is all you need. It just isn't always that easy as much as I would like it to be.
    With all due respect, Jesus People, mental illnesses are real, actual illnesses that are suffered by people of all walks of life (yes, even those who "know Jesus").

    If someone on these forums told someone not to get their insulin Rx filled and just take a walk with Jesus, the whole community would jump down their throats.