


  • jessiepiexo
    Douoble post. Nothing to see here
  • jessiepiexo
    Well consider that Crossfit isn't the cheapest way to do anything, the best way to gain muscle or strength, the easiest way to lose weight, the best way to gain endurance, or even to prepare for the crossfit games. Then google "crossfit dangerous"

    This coming from someone who obviously has never tried it... and has a picture of ice cream as his profile picture. And Crossfit is one of the best ways to gain endurance... it is exactly the workout that Firemen and the Military uses.

    Crossfit is deffinately NOT what the U.S. Army uses for P.T. Many soldiers do Crossfit in their off time. Big difference
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I think it would be awesome to have a crossfitting agnostic president.

    Edited to remove the word "woman" I rethought it
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I think it would be awesome to have a crossfitting agnostic president.

    Edited to remove the word "woman" I rethought it

    presidential debates would just be a Rx'd WOD.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    My gym offers Crossfit classes, and I've taken it a few times...its a GREAT workout, but in my case, I have managed to strain something in my body every dang time I've done it...probably because I wasn't using proper form :grumble:

    The instructors at my gym are very good about showing us the right way though, and I'm sure I'll give it another go one of these days...I'm just a tad gun-shy if I have any other fitness plans that I don't want to be sore for....

    You should definitely try it out, and you're always encouraged to go at your own pace...nobody is going to force you to do something that you can't handle!
  • TheJor91
    Every girl I have ever seen who stays consistant with Crossfit has been SUPER attractive, and HEALTHY. Not just "skinny" or "small" or whatever. Crossfit combines lifting with cardio, pushing your body to the limit every single workout. Every guy I workout with who does crossfit is SHREDDED. I have nothing but respect for it, and have only ONLY seen gains from it! I will always recommend it to anyone!

    TRY IT. I mean it's not like you're going to get CHUBBY or something from doing it :) You have nothing to lose! Try it!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Well consider that Crossfit isn't the cheapest way to do anything, the best way to gain muscle or strength, the easiest way to lose weight, the best way to gain endurance, or even to prepare for the crossfit games. Then google "crossfit dangerous"

    Can we stop with the "CrossFit dangerous" bull s***? People hurt themselves walking down their front porch to get the morning paper, should I stop that too? It doesn't matter what you are doing, a chance of injury is ALWAYS possible. No, CrossFit is not cheap and NO there is nothing (movement-wise) about it that makes it any different from other workouts. That being said, the community is what I go for. Without CrossFit, I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have. I am not going to say it is for everyone, but I am definitely sick of all the hate that people have that just don't understand it...

    Not to mention, your argument is not helpful at all. All you do is focus on the negatives of CrossFit and you give no help or offer no suggestions as to what the OP might otherwise attempt... Try again.

    I my first post which was the second of the thread I suggested sticking with regular lifting. Try again.

    "regular lifting' :huh: ... you are too wise for me...

    no need to state the obvious

    Lol! The only obvious thing I see is my results vs your hiding behind a fake online persona of a bowl of ice cream. But I guess being as how I'm still just stating the obvious, I'll quit wasting my time. Haters gotta hate, so hate on brother.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Well consider that Crossfit isn't the cheapest way to do anything, the best way to gain muscle or strength, the easiest way to lose weight, the best way to gain endurance, or even to prepare for the crossfit games. Then google "crossfit dangerous"

    Can we stop with the "CrossFit dangerous" bull s***? People hurt themselves walking down their front porch to get the morning paper, should I stop that too? It doesn't matter what you are doing, a chance of injury is ALWAYS possible. No, CrossFit is not cheap and NO there is nothing (movement-wise) about it that makes it any different from other workouts. That being said, the community is what I go for. Without CrossFit, I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have. I am not going to say it is for everyone, but I am definitely sick of all the hate that people have that just don't understand it...

    Not to mention, your argument is not helpful at all. All you do is focus on the negatives of CrossFit and you give no help or offer no suggestions as to what the OP might otherwise attempt... Try again.

    I my first post which was the second of the thread I suggested sticking with regular lifting. Try again.

    "regular lifting' :huh: ... you are too wise for me...

    no need to state the obvious

    Lol! The only obvious thing I see is my results vs your hiding behind a fake online persona of a bowl of ice cream. But I guess being as how I'm still just stating the obvious, I'll quit wasting my time. Haters gotta hate, so hate on brother.

    What is it with you people hanging everything on avitar pics? All I see is an arm that isn't very big with not much definition being mashed against your body. Do you even lift? You can go back a page or 2 and see a pic of my not very big arm which would show just as much results as your pic but without my pretty face. Do I even lolfit?
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I *hate* how negative people are about crossfit. Yes, it's just as dangerous as ANY OTHER SPORT. Know your limits. Go to a good box that's an affiliate. Why do people get so fing crazy about CF??? You don't see people getting their panties in a twist about zumba or underwater basket weaving?
    I've been doing CF since January. It's challenging and always new and exciting. I've battled with depression/body dysmorphia for YEARS and this past year crossfit has done more for me than YEARS of therapy.
    Yes, it's pricey, but paying $100 a month holds me more accountable so I actually go 4-5x week.

    Quit being so nasty. No one likes a negative nancy. CF is not for everyone. If you like it, keep doing it. If you dont then don't go and make the rest of us feel like crap for doing what we enjoy.

    Really? Really!?

    (I mean, I don't know where Crossfit falls on the "most dangerous sports" ranking, but I'm certain that different sports have different risk factors. I don't mind a little exaggeration to make a point, but I draw the line at making up facts.)

    Not the most comprehensive nor does it include crossfit. is in relation to youths.

    Weight training’s injury rate of 0.0012 injuries per 100
    participant hours pales to the 6.2 injuries per 100 participant hours in youth soccer and 1.02
    injuries per 100 participant hours in basketball. Time in the weight room carries even less risk
    of injury than a traditional physical education class where there is an injury rate of 0.18
    injuries per 100 participant hours. In fact, weight training, unlike many other sporting
    activities is an accepted and recommended therapeutic modality following injury. If weight
    training can damage injured tissues, why would any responsible clinical professional
    recommend them for rehabilitation or prevention?

    I think this is right. Let's all be safe, people. I think we could get that weight training injury rate down even further if we all just wore helmets.
    You be the first, FullOfWin.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I *hate* how negative people are about crossfit. Yes, it's just as dangerous as ANY OTHER SPORT. Know your limits. Go to a good box that's an affiliate. Why do people get so fing crazy about CF??? You don't see people getting their panties in a twist about zumba or underwater basket weaving?
    I've been doing CF since January. It's challenging and always new and exciting. I've battled with depression/body dysmorphia for YEARS and this past year crossfit has done more for me than YEARS of therapy.
    Yes, it's pricey, but paying $100 a month holds me more accountable so I actually go 4-5x week.

    Quit being so nasty. No one likes a negative nancy. CF is not for everyone. If you like it, keep doing it. If you dont then don't go and make the rest of us feel like crap for doing what we enjoy.

    Really? Really!?

    (I mean, I don't know where Crossfit falls on the "most dangerous sports" ranking, but I'm certain that different sports have different risk factors. I don't mind a little exaggeration to make a point, but I draw the line at making up facts.)

    Not the most comprehensive nor does it include crossfit. is in relation to youths.

    Weight training’s injury rate of 0.0012 injuries per 100
    participant hours pales to the 6.2 injuries per 100 participant hours in youth soccer and 1.02
    injuries per 100 participant hours in basketball. Time in the weight room carries even less risk
    of injury than a traditional physical education class where there is an injury rate of 0.18
    injuries per 100 participant hours. In fact, weight training, unlike many other sporting
    activities is an accepted and recommended therapeutic modality following injury. If weight
    training can damage injured tissues, why would any responsible clinical professional
    recommend them for rehabilitation or prevention?

    I think this is right. Let's all be safe, people. I think we could get that weight training injury rate down even further if we all just wore helmets.
    You be the first, FullOfWin.

    I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. I just provided some info on injury rates of common sports.
  • bethf1977
    I have been doing it a couple of weeks. I do private sessions, and talked it over with my doctor before i started. I only do twice a week and still do the elliptical on the other days. So far i enjoy it, but i am a novice to fitness so i am starting slowly. I would try it.