People who are married and have lost weight...



  • SaraRT1983
    My husband is very supportive. When we go grocery shopping, he is always picking healthy stuff up he knows I can and like to eat with my new "lifestyle change". He also stays at home with the kiddos when I go to aerobics classes at night or when I go for my walks outside. If it is too cold to walk outside, he will hang out with me in the basement while I'm walking. I love him dearly for being so supportive. :heart:
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I was (note the was) married and immediately after (upon return from the honeymoon) I decided to lose weight. I lost 45lbs (went from 195 to 150 at 5'10) and my husband was none too pleased about it.

    He was not supportive at all, wouldn't watch me play team sports, wouldn't watch the kids so I could run, guilted me anytime I took a minute for myself to exercise, lambasted me when I asked him to occupy the kids for 30 minutes so I could work out and told me I was selfish and an absentee mother (for taking 30 minutes out of a day to work out, when I was a stay at home mom 24/7)

    Needless to say, I dropped 45lbs and then dropped him too.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I don't really fit in the category because I've only lost 15 pounds (and by the end I will have lost 20 lbs at the absolute most) so not an extreme difference (except to me). But anyway my DH is pretty much effing awesome---seriously he is. He really wouldn't care what my weight was. Don't get me wrong if I gained or lost a tremendous amount of weight he would be concerned with my health, but I have no doubt he would still love and cherish me no matter what. I am losing weight for me, not him but he is still very supportive. He eats my low calorie recipes and is even the official taste tester for the crazier ones. He pretty much supports whatever the heck I do. I love him so much :)
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    Needless to say, I dropped 45lbs and then dropped him too.

    Good for you! I hope everything has worked out well.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    It hasnt really changed much. I've lost 92 lbs and hubby has lost 30. Not because he was trying, just from the healthy dinners we have everyday and the lunches i pack him now. He doesnt complain about the food, he likes whatever i make. He also doesnt bring junk food home, for the most part, because he respects that i dont want it in the house and will have it at work if he really wants it. Physically, i do think he finds me more attractive now but i dont think he ever didnt. I feel more confident and i think that shows.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    My husband is supportive, but not participative. He eats what I cook and I try not to let him cook! :laugh:

    I have yo-yoed the 9 years we have been together, so I think he is reluctant to make such a big deal out of it in case I get big again. He, of course, loves me at any weight, but I know he likes the new healthier me. I have overheard him brag about me and have had people/strangers come up to me to say something because he was talking about me to them.

    I don't think he really likes that I take time away from home to go to the gym (even though I'm with our kids all day - at work - and I need some time away), but he doesn't make a huge deal about it. The most recent thing is when I started a free weights lifting program. He said, "I'm sure there are lots of guys there who would like to spot you." I think he knows that a woman in a weight room will turn some heads, even though the last thing I'm there to do is socialize. Yes, I've invited and encouraged him to come with me, but he doesn't want to.

    Overall, my health benefits my entire family and my marriage, even though there were some lifestyle changes that we have had to made. He likes his hotter wife!! :love:
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    To be honest i think my husband sees me as smaller, so he is happy for the weight loss :)

    he just wants me to be happy

    and i want to ride him like a pony... so it works for both of us i think ;)
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    We have been together since I was fifteen. At that time, I thought I was big. But looking back I was relatively thin! Haha! Oh the teenage mind!
    He wholeheartedly supports me, but does worry about my obsession to lose weight.
    I'm currently pregnant, so trying not to focus so much on weight loss, but instead on being healthy.

    When I lost six kgs earlier this year, he was so excited, right along with me!

    He's a qualified (and very talented) chef, and is hugely into nutrition. For him, he's little, anyway, but he really cares about health. So he creates lovely healthy meals that taste completely amazing. =)

    He also gives me a kick up the bum when I don't eat enough, or when I go a little nuts on junk food. He's a really good support person, really!
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    And funnily enough, he doesn't see me as big... He sees me as "gorgeous, stunning, kind and caring". In those words. Haha!

    Love that guy!
  • simnuts
    simnuts Posts: 32 Member
    We're doing it together! No better support than getting fit with the one you promised to love honor and support forever....
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    My husband used to say I wasn't fat at all - when I was actually just over 16 st (226 lbs)! Probably he just didn't want to upset me :embarassed:
    Now, 48 lbs later, I can tell he's really excited about my progress. He can't stop telling me that I look stunning and he's very proud of me (although I still need to lose 35-40 lbs!) :ohwell:
    Also noticed he's getting more and more active..sexually :blushing: :noway:
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    Lost 70 lbs. Now horny all the time. Wife wishes I would get fat again.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I gained 20 lbs immediately when my husband moved in with me 2.5 years ago and haven't been able to get all of it off. He has pretty habits and has gained tons of weight since getting out of the military, so he got insecure when I lost the 50 lbs I gained with our first son + 10 more. I think it just depends on your husband's priorities and how interested in fitness/healthy he is!
    I'm preggo with baby #2, hoping not to gain so much weight during pregnancy and then be able to get to my goal weight!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    Hubby doesn't mind the way I look, he is happy if I'm happy. He tells me he's proud of me. Called me skinny wife after the first 10lbs lost... continues to call me that now. He enjoys putting his hands all over my magic shrinking body. He doesn't like that I'm counting calories because he knows I can't go out to some places without researching the menu's calories... He doesn't want to know how many calories are in his favorite foods (Usually more than he thought) so I guess that would be the only thing that bugs him. He doesn't like when I get down about my weight, but he knows it's all part of the weight loss journey... A journey he will join me on soon I hope!!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    we have a hard time, at least at first, because i was making changes to my diet, and he SHOULD have been too, but wasn't. he kept trying to get me to have the bad foods and eat more, go back for seconds. Now, after almost 6 months of MFP, he's starting to smarten up.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I have lost 40 so far and my marriage has gotten so much better! I am about 4 pounds from the weight I was on our first date. I know he loved me at any size but its nice to see him look at me the way he did years ago. I think the MAIN reason our relationship is better is because I am a happier person! He even said to me the other night how I had changed so much. I said 'in a good way' and he said 'you just seem so much happier and that makes me happy.' He was never rude when i was over weight but he seems so proud of me now and its nice to have him call me skinny mini and tell me how great I look. The hardest part probably was that he is in normal shape, and is man, and a foot taller then me, so he can eat a lot more and I don't do fast food often and its hard when he wants it. I just had to learn that this is my journey not his, I'm the one who gained so much weight, not him, and that I have to be the one to say no to myself and not give in just cause he wants it. But it did make me happy to hear him say today 'guess what December 1st is?" and I said ??? and he said ' the day I start working out too"!!! I was so happy, hopefully he does it. Not that we will workout together BUT that he can see how much hard work I put into it and how its not that easy. (even tho for men its easier and he only needs to maybe lose 10 pounds and tone up). I can see how for some people, if they are both over weight and one loses and gets healthy and the other one decides not too, im sure it can be an issue.
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    I've been with my husband for 19 years (married for 16 1/2 of those).
    I too have had a couple of 'tries' previously at weight loss.

    Overall, it hasn't really changed our relationship in any way. We do have a VERY good relationship, though. He has always been supportive of me, and has never said a negative word - even at my highest. (Even though I have always been more 'obese' than him, he does still also have a weight problem. I am more apt to suggest/ push for him to get more exercise or eat better.)

    The big struggles I've had with communication and losing weight, is he is the 'stay at home parent', and we have agreed that he is responsible for dinner. So, when I find we eat out too much, or the things he makes don't fit with what I need, I get frustrated.

    He is now starting to push for himself to watch his caloric intake and burn, so it is definitely getting better!

    (There was a period of time after I lost a significant amount that my sex drive increased exponentially. He very much enjoyed that period.)

    At 85 lbs down, he still loves me very much - but I don't think any more than he did before. He is just happy that I am healthier. (As am I !!)
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I lost 60 total and it didn't change our relationship at all. If anything, it made me a better wife in that I am more comfortable with myself and have much more energy and can do more physically now.

    As for eating and the family, DH likes to cook and doesn't make calorie friendly meals when he does. He is okay with me eating a portion of something or altering something or eating a different meal than him all together.
  • nhradeuce
    nhradeuce Posts: 168 Member
    I was near my max weight when we met so my wife never got to see the athletic me. She and her family were honestly surprised when I water skied last summer, they thought I was just telling stories. She's very supportive and is very happy with her new active and thinner husband. She also says I'm much easier to be around because I am always happy.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    My highest weight, which wasn't logged on here, was 282 lbs, currently I'm 142 lbs. My husband and I got married when I was 16 and weighed around 160 lbs, so this is the smallest I've ever been since us being together! Honestly, he's all over me, all the time, lol. It's almost like we're teenagers again. So it's been good for us. ;)
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