People who are married and have lost weight...



  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    I envy most of you. My husband liked it when I was bigger...and he tells it to me all the time.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I lost 40 lbs, and he knocked me up. I think it went quite well for me.


    My husband loves me no matter my size though, and he's never found me unattractive even when I was quite obese. As to your question about whether I felt less like me, I had quite the opposite experience. I grew up very skinny and was thin for most of my life until the last 7 years or so. Being obese was not "me." I felt more and more like me the more I lost and the fitter I got.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    After about 8 months of seeing my success, my husband started taking better care of himself and he has since lost 40+ lbs. We both have about 40 left to go. We are both better people because we feel better, both physically and emotionally. We've gone hiking together and go walking all the time instead of sitting in front of the TV. I can't think of a single negative in our relationship because of the weight loss. And sex is way better :)
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    My husband says I talk about my diet and exercise program waaaayyyy too much. So, I've stopped sharing. I work from home and he works outside the home, so he's never here when I work out. I make it a point to exercise when he's not here. Don't need an audience lol. He doesn't even know that I have been doing Insanity. He knows I lost 60 lbs. After that, I stopped giving him updates (I've now lost 78). I'll tell him when/if he asks. He is in great shape, and always has been. The last 13 yrs since we had kids I have gone up and down (mostly up). He's probably afraid I will yo-yo again.
  • LStuart101
    I think every relationship is different. Hopefully you can be a good example if your spouse isn't ready right now. We all go through stages of being ready to actually do something about it, so be patient! Good luck!
  • LStuart101
    I'm not having an easy time...

    Hubby keeps saying I'm not fat and I don't need to lose weight, and that he doesn't like skinny girls. For me the weight loss isn't just a vanity thing - it's for my health - I'm diabetic and would like to lose weight to help control it.

    And meal times have become a bit of a battle ground... I serve up healthy food, he eats junk for afters...

    I'm just getting on with it and leaving him to do his own thing...

    Keep it up! It's worth it and maybe he is just a little resentful right now because he's not on board with it. Everyone progresses at a different rate and maybe he's not ready yet. Just try to be patient and don't push him or he'll probably never want to jump on board. Maybe as he sees you getting healthier/more energetic he will realize what he's missing out on and will realize that your new found health will also benefit him....
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I lost 50lbs over about 18 months, and then lost 260lb of husband BY TEXT MESSAGE in an instant. He blamed my weightloss.
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    I've only lost about 20 lbs but my husband seems to be enjoying it.. he's much more touchy feely with my new curves and keeps joking about how badly I need to go clothes shopping for smaller sizes! I cannot wait to be in the 50+ loss club to update you :wink:
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I used to complain all the time that I didn't feel good and that I was fat and didn't like the way I looked. My husband would point out that I ate like crap. The only time he ever said anything was when I would complain.

    It was not hard to adjust to eating healthier simply because we will prepare meals for each other but we don't care if each other eats it. We enjoy a lot of similar foods, but not all.

    I don't drink coffee creamer or soda anymore so he just puts it in the cart when he wants it. When we get a soda at the movies, he lets me pick what kind because we are sharing and he gets the kind he wants all the time.

    He says now that I am "fit as a fiddle" and also "sexy as hell". But when he sees pictures of me from before he says "I would still $%^& the %$&# outta that".

    He encourages me and shows me exercises. He is honest but never pushy.

    He has actually put on quite a bit of weight this year, but I am not judgmental. Not trying to return the favor, just not really bothered personally. If he starts complaining, I will encourage him or try and help find something he can cut out.

    I still log my food although I have not been losing weight on purpose since July. I don't know how to eat properly. That is how I got fat in the first place. I like to see where my nutrients come from, to see what I am getting out of my food.
    I want to make sure I am eating enough, but not too much. I want to resist fatty, salty treats I crave if I have already indulged too much that day. I want to make healthier choices. It doesn't bother anyone and those close to me know I still log my food.

    He has always lifted weights our whole marriage (almost 9 years). He also enjoys my favorite sport (softball). So we spend time together doing those activities and we both want to invest that time.

    Overall, if things were good to begin with, I don't see how weight loss could harm your relationship or home life.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    I do a low carb diet and my husband lives on carbs! Most of our meals consist of us having the same meat but different veggies and him having bread with every meal. I've lost 62 pounds and he loves it! He's always telling me how good I look. He is normal sized everywhere, arms, legs, face, but his belly is quite large. His 2X shirts are getting too tight. But he wears 36X32pants. He has finally decided that he needs to lose weight. He says he can't do what I do so he is trying to watch portion size, make healthier choices, and drink more water. He doesn't exercise with me but he said he'd like to. He works about 60 hours a week and is out of town a lot so it is hard for him. He does walk with me on the weekends when the weather is nice. We don't push each other but compliment and encourage instead. He is only just starting. I told him he had to be in the right mindset and he had to do it for himself. I believe he will do it! We've been married 30 years. I love him as much today as I did in 1982!! :smooched: :heart:
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    I've only lost 25, and sometimes its been a little bit of a struggle. She has her own diet plan so she eats when she wants to, its hard to plan a meal as a family, She works nights so we only see each other a few minutes a day and when the week ends come along she does not get hunger until late in the day. We try to have at least one meal to gether on the weekend but its not always the healthiest. As for everything else she seems to like the fact that i'm loosing the gut but does not say much either way. I ask her a few weekago and she said she was ok with it. I think thing only thing i would be nive is if we could work out together she is not into exercise and has other she does not like to go for walks.
    Sorry I hope it does not sound like i'm complaining because really i'm not.. She is a fantastic person we just cant seem to link up mostly because of her shift.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My wife thinks i'm getting in shape to leave her.
    True story.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    My husband is very supportive! He has always been kind to me about my horrendous weight gain over the years, never saying a word about it. But once I decided to get all that fat off me he was so happy! He's very enthused about how much weight I've lost so far and is looking forward to seeing me in a bikini :blushing:

    We've been together for a long time and he's very secure within himself and about our marriage, so he's not threatened by my getting in shape. He's glad I'm getting healthy. I think my obesity-related health scare back in January scared him as much as it did me.
  • BreannaJohnson1030
    Well I het my husband when I was 16 so let's just say I was half my size :( I ran track did sports and always wanted to look good due to I was in high school. We go married when I was 19 and I was around 160 -170lbs than at 22 I got Pregnant with our awesome baby boy and went up to 240 before I gave birth. I never weighed myself during my 6 week recovery time after birth. At my 6 week check up I weighed 211lbs I felt like poo I felt huge and I know my husband appreciated all the work I did ( giving birth) but I wanted to look good when we went out and showed off our beautiful baby. My husband was very supporitive after I had our son he watch the baby while I went and ran we walked togeather everyday and even if I was tired he always offered to go walk at the mall or go to the store to walk and get excersize with out feeling like it was work since I was in Pain for a long time after birth. Now that I am doing MFP my husband does not bring home fast food he never gives it as a option when I ask where he wants to eat. I know loseing weight will bring us even closer than it already has. Now 23 with a beautiful 7 month old I know how much energy I will need to keep up with him and being a stay at home mom my husband knows it is a lot of work and energy and he respects that I want tobe a great mom to our son by being there for him to play with not sit on the couch with !!
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    I've been with my husband for over 16 years..dated from 21-28, then got married on a cold June day 9 years ago. 10th married anniversary this coming June. Yes, the minister made jokes about H-e- double chopsticks freezing over.:laugh: We all laughed, it was a very casual wedding and he knew our sense of humor was twisted. My husband has never made me feel bad about my size, but he definitely appreciates the weight loss. At 6 ft and 185, with Crohn's disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis, his nutritional and fitness needs are very different than mine, eating his way and being pretty sedentary, except for work, is what made me get to 250, although I was always a bit overweight even before, just not obese. Some meals we eat the same thing, glad he likes fish, or I make 2 versions of the same meal, adding extra veggies or less fat to mine. He always said I was Hot, but now its even more frequent. I love this man:love: My Zumba class is at dinner time, so he's had to get used to eating alone and me warming up my plate when I get home, or helping me fix it when I do get home.
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    As far as eating habits - he either makes what I cook or he makes his own food. We have two daughters and I do the majority of the cooking so it's up to me unless he suggests something for dinner. I am not super "strict" on what I cook, so I guess that hasn't been a big deal. I have no problem eating spaghetti and meatballs or anything considered "bad". My only stipulation is that most of the time I much prefer to make things from scratch than out of a box :). I like to eat fish - so I make sure I make that on nights when he has his classes since he doesn't like fish. :p

    I worry more now about what he eats than I did before, because I want him to be healthy and NOT have health problems when he's older. He's gotten better, actually, about eating less canned stuff and eating more fresh veggies, sandwiches, etc.

    I feel guilty almost, looking so much better than I EVER have in our relationship, because I get flirted with. A lot. And he knows it - I've told him - and he isn't insecure about it. I guess I'm more uncomfortable with it than he is (and my wedding rings are too big on me, so I suppose that doesn't help...).

    As much as I love working out and would LOVE for him to be my workout buddy, I know he can't be - he hates working out and he has injuries in both of his shins from years of running in the military.

    He definitely appreciates it (as another poster put it) - makes me feel like a million bucks! :)
  • zannyzanzanzibar
    zannyzanzanzibar Posts: 354 Member
    My husband has said he's more attracted to me now, although he always called me "sexy" etc. even at my biggest. I kinda knew he was just being nice though as all the celebs he finds attractive are skinny as anything.

    It hasn't really affected our marriage other than giving me more confidence.
  • Stacyplus5
    My husband doesnt give me compliments,never has but thats just how he was raised. But since I have been working out I haven't lost any weight but am toning up I feel more confident and physically stronger so long story short our sex life has gotten way better. Going from having sex maybe 2 times a month to just about every night that he's not at work. I'm not as *****y either.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    Let me preface this by saying my husband loves me very much, always has. He never once said an unkind word about my weight gain. I've lost 70 lbs and through strength training/heavy lifting, have completely transformed the shape of my body. Though the weight loss itself wasn't so hard at first...the emotional part of it has been the biggest struggle.

    As I've lost the weight and started rediscovering who I am, inside, caring for myself again and putting myself first, I've come to expect MORE from my marriage than I had before. I had become too complacent and agreeable to everything the past decade...and lost a part of me, due to lack of self-esteem and confidence. As those things continue to grow within me, I have more courage to stand up and tell him what I need and want in my marriage. THIS has led to some difficulties. Furthermore, my libido is off the charts and his is not...more disconnect. :/

    I wish I could say the weight loss has done incredible things for my marriage but the truth is, it has done incredible things for ME. I think I've become a bit more selfish than I was before...which some might say I NEEDED to be and others might say that I'm married, there's no room for selfishness. That's a tricky convo.

    He sees my drive and determination and that sparks an interest in him to persevere and get healthier (he's not unhealthy but he'd like to eventually have a six-pack that he's never had in his lifetime). But he's not always on board in terms of regimen and he eats a LOT of sugar and other crap....and when I see this, sometimes I allow myself the justification for me as well. So we kind of cycle off each other in terms of our eating habits and tightening things up.

    Anyway - all in all - I feel a million times better about myself...which means I actually enjoy going out again (so we now have date nights once a week) and I'm more agreeable to trying new things that I never would've even considered before when I was 220 lbs (i.e. rock climbing!). This isn't a "new" me....this is the same me that he fell in love with 14+ years ago...finally re-emerging. Overall, I think he's quite pleased...but now I want something more. Something I can't quite put my finger on...but we're working on it, and that's all that matters.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    My husband is very supportive of my weight loss/fitness goals. He works out with me when he can, and respects my wishes to eat healthier and supports that grocery bill. He has always been on the slimmer side, and I have always been big, but he tells me I am beautiful and I get in trouble for saying things like "look how fat my belly is". He bought us bikes to ride, and up until our honeymoon, I hadn't ridden a bike in 3 years due to being hit by a car.

    He really does push me to be the best I can be, and is there to catch me when I fall off the wagon, so to speak.
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