18-23 college students

Hey everyone! Im looking to add people who are in the same situation as me.. Im 20 years old. Full time college student - Double Major in Accounting and Finance. Retired athlete. After I stopped playing sports in high school and working full time when I went to community college full time.. I gained 39 pounds putting me at 189. My goal weight is 140. I recently transferred to the university I am getting my degree from and only work part time. Im looking to lose this weight over the next 7 months! I hope I can find some people to share my story with. Thank you! Have a great one!


  • RissaRoo007
    Also a 20 year old, full time college student. I'm majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in teaching english as a second language. I've played sports my entirely life, but definitely saw the pounds pile on after high school as well when I wasn't playing nearly enough softball or soccer to equal my carb addiction :) So here I am!! Anyone feel free to add me. I'm 5'4" CW: 146 GW: 125ish
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    not only am i also 20 and a full time college student but thats almost my major setup im going to major in finance and minor in accounting :) also a former athlete although i had to quit for other reasons i gained a bunch of weight my freshman year i was pushing 240 now its all gone and staying gone!
  • kaitmoo
    kaitmoo Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 21, full time college student and working part time at Olive Garden (talk about temptations). Never was an athlete, was just always the 'bigger girl.' I did manage to get down to 138 over the summer, but since the stress of college I've put 30 lbs on. Now it's time to take it off! I'm 5'2", CW: 155 lbs, GW: 125
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member
    I'm 19 and a full time college student. Since September I haven't done much health tracking or exercise for that matter now that I have a month holiday I want to get back in track and do insanity. Feel free to add I could really use friends who are in the same boat it makes the journey so much more inspiring and fun!!
  • gregb8924
    gregb8924 Posts: 13 Member
    23 and just finished college now it's time to lose the weight gained there haha
  • violet_papillon
    violet_papillon Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 22, 5'0 and working on losing the Freshman 15...
    SW: 125, CW: 120, GW: 110
    I need some friends :)
  • bhhblue
    bhhblue Posts: 147 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am 20, work full time and working on my associates degree.
  • imondrugz
    Add me too guys !! I'm 21 kinda triple majoring lol !! im super active and willing to help anyone !! :)
  • mrs_smcd
    mrs_smcd Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also 20 and was a full time college student, I'm newly married and work full time. I'm so ready to loose all the weight I've put on in the last year or so.
  • alxinhim2
    alxinhim2 Posts: 81 Member
    Just turned 23.. full time college student in Nashville TN. Would love more supportive friends :)
  • KL_24
    KL_24 Posts: 28 Member
    So glad I found this group! I'm a 19 year old sophomore majoring in Elementary Education. I've played sports my whole life and continued on in college. I play volleyball right now for my school and I love it! Glad to have found some people my age on here! Just trying to get in better shape and tone up a bit for myself as well as volleyball. I'm also doing INSANITY and will be starting winter workouts for the offseason once winter break hits. How does everyone handle going out and still trying to be healthy the rest of the time?
  • wsolismoreir
    feel free to add me. college student majoring in health science. 20. work part time. and trying to get healthy!
  • macey20
    Hey guys I am a full time college student, work part time and I am a full time mom. Hah I got a lot going on. But trying to get healthy and ready for a 2014 wedding. Feel free to add me
  • Eagles802051
    Eagles802051 Posts: 54 Member
    Hey guys im a 20 yr old college junior majoring in Biochemistry and working part time. I try to stay super active every day. Feel free to add me
  • Neo_girl13
    Hey, I'm 18 and a full time student majoring in psychology and taking a few extra classes in music. just about done with my first semester at a community college, and I gained about 20 pounds since I moved out of my parents house. Currently I'm approximately 5,2 and fluctuating around 135 and 140, not really looking to lose a lot of weight so much as just getting healthy and active again.
    It would be pretty awesome to have some friends with similar goals to mine.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'm a 22 year old college senior. I'm also looking for more college aged women on here. Hope we can motivate each other!
  • Alexandrea22
    Alexandrea22 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey there,

    I'm Alex. I'm 23 and I just graduated from University in June. On January 2nd, I told everyone "I will lose 30 pounds by graduation if it kills me." I started at 189 and by graduation I weighed 148.6. I have gained 3.5 pounds back (I got a job, moved away and am still adjusting). I have about 10-12 pounds before I hit my goal of 140. I thought for sure I couldn't lose weight while in school. Stress eating was a huge problem for me. But, it turns out a hectic schedule worked for me. Planning is KEY. I always had healthy snacks packed. I weighed in every Wednesday at home and would have one meal that I had been craving all week, after my weigh-in. I did 30 day shred and Body Revolution and felt incredible. Myfitnesspal has saved me also. It keeps me accountable and connected to people who are in the same situation. Quite a few of my close friends lost weight right alongside me. It's such a process but I'm still down 36 pounds and am happier than I was all through grade school and high school. Feel free to add me. I think we have a great deal in common. I would always hear people say "I never thought I would be a success story" and it would make me so angry. Easy to say. You still have to do the work and make sacrifices, I thought I'd never be able to stick to it! I now consider myself a success story and I truly believe if I can do it, anyone can. I'm here if you need me :)
  • HackDiesel
    20 year old full-time student majoring in Risk Management & Insurance, and Finance as well. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • kddruckenmiller
    kddruckenmiller Posts: 114 Member
    23 year old college senior graduating next year with my Bachelor's in Business Management! I was never an athlete however. I work 40+ hours a week and go to school full-time and just try to stay in shape as well as I can. :) Trying to balance everything is crazy stressful but gotta make time for my health.
  • marsk19
    20yo female~ full time college student. :wink:
    I'm majoring in both Communications and Poltics.
    I'm trying to cut out the drastic yoyo-ing and get back down to a weight I was comfortable with.