18-23 college students



  • taytaylynn3
    I am 20.
    My goal weight is 115 for my 5'4.5 height!
    Feel free to add me for motivation!!!
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Hey all! I'm 21 and a full time college student. I'm majoring in Elementary Ed, emphasis in math, minor in ASL. I also have two jobs and I'm hoping to get a third one.

    SW: 179
    CW: 174
    GW: 130 (ish)

    Any of you, feel free to add!
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm also an edu major! I'm 22 and I only want to lose about 5 more pounds but I'm more focused on gaining muscle and looking toned so I'm not as concerned about the scale as I am how I look. I need new friends too cause I need all the motivation I can get!
  • I'll join in on this board as well.
    I'm 20 and a full-time student. Sales and Business Administration Major. I currently have one job on campus that doesn't require much movement. I'm in the process of finding a second job that's more active compared to my first. I started college around 140 and now I'm almost at 170lbs. My goal weight is 120.

    I'm thinking about taking Oxyelite Pro and some Whey Isolate (3x/day as meal supplements)
    Anyone have any experience with both? Would love to chat.

    I guess you can add people on here so let's be friends and be each other's support system/motivation. :)
  • Komeara1990
    22, full-time student, new and looking for friends / accountability partners, about to go on an adding spree :) I havearound 15-20lbs to lose but looking to change shape / get stronger and improvemy fitness more than anything
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    20, full time NCSU student studying Social Work! I'm looking to lose 70-100 pounds by my birthday (August 18th)
  • cynthiavillalta96
    Hi guys! 20, full time student, double majoring in biology and spanish. Feel free to add me! Heaviest weight was somewhere around 260, last year, i managed to get down to 238, but I went back up to 250. Starting this journey again, and determined to have this be the last and most successful attempt! I need some pals for some support.

    UGW: ~175
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    Hi all, I'm Jackie. Full time student and employed full time. I am a cognitive science and art therapy double major with a minor in sign language. At my starting weight of 200lbs, I was at the biggest I had ever been.

    SW: 200lbs
    GW: 140lbs

    Open diary.
    Add me!
  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    19 year old full-time student studying Accounting, minoring in Business Spanish.

    Height: 5'4 or 5'5, been told both.
    SW: 168-170
    CW: 140
    GW: 120-125

    I managed to lose a good bit of weight by just watching my diet and walking around campus. I do some stretches in the mornings and evenings, use dumbbells. Unfortunately, I need to be exercising a heck of a lot more if I want to look as good without clothes as I would with them...

    I'm open to any friend requests, although I keep my diary closed for personal reasons.
  • laurajcrampton
    Hey! I'm 21, and at university at the Royal Veterinary College in London! I've always been a bit on the curvier side of life, but being at university has completely wrecked my figure! I'm also hoping to find others out there in similar situations - I don't know about you, but I feel like I need all the support I can get!
    I am 5ft 4" and was 67.5kg on my initial weigh-in on here (I've only been at this a week!).

    Feel free to add or contact me, I'm hoping to meet as many people as possible, and make friends all over the world :smile:
  • daross16
    daross16 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey! College Freshman! I haven't done soccer or PE in forever sooo I've been really lazy hanging out on tumblr. Ha.
    I just started all of this because my doc said my insulin was high, and I didn't wanna go blind or get my legs cut off, so I'm taking better care of myself
    4 pounds lost so far. But it's so hard to eat right when the dining hall is right across from the dorm.
    5'2. Currently at 199. Gotta eventually get down to 130.
  • meginki
    Hi everyone! 20 year old college (or university if I'm being really British, which I am ;)) Anthropology student living in London. Would LOVE to have some more students as friends here for support, advice, etc!

    Height: 5"7
    Weight: 180
    Goal weight: 150
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    I'm 21 and I'm also in the 180s, aiming for the 140s. I'm in school full time working on an engineering degree. Anyone who's got something in common (or not) can feel free to add me :)
  • adkennard90
    22- Full time student with a part-time job!
    Just looking for people who are in the same boat as me and willing to offer support when I need it. As well offer support for those who need it :)
    My I gained about 45 pounds since my boyfriend and I got together two years ago. Even though he says he loves me no matter how I look and can't tell I gained weight -- I know he can.
    I want to get in better shape, not so worried about the losing weight part for myself. I want to start eating healthier and work out regularly. As well as tone up!

    Hopefully I can find some friends on here to help encourage!
    Feel free to add me!!
  • rudevit
    rudevit Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 19, close to 20 soon.. I'm in Broadcasting Radio, Tv, Film... although I'm heading into my third year soon so I'll be focusing on the Film side.

    I used to take weight training in highschool and i exercised everyday on my own time as well. Now I'm just so busy, my exercise of the week is carrying equipment, walking, and working at flippin' McDonalds (but I never eat there).

    Would be good to have some encouragement from people my age :]

    My height is 5'7.5 in case you need to know.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    22 (omg)

    doing my mba

    working full time

    and tryin to lose the high school fat haha
  • DestinyGray5
    I'm 17, have an 8 month old baby-boy, also a full-time college student, about to get married in Feb, love to eat healthy, and love to exercise too!! You can friend me if you want(:
  • kwseneca
    I'm 20 too. I am a double major in elementary and special education! I also went to community college and have just transfered. I've gained about 30-40 lbs since I started college. I totally understand!
  • madzzzzzzz
    Hi all! I'm 22, just graduated from Bachelor of Chinese / Bachelor of Commerce and am about to commence Masters of Financial Planning! I find it easier while being at uni full-time to be healthy and exercise, because youre always too busy studying to constantly snack! Also i do a lot of my course online, so i am flexible and can go to the gym everyday!
  • runningfataway
    18, full time college student. Wanting to double major in Criminal Justice and Informatics. No job, just volunteering.

    CW: 220
    GW: 180
    H: 5'7