Beautiful Blues 2/8/10



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Taradise- Way to go on your workouts! You're really on track and congrats to you.

    Smadag- I'm glad you are liking the p90x. I learned to like it the more I did it and then I wanted to do other things so these days I'm also doing Insanity and also like to run in the gym. I just like to vary things so that my body does not get used to it and I don't get bored.

    So today I was at church, and got home to work on a school project. I totally got off my diet because I was starving and needing to eat to do my work. I can't do intense homework with a hungry stomach. Plus, I think I'm almost on my TOM. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be back on track. Plus, I think I've read that going over on calories is good for the body because it fools your system. Mind you it's really late and I should go to sleep now.

    Have a good day all!
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day Blues!! Hope you all are having a good one.

    Did an extra long workout today. An hour run + 25 mins on elliptical to help compensate for our dinner out tonight.

    almomay - when I was in grad school, I used to uncontrollably snack when I studied. I think it was anxiety. Take it one day at a time.

    I've noticed that keeping my carbs lower than normal has made a big difference on the scale. I had no idea my body was so sensitive to carbs. I've lost nearly 1.6 pounds this week alone. So excited!

    I'm lucky to be off work for a Federal Holiday tomorrow - so doing an early spin class.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I totally lost control this weekend. and then I woke up this morning with a cough and no voice. I feel so tired! I guess I got a cold. No wonder I didn't want to do anything the last few days!

    Hope you are all doing better than I am ! :bigsmile:

    Good luck on the weigh in tomorrow. I am going to try and drink a ton of water to flush my system.

    Happy Valentines day! :heart:
  • katattack
    Team Blue! I'm excited to get started but totally nervous about the weigh-in tomorrow. I havent been on top of weigh-ins forever (part of the problem?) and so hopefully this will be a positive addition to the weight loss goal. As long as I'm accountable, i should start seeing positive results.

    But yah, terrified.

    Especially given a weekend of ridiculous food decisions. *Trying* to get back on track, but oh, so much chocolate around this house. I went for a run today though! So, that's something. Only managed about 40 minutes of steady running, but my muscles are still recovering from 3 days of too much excercise (heh) so it felt like a sub-par attempt to offset the hydrogenated fats that are surrounding me while visiting my parents out of town. Yikes!

    SO at the very least, tomorrow morning's weigh in will be a wake up call.

    Sounds like you guys are generally pretty focused and in a positive place! Keep it up! It's really motivating and you're definitely going to be seeing some great results with that attitude.

    A bientot!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's good to hear from all of you, even if I don't have time to answer individually. I managed to do Valentine's Day without depriving myself with calories to spare! The grandsons are here while my daughter and son in law catch a movie, so we are trying to get them to sleep, and I still have to clean up the kitchen from the Valentine's dinner the 4 year old and I cooked. Happy Valentine's Day to all!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning Blue team - Hope everyone had a great weekend and Happy Valentines - I did not get my valentine chocolate, but got her a new necklace. - She got me a smarties heart though :noway: :laugh: - So, I shared it with her, and it's gone.
    Love their marketing/packaging -
    Big letters showing nutrition count - 180 Calories per serving of chocolate.
    Up in smaller type print - Serving is 1/5 of package - So that chocolate heart was 900 calories - which was shared, it's done, out of the house, out of site. :laugh:

    Scales - We all know they are finicky, they lie, they piss us off, we want to throw them out.
    So, this past week I weighed at 192.5 - I jumped on the scale yesterday and saw 193. - :noway: , but I thought oh well, that is life .

    Before my shower, I thought I would check again, I got 194.5 - Thought wtf. so I moved the scale around the floor. then I got 191.5 - I thought that's more like it. - Of course I took the lowest weight of the 3 - :laugh: Woo hooo...

    My point - The scale I think was not on a completely level floor. So, easily 3-4 lbs can be skewed by the scale not being in a level position ?

    lcorrell - Don't sabatoge yourself(or let yourself be mortified) just because a scale showed a number that you weren't expecting - It's just a Number, how are your clothes fitting? - Keep working out, and don't think that you gained 4lbs, like others said probably water weight. And what I'm saying, it can easily have been something stupid with the scale (wrong spot on floor) as I just noticed.

    I don't believe you will gain weight eating 1400 calories daily , expecially with a workout - You've come so far, it's sometimes a learning process, learning curve as our body adjusts - I'm sure you have more muscle than when you started, your in better shape and health.

    Smagdag - Sorry to hear about your loss of employment - When one door closes, another door opens. Good luck with the P90X - I posted about the IBS - Send me a private message if you want more info - or I scared you away :noway:

    Almomay - Awesome job - One thing I want to make sure your aware of, - Eating more protein can be very beneficial, especially with providing your muscles the needed protein - Make sure you are aware of Ketosis. There are certain symptoms that you can tell you've taken in too much protein. It is alot of protein to get there, but again, just to make sure your aware.

    Taradise - wooo whooo 1.6 lbs, yes you are realizing we don't need as many carbs as people think.

    Debnu - Write off the weekend, it's done - Sorry to hear your not feeling very well, get plenty of rest and flush your system. Then get back on track when your feeling better

    Kat - Don't be nervous or terrified about a weigh in - It's a number - If you drop, that's great, if you don't drop, it's ok too. Just think about how good you are feeling and how good your your clothes fit . Weighins on monday can be tough for all of us, because we are usually bad on the weekend - So Monday's number can also not reflect what we're REALLY weighing because of extra food eaten on the weekend.

    Well I'm working today, so I guess I should get to work .
    Have a great Monday all.
  • katattack
    Weigh-in done, weight sent to our fearless leader, now there's no excuses! I want that number to get low!

    Peter- Thanks for the reality check. Congrats on your hard-work by the way! They always say that you really *should* weigh yourself 3 times in a row (...and take the average. :tongue: but the lowest works too!)

    Taradise - Awesome!! I too am extremely carb sensitive. I'll keep it in mind this week and see what kind of difference it makes...

    Almomay - Running is definitely one of my favorite things to do, hope you find a little place in your heart for it also. Right now, it's been pretty rough, but as soon as my training gets more on schedule (ahhhh Canadian winter...), the km's just start rolling by :) Very relaxing... Lemme know how that goes!

    It's Monday! Time to kick *kitten*!

    best best!!
    - kat
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning to all! I am a little bit happy today, because although it isn't much, I did post a loss this morning for the first time in a very long time. Maybe my new plan will get me off of my plateau! Here's hoping, anyway. :wink:

    Happy Monday and President's Day to all, and here's to smart choices!
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Hello Blues! I am taking advantage of the Presidents Day Federal Holiday and I prepared lunches for the next two days. Yum!! I am ready to start this week out well.

    Peter - you are right! we don't need carbs as much as I thought. And I'm realizing how sensitive my body is to carbs. One night of too many carbs = at least 1 lb up the next morning. But that must be water weight if its an overnight gain.

    katattack - glad you got that weigh in out of the way. I did some running this weekend - ran for 60 mins on the treadmill, felt good.

    Lets have a great week Blues! Keep movin'!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Wow, it seems like everyone is pretty busy. Keep up the good work all.

    Kat- Like everyone said, don't worry about the weigh in. It's just a number, and your weight loss will also be reflected in how your clothes fit, in your fat %, and how much muscle you have.

    Peter- Thanks for all the information. How does someone avoid ketosis? Or how low of carbs is it, to get that?

    Taradise- You go girl!!!!!! I see that you've been working out, and you are inspirational!! Keep it up. Yeah, you're right, I've realized that if I'm really pressed for a school project I might as well eat for that day and just start tomorrow. School grades are really important too, and one day of eating is not going to make me gain all that weight back. Plus, like I said before, I read that going over on calories one day fools your system, in a good way.

    Debnu- This weekend was not good for me either. I didn't eat well, didn't exercise. But you know what, today is a new day and today I am further along than I was say....6 months ago. The past is behind and I have one foot in front of the other.

    Msh- Congratulations on your weight loss!!!!!

    My hubby has the day off today and I slept in this morning. I have another smaller school project due tomorrow but I feel more comfortable doing this one. I'm "Back on Track" today with eating and exercising. I'm going to find out if the gym is open and head there for a run and weight training. I plan to do 30 minute on treadmill, 30 minute on elliptical, and 30 minute weight training. It's kind of hard to work out at home with hubby and toddler....they make me laugh.....and lose concentration.

    Here's to a good Monday all!!!!!! We can do this!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Wish I had time to read back...hope you all are doing well!

    hit 89.6 so on my ticker it shows 90 pounds - my goal - chaching---I am counting that!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi all,

    I've changed my macronutrients to 30-40-30 (carb, protein, fat), which I read in Jillian's making the cut book. I feel that what I was doing 20,50,30 was too low on carbs. I'm not trying to harm my I'll see how I feel.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Wish I had time to read back...hope you all are doing well!

    hit 89.6 so on my ticker it shows 90 pounds - my goal - chaching---I am counting that!

    YAHOOOOOO!! Congrats girl!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi all,

    I've changed my macronutrients to 30-40-30 (carb, protein, fat), which I read in Jillian's making the cut book. I feel that what I was doing 20,50,30 was too low on carbs. I'm not trying to harm my I'll see how I feel.

    Why the change so fast? Thought you mentioned your body was doing good?

    Tony's nutrional value also suggests to go to 20-50-30. When your doing alot of working out, strength training, you need to give your body more protein to repair the muscle that get's torn when working out. (micro fibers etc).
    Personally, I didn't like it 20-50-30 as well when I was doing the P90X, I also tried 30-40-30 and I think my body was feeling good at that ratio, but to be honest with myself I didn't give it a long time .
    I'm going to keep the 40-30-30 for another 2 weeks or so, until I restart P90x and maybe up my protein more when I'm pumping the weights to 25-50-25 or 30-40-30.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member

    I don't know alot about Ketosis, and don't want to steer you away or scare you. Some people use this stage to burn more fat, and bodybuilders like to get into ketosis. Also seems that Atkins diet is using that form of fat burning.

    Ketosis occurs when the amount of carbohydrate fuel- the fuel that is needed to run the body - drops below a critical level, forcing the body to turn first to protein and then to fat reserves to do the work carbohydrates normally do

    Ketosis is unlikely to do any harm in the short run, but if it goes on more than a few weeks, it can cause serious complications. First, it increases blood levels of uric acid, which can cause gout and kidney stones in people at risk for them

    Don't know if I heard a final answer?:happy: what Jillian says about Exercise calories?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    What awesome information. When my daughter isn't sitting next to me begging to play on the computer I will have to read it more in depth. Here is the new board.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Headed 800 miles north to see my family for a week. I can't wait to see my neice
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Made it to Illinois ok just tired

    Check in later