Army Strong, help..

Honestly, i need help and support, I've put myself on this strict diet, or atleast tried, and I'm trying to lose 24 lbs in a month. I'm joining the army and at my height according to the army I'm over weight. I really need some advice on losing this weight, what works what does and what not. Support me, and add me it would be very much appreciate. :)

I'm 18, 5"2, 164 lbs, and i need to get to 140 lbs


  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    24lbs in month is not a healthy or realistic goal. Shoot for 2 pounds a week tops.

    Fresh, unprocessed foods, and as much movement and exercise as you can

    Best of Luck :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You only decided to join the army a month ago?
  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    Are you overweight according to Body Fat standards for the Army???

    I'm a Staff Sergeant with intimate knowledge of the Army weight system.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Eat a ton of Taco Bell as it will clear your system of everything. Or just eat a ton of Taco bueno or chipolte, olive garden does it for me. Why does it matter how much you weigh? Shouldnt a good PT be proof enough?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    You aren't going to lose 24lbs in a month.

    What you can do is workout hard and eat right and try to get in the best shape possible. You put it off until the last minute so you're not going to see much improvement. But you can make the most of the time you have.

    Forget the scale and focus on being as athletic as possible.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    1) Eat more food. You should net no less then 1200 calories to stay healthy. Seems counterproductive, but eating too few calories can have a negative effect on your weight loss and overall health.

    2) 24 lbs in one month is about impossible. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs a WEEK.

    You may have to delay your enlistment and try to lose the weight the right way.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I feel safer
  • Yeah I am, according to them my max weight, and what they want me at in a month is 141
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    24 lbs in one month is totally un-realistic I am afraid. You are very young so you might be able to loose slightly more than 2 lbs per week, but likely not consistently. I managed to loose 2 lbs per week consistently for 4.5 mths and dropped 40 lbs. But you will have to be on a very strict eating plan, week out all fast foods, eat fresh unprocessed foods, and try to limit your carbs (bread, rice, pasta) and sugars! Shoot for no more than 8 lbs per nth.. give yourself the time you need to do it in a healthy manner or you are subject to gaining it back plus extra.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Generally speaking, your aspirations are unhealthy.

    However, it seems like you think this is an emergency to have to do something like this.

    So I'll assume that you're in a really horrible situation and need to flee to the service to get out of it. In which case, I would say that your goal may be attainable if you talk to your physician about a nasogastric feeding tube and go on the K-E diet. (warning, pdf link)
  • I'm not doing this last minute, this is what my recruiter wants me at in a month so I can get sweared in faster. I'm just doing what he wanted
  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    Yeah I am, according to them my max weight, and what they want me at in a month is 141

    I am 5'10 197 lbs and am "overweight" according to weight standards. So I have to take a tape test every weigh in. According to them, my max allowable weight is 184 lbs.

    For females its even more ridiculous. You have to go by body fat. sounds like your recruiters are idiots. Also You will lose 24 lbs in basic.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    You should have started 6 months ago.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    24lbs in one month is definitely unrealistic. Fresh, vegetables and lots of them, low glycemic fruit, lean meats, low fat dairy (if you can handle it), nuts/seeds (you still need healthy fats). I would shoot for 1/2 of each meal being vegetables (raw as much as possible) and 1/2 of breakfast being low glycemic fruit

    I would start circuit training; I don't know your fitness level but Tough Mudder has three levels and they're tough but they don't require much in the way of equipment. You can download them in pdf format free:

    I would do circuit training 3x per week and cardio 4x per week

    That should get you close to where you want to go...but again 24lbs really need 12 weeks. 2 lbs per week is the most you can lose and still be healthy (remember you don't want to gain it right back).

    Good Luck!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Well your recruiter is an as*hole and should get in some serious *kitten* for advising 18 year old girls to hurt themselves. For christ's sake.
  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    I'm not doing this last minute, this is what my recruiter wants me at in a month so I can get sweared in faster. I'm just doing what he wanted

    ^^This^^ is very upsetting. Your recruiter should know better.
  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    You're in Jacksonville? What's your recruiters name and rank? Sounds like someone needs to be reported to the inspector generals office or at the very least recruiting command.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I'm not doing this last minute, this is what my recruiter wants me at in a month so I can get sweared in faster. I'm just doing what he wanted

    That's your problem. You're listening to an idiot.

    Do what you want. It's your life and your body.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I can tell you based on my husbands experience- theyll STILL send you to the Army- youll just go to "fat camp" AKA: Fitness Training Unit where youll stay until you can pass the Fitness Test (for my husband he failed due to being overweight and couldnt pass the run). THEN they send you to Boot.

    this was as of 2006.
  • I don't look like a big girl, and honestly I never even thought I weighed that much. When I was taped and everything after they got my weight and height that is what they wanted me at. But for me its kinda hard to be at 141lbs and not look like a stripper with a boob job :l. Like I said I'm 164 lbs, 5"2, but my chest size is a 36DD.