Army Strong, help..



  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    You're in Jacksonville? What's your recruiters name and rank? Sounds like someone needs to be reported to the inspector generals office or at the very least recruiting command.

    Please follow through man, especially if you're plugged in in any way. It was one thing when my USAF recruiter lied a blue streak to get me in the door, but he didn't trick me into striving to hurt myself so he could make his numbers. This is outrageous.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Your recruiter is a moron if he thinks you can lose 24 pounds in a month.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Like others have said.. 24 LBS in a month is simply stupid. No offense.
    Your recruiter needs to go back to whatever MOS he escaped from.

    Secondly, if you get sworn in soon, that means that you will be going to basic training in the dead of winter. Think about that for a moment.
    I know Jax saw a little bit of snow last year. Try going on a brisk run in 20 degree weather.
    Listen, limit yourself to a more reasonable 2.5 LBS per month and sign up later in the year. Get a little bit of Community College under your belt (it will help in the long run)
    If you hit Ft Jackson after dropping 20+ lbs in 30 days, you won't make it past basic training. You will be too unhealthy.

    Do yourself and everyone else a favor and take it off gradually. I know back in "the day" the recruiters used to have weekly workout sessions with people trying to get in.
    Maybe yours also does this?
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm not doing this last minute, this is what my recruiter wants me at in a month so I can get sweared in faster. I'm just doing what he wanted

    Your recruiter only wants to get his numbers up and doesn't care what kind of damage he does to you in the process. Tell your recruiter that his expectations are completely unrealistic but that you *might* be able to do it in two months. If you work hard and eat right you can be pretty close to 24 pounds in two months. One month - no way unless you do something so drastic that you'll endanger not only your health but maybe your life.
  • desiree7hanson
    desiree7hanson Posts: 31 Member
    Well a bummer about losing the weight is probably one of the first places you will lose it will be your boobs! I know another gal who was trying to get in the same time I was, but couldn't because she was overweight. If you don't need to go by a certain time, you should give yourself more time to lose the weight. But honestly for your height, you will want to get smaller so your more physically prepared to handle it. Also, by working out, you will be more physically and mentally prepared for that journey. It is no picnic and if you aren't physically fit before hand, it can be tough.
  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    You're in Jacksonville? What's your recruiters name and rank? Sounds like someone needs to be reported to the inspector generals office or at the very least recruiting command.

    Please follow through man, especially if you're plugged in in any way. It was one thing when my USAF recruiter lied a blue streak to get me in the door, but he didn't trick me into striving to hurt myself so he could make his numbers. This is outrageous.

    All I need is name and rank.
    The Army isn't even hurting for numbers right now.

    Please tell me what your body fat percentage is

    You can be 33% body fat and still gain entry into the Army. After Basic Training you need to be at 30%
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    Found a link:

    Focus on fitness, and not weight loss.

    Thank you for your willingness to serve, and best of luck!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Can't really give much advice about losing weight in a month.

    My son is 16 and is in JROTC and wants to enlist,when he is 18.

    And as a Mom and an American .

    All I can say is THANK YOU for wanting to commit to protect us by serving your country.

    God Bless you and Good Luck !
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    You're in Jacksonville? What's your recruiters name and rank? Sounds like someone needs to be reported to the inspector generals office or at the very least recruiting command.

    Please follow through man, especially if you're plugged in in any way. It was one thing when my USAF recruiter lied a blue streak to get me in the door, but he didn't trick me into striving to hurt myself so he could make his numbers. This is outrageous.

    and it doesnt help his numbers if he tells people " youre going to fail the FT if you dont lose weight so youll go to FTC". So he tells OP to lose a bunch, which she cant do, then shell leave (hell up his number) and shell go to FTC.

    Instead the recruiter SHOULD of told her to work on her weight and wait a few months to leave. Then shed go straight down range.
  • taylordenise13
    If you want to add me ill post a picture of my BFC Worksheet they gave me
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I don't look like a big girl, and honestly I never even thought I weighed that much. When I was taped and everything after they got my weight and height that is what they wanted me at. But for me its kinda hard to be at 141lbs and not look like a stripper with a boob job :l. Like I said I'm 164 lbs, 5"2, but my chest size is a 36DD.

    Pics or it didn't happen...(had to be said)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I don't look like a big girl, and honestly I never even thought I weighed that much. When I was taped and everything after they got my weight and height that is what they wanted me at. But for me its kinda hard to be at 141lbs and not look like a stripper with a boob job :l. Like I said I'm 164 lbs, 5"2, but my chest size is a 36DD.

    Pics or it didn't happen...(had to be said)

    She's 18 and you're 43, so no. It really didn't.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Also You will lose 24 lbs in basic.

    Listen to this guy. He knows. Let him help you.
  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    You're in Jacksonville? What's your recruiters name and rank? Sounds like someone needs to be reported to the inspector generals office or at the very least recruiting command.

    Please follow through man, especially if you're plugged in in any way. It was one thing when my USAF recruiter lied a blue streak to get me in the door, but he didn't trick me into striving to hurt myself so he could make his numbers. This is outrageous.

    and it doesnt help his numbers if he tells people " youre going to fail the FT if you dont lose weight so youll go to FTC". So he tells OP to lose a bunch, which she cant do, then shell leave (hell up his number) and shell go to FTC.

    Instead the recruiter SHOULD of told her to work on her weight and wait a few months to leave. Then shed go straight down range.

    Also if he was a Non-Commissioned Officer worth a damn he would set up times to help her achieve her goal, rather than just telling her to lose 24 lbs in a month. This P.O.S. needs a letter of reprimand at the very least.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I don't look like a big girl, and honestly I never even thought I weighed that much. When I was taped and everything after they got my weight and height that is what they wanted me at. But for me its kinda hard to be at 141lbs and not look like a stripper with a boob job :l. Like I said I'm 164 lbs, 5"2, but my chest size is a 36DD.

    Pics or it didn't happen...(had to be said)

    She's 18 and you're 43, so no. It really didn't.

    So should I go with Dani_D's "just break up?" I appreciate anyone that enlists and busts their *kitten* to protect my freedom and and my families. It was a joke (that is why I put had to be said). Also, I did not see where she said she was 18 nor did I go into her profile to figure it out.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    You're in Jacksonville? What's your recruiters name and rank? Sounds like someone needs to be reported to the inspector generals office or at the very least recruiting command.

    Please follow through man, especially if you're plugged in in any way. It was one thing when my USAF recruiter lied a blue streak to get me in the door, but he didn't trick me into striving to hurt myself so he could make his numbers. This is outrageous.

    and it doesnt help his numbers if he tells people " youre going to fail the FT if you dont lose weight so youll go to FTC". So he tells OP to lose a bunch, which she cant do, then shell leave (hell up his number) and shell go to FTC.

    Instead the recruiter SHOULD of told her to work on her weight and wait a few months to leave. Then shed go straight down range.

    Also if he was a Non-Commissioned Officer worth a damn he would set up times to help her achieve her goal, rather than just telling her to lose 24 lbs in a month. This P.O.S. needs a letter of reprimand at the very least.

    and i agree with you.

    FTR, im not Anti Army but for several reasons im not listing here they didnt go about things right with my husband and so i guess im jaded. I still think OP recruiter should of had the balls to be be honest.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    You're in Jacksonville? What's your recruiters name and rank? Sounds like someone needs to be reported to the inspector generals office or at the very least recruiting command.

    Please follow through man, especially if you're plugged in in any way. It was one thing when my USAF recruiter lied a blue streak to get me in the door, but he didn't trick me into striving to hurt myself so he could make his numbers. This is outrageous.

    and it doesnt help his numbers if he tells people " youre going to fail the FT if you dont lose weight so youll go to FTC". So he tells OP to lose a bunch, which she cant do, then shell leave (hell up his number) and shell go to FTC.

    Instead the recruiter SHOULD of told her to work on her weight and wait a few months to leave. Then shed go straight down range.

    Also if he was a Non-Commissioned Officer worth a damn he would set up times to help her achieve her goal, rather than just telling her to lose 24 lbs in a month. This P.O.S. needs a letter of reprimand at the very least.

    Thank you for your service and trying to help this young lady.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    Get a lot of helium baloons with invisible fishing line. Insist that they weigh you outside and that they don't look up. That'll work.
  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    Lol thanks, I've helped a few of my little cousins join. After being in the Army 10 years I know the ins and outs. I always tell them, "Never be in too much of a hurry to ship out, The Army isn't going anywhere." And if they are it's probably not anywhere nice.