Army Strong, help..



  • I was in the ARmy for five years and once you get to basic, you will lose the weight you need to. I would probably focus on passing the pt test with a 90-90-90 and you will be fine. also, if you are over they will measure you and calculate your body fat percentage if you are 32% or under, you will be good to go. But I wouldn't be too concerned as you will be in basic training. just for the next month take a pt test each week to improve your p/u, s/u and run time. Good luck!!! Enjoy basic, thanks for your service and once you get to your unit, don't party like crazy. that is what gets alot of soldiers in a pickle for weight... they drink too much. lol.
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 339 Member
    Honestly, i need help and support, I've put myself on this strict diet, or atleast tried, and I'm trying to lose 24 lbs in a month. I'm joining the army and at my height according to the army I'm over weight. I really need some advice on losing this weight, what works what does and what not. Support me, and add me it would be very much appreciate. :)

    I'm 18, 5"2, 164 lbs, and i need to get to 140 lbs

    I understand that frustration. I was in the same boat when I was trying to join the Army back in 2003. I am 5'1" and my max weight was 135. You don't have to be under that. If you are over it, they will do a body fat test. As long as you are under the body fat percentage, you are good. That is what I had to do! Honestly, you look like you would be fine for the tape test as you don't look big at all!

    I was active duty for 7 years and always had to get taped for body fat %. If you are above the BF% right now, work on lowering your weight by 10lbs and include strength training which would help tighten your waist and hips. If your recruiter tries to have you do some crazy stuff to lose weight, ignore them! Reduce your calories to around 1400 calories and increase your exercise with a combination of cardio and lifting!
  • Don't do it. I mean don't join the Army.

    However, if you insist, then you need to show up in shape when you get to Basic. You need to be able to run more than anything else and you need to be able to do some real pullups and not that stupid flexed-arm hang. What you don't want to do is arrive out of shape and be tagged as a non-performer, or be one of these chicks that's always getting stress fractures. Non-performer type of stuff will follow you around and you will be tagged as such. Once a tie-up, always a tie-up, so you had better arrive in top condition.

    Look, the Army is getting ready to have another RIF soon. It's gonna be a big one. This isn't the right time to be joining. Forget the family tradition nonsense. Each of us has to go out in the world and make it our way, not the way of others. If you are looking for fun and adventure there are other venues.

    I don't care what you have been told. Women are not respected in the Army. Doesn't matter if some she-general tells you different.

    Most of what the other veterans here have told you is correct.

  • jefedesalto
    jefedesalto Posts: 154 Member
    I was in the ARmy for five years and once you get to basic, you will lose the weight you need to. I would probably focus on passing the pt test with a 90-90-90 and you will be fine. also, if you are over they will measure you and calculate your body fat percentage if you are 32% or under, you will be good to go. But I wouldn't be too concerned as you will be in basic training. just for the next month take a pt test each week to improve your p/u, s/u and run time. Good luck!!! Enjoy basic, thanks for your service and once you get to your unit, don't party like crazy. that is what gets alot of soldiers in a pickle for weight... they drink too much. lol.

    Great advice. They did change entry standards this year however. Per ALARACT message it is now 30% BF allowable for 17-20 year old females from the time of entry until 6 months after BESD.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    Don't do it. I mean don't join the Army.

    However, if you insist, then you need to show up in shape when you get to Basic. You need to be able to run more than anything else and you need to be able to do some real pullups and not that stupid flexed-arm hang. What you don't want to do is arrive out of shape and be tagged as a non-performer, or be one of these chicks that's always getting stress fractures. Non-performer type of stuff will follow you around and you will be tagged as such. Once a tie-up, always a tie-up, so you had better arrive in top condition.

    Look, the Army is getting ready to have another RIF soon. It's gonna be a big one. This isn't the right time to be joining. Forget the family tradition nonsense. Each of us has to go out in the world and make it our way, not the way of others. If you are looking for fun and adventure there are other venues.

    I don't care what you have been told. Women are not respected in the Army. Doesn't matter if some she-general tells you different.

    Most of what the other veterans here have told you is correct.


    WTH? Seriously?
  • jwiley78
    jwiley78 Posts: 48 Member
    I would not stress it too much unless you are just in a hurry to join. If you can't meet the weight standards in a month then just keep exercising and watching your calories and try again in another month. I agree with previous post if he is asking you to do something unhealthy he is acting like a PoS.

    If you need any support or advice add me. I joined when I was 17 and did 2 1/2 years in Korea before I ETSed when I was 20. Loved being in the service just didn't see it as a career path that I wanted to stick with.
  • I was in the ARmy for five years and once you get to basic, you will lose the weight you need to. I would probably focus on passing the pt test with a 90-90-90 and you will be fine. also, if you are over they will measure you and calculate your body fat percentage if you are 32% or under, you will be good to go. But I wouldn't be too concerned as you will be in basic training. just for the next month take a pt test each week to improve your p/u, s/u and run time. Good luck!!! Enjoy basic, thanks for your service and once you get to your unit, don't party like crazy. that is what gets alot of soldiers in a pickle for weight... they drink too much. lol.

    Great advice. They did change entry standards this year however. Per ALARACT message it is now 30% BF allowable for 17-20 year old females from the time of entry until 6 months after BESD.

    OHHH, I did not know that... thanks for the update!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Don't do it. I mean don't join the Army.

    However, if you insist, then you need to show up in shape when you get to Basic. You need to be able to run more than anything else and you need to be able to do some real pullups and not that stupid flexed-arm hang. What you don't want to do is arrive out of shape and be tagged as a non-performer, or be one of these chicks that's always getting stress fractures. Non-performer type of stuff will follow you around and you will be tagged as such. Once a tie-up, always a tie-up, so you had better arrive in top condition.

    Look, the Army is getting ready to have another RIF soon. It's gonna be a big one. This isn't the right time to be joining. Forget the family tradition nonsense. Each of us has to go out in the world and make it our way, not the way of others. If you are looking for fun and adventure there are other venues.

    I don't care what you have been told. Women are not respected in the Army. Doesn't matter if some she-general tells you different.

    Most of what the other veterans here have told you is correct.


    WTH? Seriously?

    Always 1 isn't there? We have to remember tho, it is people like this young lady and the gentlemen trying to help that allows this type of speech permissable.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    You aren't going to lose 24lbs in a month.

    What you can do is workout hard and eat right and try to get in the best shape possible. You put it off until the last minute so you're not going to see much improvement. But you can make the most of the time you have.

    Forget the scale and focus on being as athletic as possible.

    This seems like very good advice. Follow it as best you can. If you starve yourself you won't be healthy enough to pass the physical.
  • Ignorance is bliss.
  • WTH? Seriously?

    Yes, seriously. Was there a more specific question you had?
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    WTH? Seriously?

    Yes, seriously. Was there a more specific question you had?

    no im good -- i dont need to see anymore ignorance on the subject you think you know about.
  • Another thing is I've been eating under 1200 calories according my food diary. But I refuse to eat after 7pm
  • WTH? Seriously?

    Yes, seriously. Was there a more specific question you had?

    no im good -- i dont need to see anymore ignorance on the subject you think you know about.

    Actually, I know very much about it. RLTW!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Another thing is I've been eating under 1200 calories according my food diary. But I refuse to eat after 7pm

    You need to eat more, exercise hard and meal timing is irrelevant. Eat when you're hungry. You need fuel so you can exercise. The army doesn't want skinny, they want strong athletes. You're not going to hit the weight your bonehead recruiter wants, so the best thing to do is focus on being strong and fast. And you can't do that starving yourself.

    Put the scale away. It's meaningless. Start training hard and eat everything in sight I say.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    First off congratulations on your enlistment. I am a Veteran and I appreciate your upcoming challenges and committment. This site is a great way to help you with your goals. I would also encourage you to speak with your recruiter about the pre-basic training program. A lot of times you can meet with groups 3 times a week prior to basic for P.T. It will also give you a headstart on exercises you can expect to be doing while in basic training. Best of Luck to you... Arruuuaaaahhhhh!!!!\!!!!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    WTH? Seriously?

    Yes, seriously. Was there a more specific question you had?

    no im good -- i dont need to see anymore ignorance on the subject you think you know about.

    Actually, I know very much about it. RLTW!
    Being a Ranger really has no bearing on the subject.

    She is not going to be an 11B so the MOS really has no bearing on the subject.
    She was not looking for advice on joining; she was looking for advice on how to drop a dangerous amount of weight in a short time.
    We all have our own opinions on Military service however; that is not what she asked.
    She has been given a lot of good advice as to reasons NOT to try to hit that one month goal. Hopefully she will listen.

    Oh, By the way:
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    Here is my 2 cents. I joined in 2009 when I was 19. I am 5'2 and weighed 165. They way my body is built I just oculdnt lower the weight. However, when they taped me, I was within standards and good to go. I arrived at BCT on Nov 1st in Jacksonville, SC which is one of the 2 places you will end up, The other is in Missouri, both of them are FREAKING COLD in the winter time. VERY VERY COLD and Jacksonville is WINDY AND COLD! That being said, I also wouldnt go in the summer time because Jacksonville is horrible in the heat of summer and sleeping outside in the summer time sucks. Aim for Spring or Fall. Also, please take the advice of some others on here and make sure you can pass your PT test. If you can go in and pass your PT test you will fly right through basic with no problems. You dont want to go to BCT and get hurt, if you do you are headed for a world of problems because anyone who goes to "Sick CAll" gets a very bad unshakable rap. Please take me seriously when I tell you that. You should be able to run 2 miles in 18 minutes. Do atleast 20 push ups and 100 sit ups in 2 minutes. These three little things will ensure that you have an easy time at BCT. Some other things to think about are your eating schedule. You should start now, getting used to eating Breakfast, Lunch, and diner. NO SNACLKS. In BCT you do not get any type of snack only breakfast lunch and diner. It really threw some people off so be prepared. Google "Front Leaning Rest Position" and get used to it. This is every DS favorite form of "punishment". Practice doing it until you can hold it for as long as possible, you will have to do it ALOT. Make it part of your exercise routine. Once you can comfortably do the PT Test and The Front Leaning Rest, THEN join. And chances are that once you can do those things you will either be small enough to make tape or loose enough to make weight.

    While you are making sure you are physically ready for the Army, make sure you are studying for the ASVAB - if you blow the ASVAB, your ability to get a good MOS goes down the drain. Good MOS = Good Bonus. Bad Mos = Crappy Bonus.

    All that being said, my first PT test, I did good on everything except my run which did improve and I made tape easily but not weight. I think I weighed 160 at that time. By the end of BCT, I was in the best shape of my life, tiny little waist, strong arms and strong legs and weighed in at 176, SOLID MUSCLE.

    And to comment on what another post said about women not being respected in the Army, She was totally right. Women ARE NOT respected in the Army. Some bad apples give most women a horrible reputation. The fact that most of the army population is under 25 years old makes it worse. Girls join, find themselves surrounded by often handsome boys,date a few and get a rap as a *kitten* that they cant shake. Be very mindful of all the decisions you make in this department, they can and will haunt you if they arent wise decisions. The army is sort of like a "Small Town" where gossip runs rampent and everyone talks about everyone.

    I wish you the best of luck but you are setting yourself up for failure if you are not prepared before you join.

    And while you are studying for the ASVAB and PT TEst, Pick up the soldiers handbook, you will NEED to know the Soldiers Creed. In my platoon, we did not get to go to the DFAC (Dining Facility) until we could recite it, if you didnt know it, you were the last to eat. Know your ranks, what comes after what and what each symbol stands for. This also is VERY important.

    This is also a great website -

    So just remeber to make your fitness a priority and not your weight or size, your weight and size will change when your fitness has changed.

    I wish you the best of luck!! Feel free to message me if you ever have any questions.
  • Couldn't have said that better, but as my mother says, write it, but don't send. :)
  • jntriplett
    jntriplett Posts: 1 Member
    congrats on your decision to join the army. I hope it gives you what you want. It is so easy to gain and such a pain to lose!!! that said, I find that really sticking to portion control and exercising are the key. Good Luck