

  • tobeslim618
    tobeslim618 Posts: 37 Member
    This is my first day and time on this site. It looks so interesting and the fact that it is free helps a lot. I would love to join this board if it's okay with everyone and I hope I'm doing this right.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning Ladies! It sounds like the “holidays” are beginning to hit with a vengeance. Last night I was supposed to meet a friend at a happy hour for a sales pitch on some sort of skin-care line she’s started selling – I went mostly for moral support but I’m always happy to listen. Anyway, got to the location, walked around the entire place twice and couldn’t find her, waited for a bit, then left. It wasn’t a complete loss – I stopped at a restaurant nearby that I like and had a little bit of sushi and tea – then went home and got a bunch of painting done. I also skyped with DD and DGD for a long time – so fun!

    DGD is soooo cute. She kissed the computer screen when she saw me last night, we played a 1-2-3 game (she can hold up one finger but not two, but it’s so cute anyway), and she “shared” her dinner with me – oh, I love that little girl. I can’t wait – just a few weeks until I see her again. DD is finally feeling better too. They keep getting whatever random creeping crud is going around daycare.

    After my fun night, things went south. Yesterday DH wanted me to help drop off DSS’s new car to be inspected. I did it without thinking, but then I told DH he needs to involve DSS in the process – it’s his car, so he should be learning how to take care of it. Instead, DH sent me a message in the afternoon asking me to do him a huge favor and go by and pay for and pick up the keys to the car last night because he wouldn’t be home and didn’t want to leave the car overnight at the garage. Long story short, I couldn’t, so I suggested he have DSS do that (DH could call in the CC info). When he got home, he had DSS with him – they were going to get the car, but it turns out DSS didn’t bother to bring his keys with him. Ahem. So, DH took DSS back to his mother’s where the keys were AND LEFT HIM THERE, drove right past the garage where the car was on his way back here, then asked me to go with him to get the car. Longer story short, he’s not speaking to me now, and the car is still at the garage.

    So Meg, I totally feel your pain. Kids, IMO, NEED to have some responsibility. I know your DD will have a struggle to become independent, but in DSS’s case he’s 18 and fully functional. He can totally think for himself, he’s just never had to. I’m on a rant today, can you tell?

    Anyway, I won’t respond to everyone today, just going to say congratulations to everyone for the weight losses and successes. I hope you all find joy where you can today.


  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    December 5, 2012

    Today would have been my Mom’s 86th Birthday and I reflect on how she formed me into the woman I have become that has gotten me to MFP.

    When I was 16 mo. old my parents adopted me and I’ve always known I was “Chosen” to be their daughter. I’ve always known little bits and pieces of history about myself and my birth parents one being that both of my birth parents were obese and on that knowledge my Mom raised me to be very aware of my size. I always was aware that I was short but not really knowing how to eat right.

    When I was a sophomore in High School I remember one morning my Mom saying I had to get on the scale as she thought I had gained weight. I had and that was when my Mom started to “diet” me. I didn’t really learn how to eat right:blushing: because she monitored all my meals at home and at school I didn’t eat anything healthy but as long as my weight was good for my height (4’11”) then it was fine.

    I got married the year after I graduated from High School and on my six day honeymoon I gained #10 and from that time on I have been forever going up and down.:sad: Through three pregnancies I only gained #24 each time (and that’s another story) and always my Mom would point out when she thought I needed to lose some weight as she never wanted me to become obese.

    Every day I am on MFP I remember my Mom and when I’m eating a salad for lunch it reminds me that she used to eat a salad every day with tuna & wine vinegar on it…it some ways I guess I am like my Mom and that causes me to smile:smile: as I remember her.

    When I last saw her in May 2010 I was once again trying to lose and she had noticed and made the comment that she was proud of me for tackling my weight once again. I wish she had lived to see that I had reached my goal as I reached it the month before she passed. But then when I found myself gaining back that weight last year I realized that I needed to be doing this for me and my health not for anyone else as I had done in the past.

    This has been a learning year of eating real food that I cook and using the word “moderation” as my battle cry. I can control this part of my life for the rest of my life and I know that my Mom would be proud of me for wanting to take care of my body and to live a healthier life.

    Happy Birthday, Mom. I miss you.:flowerforyou:

    Yes, that’s us the last time I saw her in my profile picture.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    December 5, 2012

    Today would have been my Mom’s 86th Birthday and I reflect on how she formed me into the woman I have become that has gotten me to MFP.

    When I was 16 mo. old my parents adopted me and I’ve always known I was “Chosen” to be their daughter. I’ve always known little bits and pieces of history about myself and my birth parents one being that both of my birth parents were obese and on that knowledge my Mom raised me to be very aware of my size. I always was aware that I was short but not really knowing how to eat right.

    When I was a sophomore in High School I remember one morning my Mom saying I had to get on the scale as she thought I had gained weight. I had and that was when my Mom started to “diet” me. I didn’t really learn how to eat right:blushing: because she monitored all my meals at home and at school I didn’t eat anything healthy but as long as my weight was good for my height (4’11”) then it was fine.

    I got married the year after I graduated from High School and on my six day honeymoon I gained #10 and from that time on I have been forever going up and down.:sad: Through three pregnancies I only gained #24 each time (and that’s another story) and always my Mom would point out when she thought I needed to lose some weight as she never wanted me to become obese.

    Every day I am on MFP I remember my Mom and when I’m eating a salad for lunch it reminds me that she used to eat a salad every day with tuna & wine vinegar on it…it some ways I guess I am like my Mom and that causes me to smile:smile: as I remember her.

    When I last saw her in May 2010 I was once again trying to lose and she had noticed and made the comment that she was proud of me for tackling my weight once again. I wish she had lived to see that I had reached my goal as I reached it the month before she passed. But then when I found myself gaining back that weight last year I realized that I needed to be doing this for me and my health not for anyone else as I had done in the past.

    This has been a learning year of eating real food that I cook and using the word “moderation” as my battle cry. I can control this part of my life for the rest of my life and I know that my Mom would be proud of me for wanting to take care of my body and to live a healthier life.

    Happy Birthday, Mom. I miss you.:flowerforyou:

    Yes, that’s us the last time I saw her in my profile picture.

    Laura, this brought tears to my eyes. I feel that your mom knows how much you love her and is very proud of the woman you've become.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi! Just popping in for a second to wish you a wonderful Wednesday. I've read through most of the posts but don't have much time to reply. Things are going well here, busy busy days with work and all.

    Laura, I'm a bit choked up, too. Beautiful story. :flowerforyou:

    :drinker: Barbie is absoultely correct! You don't have to like water to drink it. Just do it. Our bods need it. I hear horror stories of elderly folks having terrible intestinal problems from years and years of drinking no water. Just do it! Force yourself. It gets easier, believe me. I started out hating it, now it's no problem for me to "enjoy" drinking 10 glasses every single day. :drinker:

    :smile: jb
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member
    Good morning lovely and ACTIVE ladies - I've read all the posts and always find so much of value in the conversation. Thanks!!!

    I thought I had one new problem solved but it has just morphed again into a bigger problem. Nuf said I guess but I wish I could just clear some things from the deck and have them resolved once and for all. So I am not a bit good at handling stress and I try to relax and be calm and get enough sleep but I find no matter what, my spring is wound a bit too tight. I need to try to change this but hey LIFE---quit dumping on me. Thank you very much.

    Wishing everyone well. Be healthy, be happy, be safe.

    Off to drink some water. :drinker: :drinker: I actually love it. I was stuck in the car for hours yesterday and when I got home I do believe I downed 6 glasses before going to bed (and yes, I did get up 4 times overnight but I don't mind).


  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning!

    Got a good start to the day! Grabbed my water :drinker: and did all my exercises that I learned at PT yesterday, even the really painful ones for my toe.:frown: Now relaxing for a few listening to Katherine Jenkins beautiful voice sing "Hark the Angels" on Kelly. I may have to go out and buy her holiday CD, she makes the classics sound wonderful.

    Meg-Sending good vibes and hugs:flowerforyou: your way! Sorry you're having such a frustrating time!

    Geri-Congrats on the new grandbaby!!:bigsmile:

    Barbie-So true, that you don't have to like water! I don't but I am more used to just having water by me all the time esp.
    since I cut out diet soda! Sometimes I dress it up w/Crystal Light. This was actually the first change I made in May when I
    rejoined and I never looked back.

    Laura-Thanks for sharing with us about your mother! Such a nice profile pic! Mine passed away several years ago and I miss
    her and think about her every day!

    M-How cute that your DGD shared her dinner with you long distance!!:smile:

    Sorry I don't have time to reply to more of you but I do read each and every post!:flowerforyou: Off to have some breakfast and get moving!

    Kathy L.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning to one and all and there's no way I can respond to all of u. I just spent over 1/2 hour sitting here catching up from yesterday.

    Barbie Maybe i should try poking holes and turning every hour might get rid of some lard. lol.
    Water I love it.

    Laura Nice to see you had a great bond with your adoptive Mom. Hey found someone shorter than me. I'm used to be 5 feet probably shrunk.

    Well guess better go back to my cleaning.

    Hope all have a great day.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    LinC, I love the idea of roasting ourselves like a duck! Good luck with that :smile:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Laura, {{{hugs}}} to you on your mom's birthday. So good that you've learned to do this for you - I'm sure she would be proud of you.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    HI my friends. Today was the last day of our class. Two more days of clinical, a test review, then the final, and the next Friday a second make up day for clinical. I see the light. Last week I posted a gain and this week I lost it, so I am even again. I am really tired after last night and probably will go home and straight to bed.

    Brenda: hi and welcome. Others may disagree with me, but I’d plan to have a treat now and then and make sure it works into your calories for the day. You won’t feel deprived if you do that. That is my tip.

    Nancy: can you move in? You sound like a fabulous cook. Can you share your recipe for the torta rustica?

    Jen: do you have a rowing machine or do you go out on the water? I saw a wonderful rowing machine that actually had water in it so when you rowed, it made that water sound. It made me so happy!!! But it was $5,000 which did not make me happy!

    Polly: what is in the background of your photo? My old eyes can’t make it out.

    DeeDee: you did make sense…it’s all in my head LOL I agree!!! Thanks for your good vibes!!!

    Kathy (nacho) welcome!

    Barbie: that duck sounds like a lot of work. Have you ever cooked a Turducken? That’s a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey. I think it sounds awful, but it’s popular around here!

    Linder: loved the vibes! Thanks so much

    Rebel: thanks for your good thoughts too!

    Sasha: the positive actions are the hardest! Thanks!!!

    Michele: thanks for your good vibes too! I agree about people bringing yucky food! My favorite (actually the thing I hate the most ) is the little cocktail “weenies” in BBQ sauce. Bleh!

    Geri: congratulations! Welcome little Ethan Noah…may your life be blessed.

    Tobeslim: welcome! You have such a happy picture it makes me smile!

    M: So I’m confused…which one is not speaking to you? You are right…responsibility. That’s one of DD#2’s problems….no way is she ever responsible for anything. Most things would be just fine if she would just once say….”OOOPS I screwed up. Sorry.” But she is the eternal victim. Grrrr I’m still on a rant too.

    Laura80111: what a nice picture of you and your mom. Reading your post made me realize that I miss my mom (been gone for 2 ½ years now) way more than I ever thought. We did not have a good relationship and I wanted to work on it when they moved back here but by then she had dementia and I’m afraid I was not very patient with her. I’m sure your mom knows of your successes and is very happy.

    Kathy: thanks for your good vibes too!

    Well I’d best get back to work. I have papers to grade…another bleh! Take care, meg
  • jjdig
    jjdig Posts: 45 Member
    Wow! This thread is a busy one! It's nice to e-meet you all, and see that we are all busy women!
    Such a good diversity of activity. Almost makes my head swim.
    I'm lucky to be in San Diego, where it's nearly always nice enough to be outside (although I have to confess, even
    I have gotten soft and wear sweaters and am cold when it's below 65!)... !!! Wimpy, yes - I moved here from Colorado
    many years ago.
    I had to make brownies for my son's school's music program tonight and managed to only eat what stuck
    to the knife as I cut them up (oh boy are they sticky - anybody do the Gheridelli Costco mix?). Normally those are
    dangerous territory for me so I'm glad to report I was relatively good for once. :)
    Just walking into Trader Joe's these days is dangerous for me - they have too many things now that are only offered at Christmas time (e.g., the chocolate covered carmels with sea salt). But I'm learning that if it's rich enough I can almost convince myself that a taste - and only a taste - is OK.
    I laughed out loud at the "driver's license weight". !! :laugh: I haven't thought about that in a long time!
    I'm so glad to find you guys, it's neat to see what everybody's up to.
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Well, girls....I got the job:happy: , but ended up turning it down:angry::angry: :grumble: :explode: because the salary wasn't equal to the effort necessary to endure the stress of this position:noway: . Color me disappointed:sad: :sad: .... Oh well, I will resolve myself to the fact that is must be where God wants me for now:flowerforyou: .

    I had the CT scan and stress tests done on Monday. Now I just wait to get the results on the 18th.

    Congrats on all the successes of everyone. I am still in a holding pattern.

    Welcome to little Noah. I am sure he is beautiful.

    I'll be back later to post more. I am supposed to be working.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Went to my senior knitting group.had some laughs and finished 2 fleece blankets for 2 seniors.Have a project to do a trim around 2 fleece blankets.
    Got out for a walk,brisk weather,but felt good.
    Hope you are all doing good.Hard to post and everyone.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Annie- congrats on your loss:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- thanks for asking about hubby, he's lost #24 so far and feels so much better, and thank goodness he keeps saying he still has a ways to go so I know he's really encouraged to keep going. So far I've banked 3.2 pounds for the holidays and would love to have it be 4 by Christmas...but I'm really not trying that hard:wink: it just feels so good to be wearing all my clothes and have to wash my jeans and put them in the dryer to make sure they fit each week....used to be wash and then flat dry because if you put them in the dryer I couldn't get them on:blushing: Hope you are able to dodge those sick bugs when you go to your Dr's Appt.:laugh:

    Nancy- dinner sounds wonderful:drinker: I was reading someones blog here on MFP and she was saying that her company had catered their holiday party and the dessert was donuts:noway: to me that's just wrong if you cater a party it should have something much fancier than donuts.

    Jen-what a good attitude...starting each AM with a fresh attitude for the day:drinker:

    Polly- I totally understand the allowing a special bite or treat of favorites. If I can't have them I totally crave them and I'm on the hunt for them, but as long as I know I can have a bite or so and if I want it I can have it I don't crave it. I have found that there isn't anything I can't eat as long as it's in moderation...and sometimes moderation is only one bite:wink:

    Barbie- roast duck:huh: sounds like a lot of work, but if Jake shot one then it would be free meat...but I'm like you if I was alone I wouldn't bother.

    Meg- hugs and prayers for you during your frustrating time with DD#2, kids really can try you, hang in there:flowerforyou:

    Michele-right now my freezer won't hold anything extra so I have no idea where I could freeze the candies so I decided I'd just put them in the outside frig and hope that hubby keeps out of them:wink:

    Geri- Congrats on your new grandson:flowerforyou: They make our lives so complete...let the fun begin:drinker:

    M-sorry you are on the receiving end of the "car" in the garage situation:huh: Helping our kids gain responsibility for their lives can be so hard...and it sounds like your DH isn't quite ready to let your DSS grow up yet.

    Lin-sorry the stress is getting to you:flowerforyou: have a cup of tea and take a breather or go out and have a good yell I hear that's a good way to relieve stress:wink:

    kathyL-good for you getting the exercise done first thing in the AM....I used to do that but I really do hate getting up at O dark Thirty...just so hard to do:ohwell:

    Last night I didn't get in any exercise, unless I can call standing in the kitchen for 2.5 hrs and making chocolate truffles exercise:huh: Got those done and tonight I will work on my Christmas Mice, Mini Oreos and Friday will work on the Almond Butter Balls (usually Peanut Butter balls but I only had Almond Butter on hand this year) and the Peanut Clusters. I'm hoping to have all of it done by Saturday. I will see what happens when hubby sees all of this...so far he's kept out of it but then he really hasn't been home a lot since last night.

    Tonight I will get in my exercise before dinner and the rest of the candy making...there said it so I must commit to it:wink:

    Everyone have a great day...let's continue on our road to success as we log our food, get some exercise done and drink plenty of water:drinker:

  • c0c0nn0r
    Meg - my sympathies -I have 3 daughters of my own a year apart & I understand your frustration
    I think we became friends again when they reached their 20's - hang in there

    barbie - love the comment about drinking water

    Jolenec - hope all your test reports are good

    Geri - Congrats on new grandchild-they are such a joy

    Judy & tobeslim - Welcome

    My grandson's Christmas show is tonight so I have to go...Have a great day tomorrow!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Teri:smile: It's always nice to have a song in your heart:heart: !

    Tobeslim618:smile: Welcome and congrats for taking the first step!!!! Come in often and chat with us, this is the best group of women!!!

    M:smile: Did you find out why your friend didn't show? How fun having a visit with DD and DGD! Sending you kisses and sharing her dinner...how adorable:love: , I know you're ready to be able to share those kisses in person!!!! So sorry that you and hubby aren't speaking...but @ 18, DSS really does need to be taking on some responsibility!!! Hope things improve soon:flowerforyou: !

    Laura80111:smile: What a beautiful post this morning!!! I'm sure your mom knows your success and is very proud of you!!! I have to say it brought tears to my eyes! My mom has been gone for 10 years and I miss her still everyday!!!

    Katla49:smile: How is hubby feeling? Hope he's better!!!!

    Jb:smile: I agree, it does get easier to get the water in. Seems my body craves it now too!

    Lin:smile: Sending you a hug!!!! Try some chamomile tea with a bit of honey before bed, it always relaxes me!

    Meg:smile: Yay that pound is gone!!! Wouldn't it be nice if it was as hard to put a pound on as it is to take it off!!!!

    Judy:smile: We are a chatty bunch here:laugh: ! Lucky you being able to be outside in the winter months, I get happy when the temp is above 60 and I don't have to wear a hat and gloves:laugh: . I am a wimp in cold weather and I'm sure my friends to the north think I'm crazy! The coldest morning I went out to walk was 27 degrees, believe me I got my walk in faster than normal, and found out one pair of gloves is not enough:noway: !!!

    Jolene:smile: Sorry the job didn't go as hoped:cry: ! You certainly have a good attitude about it!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that the test results will ba as good as they can be:flowerforyou: !!!!! Keeping you in my prayers!

    JaneMartin:smile: How wonderful you're doing these projects, a nice warm fleece blanket to keep someone toasty warm!!!!

    Laura80111:smile: I have to dry my jeans on hot heat now, and as the day goes on I have to keep pulling them up:bigsmile: , not complaining though, means I'm doing something right!!! What are Christmas mice? , it sounds so cute!!!

    Colleen:smile: Have fun at the Christmas show!!!

    I got a flu shot today while I was getting my labs tests, even though back in Aug. or the first of Sept. (I can't remember now), when I had pneumonia, my granddaughter had come over right after having the flu mist which is a live vaccine and the Dr. said she thought I had a touch of the flu too, however I just wanted to be on the safe side!!! The office was busy with lots of sick people, I tried holding my breath as best I could!!!! I'll have the results of my thyroid test and Vit. D test tomorrow, I'm expecting a no change in the thyroid and hopefully my Vit.D level will have come up some and I won't have to take those massive doses twice a week!!! However I do feel better taking the Vit. D!!! I should get busy and start dinner, I'm not very hungry tonight at all though, but I will eat, now that I've started eating some of my exercise calories my weight is coming back down...YAY!!!! I've almost got those 3 pounds from Nov. off now!!!!

    Hope you all have a great relaxing evening!

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Just checking in quickly before heading off to bed. I must have a mild version of the flu that is going around. My head is congested and I am VERY tired. Have been feeling like this for about a week, but it hasn't developed into anything more serious. Must be the healthy lifestyle!

    Laura- What a beautiful post this morning! I'm sure your mom is watching over you and is very proud of what you have accomplished. Everyone's conversations about missing their moms reminds how important it is to not let my job consume all of my time. I still have my mom and stepdad- only 30 minutes from me. I try to get to spend some time with them on Saturdays, but lately have been so busy with work that I haven't gotten there. I will this weekend.

    Everyone dealing with teens and young adults- Sending you hugs and "peace". They can be very challenging.

    Hoping to get ahead a little for work this weekend as well as get our tree and decorate the house. I also would like to do my shopping- haven't done any yet. I don't think I will bake anything this year. DH and I don't care about it, but my daughter and
    mom may.

    I hope everyone has a great evening. I get so much encouragement from reading all of your posts. Maybe someday I will be able to slow down enough to respond to all of you. In the mean time- thanks for being here!

    Deb A
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DeeDee – the Thin Mints don’t require baking, just melting chocolate and dipping. But if you need to think of it as baking to avoid the cookies that is OK too!

    Texas Gal – enjoyed your song this morning. I hear songs in my head/heart all the time. (Pretty much any random turn of phrase can set it off.) I’ve been listening to some new cds with 100 hymns on my drive to/from work. They are wonderful to listen to, sing along with and carry the messages throughout my day. I'm even beginning to think I miss singing in the choir!

    JB – what is the story of the two little girls in your picture? Their beautiful make-up makes me laugh!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I was hoping to get on the thread earlier tonight but alas it didn't happen. Spent the day at an all day bridge party that included lunch. Must pat myself on the back because I did very well with the luncheon and brought my Red Velvet Cake home to DH. I took one taste and it was tooooo sweet.
    Geri - Grandchildren are the best. Congratulations and hope you get to hold him soon. He will steal your heart the moment you see him.
    LinC - Got a big laugh about poking you and turning to let the fat drip out. MMMMM. Wonder if that will be a new "diet craze".
    Polly - I agree you shouldn't deprive yourself or it will lead to craving something. Everything in moderation. The key is not too many "slivers" LOL
    Michele - Wow, you are an active person. It was like sports channel with yoga, bowling, Mexican Train, etc. Aren't you just so thankful that you're able to be active. You are so right about the pot luck dinners. Veggie tray sounds good to me. Hope DH's toe gets better. My DD was having trouble with middle toe and was told it degenerative. No good news.
    DeeDee - me too. Dr's tomorrow for physical. Have throid issues also. I'll try to hold my breath but it's usually a long wait in there.
    TX Gal - I love that song and have been humming it ever since I read your post. Thanks for a beautiful start to the day and for me an end of the day.
    Laura - ditto all the posts re your Mom. She loved you enough to care and would be so proud of you. My Mom has been gone a long time and I still miss her terribly. We lived a long ways away most of the time (we were in AF for 24 years) so I didn't get to see her very much.
    Spent a couple of hours peeling our some of my 75 lbs of cracked pecans. Didn't make much progress but at least it's a start.
    Have a great evening and I'll bbt.