

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just wanted to say good night to all.Had a nice visit with DIL and baby Alliyah.She`s 6 weeks already and mom got her to smile.
    Just love the time I get with her.
    Sticking to my walking daily and hope to get to the gym tomorrow.Hubby has been sick with cold,etc
    Everyone is sure doing great.
    Feel better any of you who are sick.:flowerforyou:
    jane m
  • carolmsb
    carolmsb Posts: 44 Member

    carolmsb - I never add in my exercise calories. I figure that as long as I'm feeling good, then if I go over on the calories (like I do sometimes), that exercise will offset it. I enjoy bowling, too. Wish I was better, tho. Yesterday afternoon for the first time ever (and probably the last time ever) I got a turkey. But then at night two of my three games were in the 80's. That's me...consistently inconsistent.


    I think I'm going to drop the exercise from my log, too. (as long as I don't drop the exercise itself!) I have never heard the term turkey in bowling...looked it up on internet- congrats! I'll "aim" for a turkey, too.
    Consistently inconsistent-that's me, too. very frustrating. Although I realized my eye hand coordination is way off, so I adjusted my release and did(consistently) better this week. I'm anxious to see if it continues to work in the coming week.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello everyone and hope you had a good Thursday.

    Katla – so glad to hear you are at your son’s wedding and feeling much better (and the 5 pounds off is great too).

    LinC – baking cookies with the grandkids sounds marvelous. My girls always got to bake Christmas cookies with their Grandma and still have wonderful memories about Mennonite baking. Scalloped carrots sound good, I’ll have to look that up. 48 cupcakes – how big is your GDs class anyway (or are they all having seconds)?

    DeeDee – you must promise to tell me how the Turducken tastes honestly. It sounds gross but I hope you are pleasantly surprised. I guess if it is popular enough that the butcher makes it, it should be okay. My Amsterdam trip will be Feb 13 to 24th (DD2’s birthday is the 17th and I want to be there for it). Hmm, 48 degrees, I can’t even remember how to convert that to Celsius, but I do remember 32 is freezing so I’m guessing it was jacket weather for you.

    Nancy – I heard about Susan Cain’s book, it sounds interesting. There seems to be such focus on being “out there”. I’m about 50/50 but can get really grumpy if I don’t have my alone time.

    Wanda -53 pounds is amazing, don’t slip now, you’re 2/3 of the way there to your goal.

    BJ – are you serious about the geese having new babies?

    Laura – 25 pounds in 2.5 months is nothing to sneeze at, I think your DH has done amazingly well (especially with your baking skills). Peanut looks very festive in his Santa hat. Rex and Evie have jingle bell anklets and necklace but only tolerate them long enough to get a biscuit. What do you use for the Xmas Mice’s tails?

    M – if you do back up Xmas a week to do the home cooked holiday meal – make DSD take the leftovers home with her. Better yet, make her clean it all up and pack it for home – lol.

    Rebel – we seem to be getting a lot of snacks and food gift baskets at work also. So far I haven’t eaten anything and have managed to push most of it off to the public works crew (they have hollow legs – absolutely none of them have any extra weight, must be from doing all that physical work out in the cold every day).

    Michele – from what I remember Mom had to eliminate meat, butter, eggs, alcohol and chocolate. Which at Christmas (when it tended to act up) was everything pretty much. Looking at that list, it seems mostly cholesterol and oils (coffee, chocolate and alcohol all have some oily stuff), I know I am sensitive to coffee and chocolate because of the essential oils (causes bladder issues). However, from what I’ve heard, it’s a build up of uric acid and some people just produce more than others and the kidneys have trouble filtering the amount. I’m flying out on a Tuesday afternoon and getting to Amsterdam Wednesday morning, coming back on a Sunday. It didn’t seem to make a difference what day it was, they just had a Sinterklaas special for 12 hours, then all the flights went back to normal. Basically you got the return flight free.

    We had a little skiff of snow today, which is fine because Saturday is our Jingle Down Main event (close off the street and have Christmas music, street vendors, Jingle Express train with Santa, Breakfast with Santa, Santa’s House, I’m sure you have the idea by now. Which reminds me, I have to get the gift cards for the 2 Santas and the elves tomorrow.

    Then Sunday is our staff Christmas dinner social and it’s the same wonderful caterer from the party last weekend. This time I’m going to really watch what I eat because I felt not too good the next day from the rich food. I’m making the rum eggnog and the non-alcoholic fruit punch so I hope it turns out okay. Haven’t made the eggnog grog for a few years so I hope I get the amounts right.

    I didn’t sleep very well last night so I’m off to bed now, no reading, no radio so maybe I’ll fall asleep right away (and stay asleep).

    Have a nice TGIF tomorrow and I’ll look forward to reading the chats tomorrow night. Sleep tight ladies.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Wow lots of work here this morning good way of having a late breakfast. But I was awaken by sirens this morning. So got up to see my neighbout had a chimney fire. That was at 5:15 It's seven and been reading and taking notes since then lol.

    Nice dec. goals. Christmas school break soon.

    Tobe slim
    Good goals. So you had sugar x2 already so what your still cutting back on sugar right. Do the best in your power. All we can do.
    If motivation is what your looking for you certainly came to the right place.

    You can have anything you want. Moderation is the word.

    It's certainly a hard thread to keep up to. The only way I can do it is to take notes. As I read.

    Water the care to many ailments. Real good for leg cramps I used to suffer from those on a nightly bases no more. Drink my water.

    Glad the school problem was solved. Yes 30 min. a day is enough but hard to get sometimes for me anyhow. And not because I'm lacking time just because i'd sooner be on puter lol.

    Here's the boot:laugh: You will get back with it.

    Your pooch sure is a cute little fellow. I'm doing it different this year going to have 5 nieces and nephews and my 2 grandkids come over and fill cookie cans I went and got a bunch of those at the thrift store. But I will let them help with the making of sugar cookies and they can decorate them themselves.
    Your trip to Amsterdam with the fish. Sounds like ours when we went to Alaska it's been almost 5 years and we still talk about the salmon and how good it was.
    All 47 cupcakes went out 1 i broke but hubby came to the rescue lol. She was so happy well worth the time and effort I put in to it.
    Wow hubby is doing real well with his weight.

    Good idea in not pushing, Wouldn't want to hurt yourself this close to Christmas.
    Everytime I see someone posting about not seeing their children. I think of how blessed I am for having my 3 sons in our home town with employment.

    This month wouldn't be the time to start a 30 day diet of any kind. Well not for me anyhow.

    You will never catch up unless you spend the weekend here.

    Glad you found an answer to your resting heart pulse versus the active.

    Those days will happen it's part of life.There you already solved the problem

    Pomelo I love them. There a cross between a grapefruit and somekind of melon. Not sure which.
    There out in stores here now but they don't have them often.

    I'll be back later to get the rest Getting hungry need my breakfast of oatmeal this morning.
    Well visited wii already and finally went down a whole 1.3 since yesterday all I can say about time.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Liz:smile: Hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !!!

    Polly:smile: Good for you logging everything! Hope you feel better:flowerforyou: !

    M:smile: Sounds like you`re getting plenty of exercise! Glad you and DH are speaking again! I vote for dinner out!

    Rebel:smile: Hope you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: ! Congrats on getting rid of the 1/2 lb!!! Good for you staying away from the office goodies!

    Michele:smile: I just think I like the fact the cake is red with just a hint of chocolate, my mom made a fabulous one, it was always my birthday cake!!! Michele, as much as I love bowling, I know you`re better than me. Once the ball flew off of my hand backwards:noway: :laugh: , it was sooo funny:embarassed: :laugh: , at least I didn`t hurt anyone!!!! I, of course never bowled on a team, hubby used to take me and I was the entertainment for everyone there:embarassed: :blushing: , they would all cheer if I knocked a pin down! I did love it so though. I even bowled at the Greenbrier in W. Va. in a cocktail dress:laugh: !

    Barbie:smile: For you and Lila, I will taste the Turducken...I don`t like turkey, I don`t like duck, I just tolerate chicken, but I will taste it! I think I`ll just contiune to wear two pair of gloves, I need to be able to do things too! I will check into a wool balaclava, and the "little hotties"! Right now I wear earmuffs, a scarf on my head and around my neck, plus the hood on my coat! Hope you have fun at the dance performance tonight and hope they collect lots of toys!!!

    Katla49:smile: Sounds like you`ve gotten the food thing figured out!!! I`m like you it`s all about portion control!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: Wow, Alliyah is 6 weeks old already, I know you loved every minute with her!!! Hope hubby feels better:flowerforyou: !

    Carolmsb:smile: See the above note to Michele about my bowling, it`ll give you a laugh!!!

    Lila:smile: I will give you an honest opinion on the Turducken, then I`ll let you know what the kids think of it, they like the three meats:laugh: ! How wonderful you`ll be there for DD#2 birthday, what a wonderful gift to her:love::heart: ! It sounds like your Saturday will be filled with all kinds of fun things!!! Hope you got some good rest last night!

    LinC:smile: Congrats on the 1.3 gone!!!!

    My arm where I got the flu shot the other day hurts worse today than it did yesterday:huh: :angry: ! I, of course got it in my right arm and that`s the arm I use the most:sad: . I do believe I`m going to have to take some Advil for it this morning:frown: . Well, i must go and get this day started. Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning to all -- today's calendar includes a mammogram before work and I will be checking that task off the list! Yesterday our staff went to lunch for someone's birthday celebration. With my weights/cardio exercise after work the calories were fine, but that darned sodium showed up with 2 extra pounds this morning despite having lots of water all day/night. It will take a couple of days to dissipate again. Good thing I like water.

    Need to give my DH fair warning that I am reaching my clutter capacity. Seems that every surface is littered. A friend of mine once described my house as streamlined, but you wouldn't know it right now.

    Hope you all have a great day.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're in Park City, Utah, site of a past Winter Olympics. There is snow higher up, but not where we are staying. This is a really lovely location, but I would appreciate it if my low grade headache would ease off. I know this is an altitude issue and I need more water. I'm sipping between sentences. We are sharing a hotel suite with my daughters family, and it has a very competent kitchen. We've been doing all of our own cooking, which has helped us feel better, and stay on dietary track.

    Last night's wedding activity was a cocktail party where everyone made their own mini pizza. It was fun, and I enjoyed meeting the folks on the bride's side. (I got to wear some of my new, smaller clothes, and felt pretty good about that.) Unfortunately two of my son's best friends had family emergencies come up and had to cancel at the last minute. Others have made it, thank goodness.

    Today the mother of the bride and her friends are going to the spa for the day. I'm invited, and thinking about how to handle it. I'll sure try to stop in and visit a bit. I don't know what else I'll do there. It will be interesting to see what is offered and at what price. I hope to spend a little time in the exercise room on the bikes. Yesterday I babysat while "the kids" went snowmobiling. My daughter didn't think so much of snowmobiling--too expensive and too much work. The machines start with a pull cord, like a chainsaw. Evidently she had to restart her machine lots of times. She expects to be sore. I thought they'd be turn key deals. Her husband had a great time.

    All of this is new for us. We have never been involved in anything like it before.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Sasha, yes I am serious about the babies in the river, here in SWO....was I ever shocked...they might be about a month old? maybe 2, swimming behind mom in the river. I won't be walking that part of the river much ...the goose poop is killing my shoes, and I have to wash the woofers feet and legs too..... also, he is so eager to chase them he is hard to keep on a leash...
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, my official loss this week is 2 lbs. I'll take it! Usually never lose that much in one week, so I guess I'm doing something right! Have a lot planned for this weekend-cleaning carpets (DH does most of that), getting our tree, and de-cluttering so that I have somewhere to put the Chistmas decorations!:laugh: And my plan is to have all shopping and wrapping done by the end of next weekend so I can relax and enjoy family time!! Time to start list making!!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and can carve out some time to reflect the reason for the season!:heart:

    Kathy L.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    So after a week of two Holiday lunches and one Christmas party and one day of just being bad, I thought I would just skip weighing myself because I didn't want to get discouraged. But then this morning my husband told me that that was cheating and to get on the scale. I did.

    I lost .4 pounds. Yayyyy. I'll take it. It's like the powers above said, "Ok, we'll let you see a loss but you can't have the 159.8 yet." So I officially weigh 160 exactly. I've been waiting for the 150's since my November 17th weigh in (wishful thinking - 162.6 - then the next week 161.2, and the next 161.2 and the next 160.4) Seems slow but it's 2.6 pounds in 3 weeks - pretty good with Halloween just past, Thanksgiving under my belly and all the Holidays.

    Hope everyone has a great day. DeeDee hope your arm feels better. My last two flu shots were totally painless.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    wessecg, that is great loss .4 and I know how you feel about stretching to obtain a goal; I've been trying to get back into the ones for a long time and it remains elusive. I am close. :bigsmile:

    kathy, congrats on the loss! I haven't even started shopping yet.

    gail, hang-in there; we can be thankful those mammograms are annual.

    today is dentist day for me; I have a fractured tooth that is an old root canal with crown and it must come out so I am eating chocolate before I get there; yep chocolate. I too had a loss of 1.8 lbs this week but only 0.4 last week so I am keeping within the average. I will sure be glad when the shelves are not loaded with all the holiday treats :happy:

    so thankful it is Friday; enjoy your day :flowerforyou:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Friday, fabulous friends! This weekend is going to be super busy for me/us, but I’m really looking forward to it. I love to entertain. I generally don’t overeat then – I’m usually too busy making sure everything’s just so (OCD) and forget where I put my drink anyway lol :laugh:. The house is already in reasonable shape – just need to get DH to clean the floors and I’ll do the bathroom and kitchen. I have to make the desserts – making a pumpkin cheesecake (finally baked DSD’s Halloween pumpkin) and something chocolate – haven’t decided what yet. I may make cookies too if I have time. I also need to come up with a special appetizer – but if I run out of time or ideas I can always just put out cheese or a dip. We’re taking my sister out on Sunday for her birthday, then having dinner at her house (her husband is cooking). Broncos won last night – everything’s firing on all cylinders!

    Like others, I had a flirtation with some sort of bug earlier this week but aside from a cold sore I appear to be on the mend with no lasting ill effects. And I lost another pound and a half! The new pants I bought while in CO are already loose around the waist and legs – and it’s only been a couple of weeks. I’m trying very hard to eat better when I can – getting salads in now and healthy soups and fewer tortilla chips. I hate how the moment I eat something with sugar it kicks off a craving – what’s up with that? I mainly have to just stay away.

    Rebel and Liz and DebA, I hope you start feeling better soon. Rest and drink some tea – and try to keep the stress to a minimum too. I read an article that said if you believe that whatever you’re doing to cure your cold/flu will help, it actually will, regardless of whether it’s scientifically proven or not. Interesting idea – mind over matter, right?

    Cheryl, happy birthday to your new teen! I’ve seen the Pomelo but not tried one. They look like a luscious version of the grapefruit. Just watch the interaction between it and any medicines you might be on. Good luck with work!

    DeeDee, congratulations on passing your thyroid test lol :drinker:. I agree about not going in so often – I’ve been dragging my feet about my annual physical but am finally going next week. Mainly I wanted to have a weight that I could feel good about :laugh:. Your dinner sounds yummy too!

    Polly, good for you for trying to increase your water. I’ve been terrible about it lately and really need to work on it. In fact, I’m heading to the kitchen right now to get a big cup to keep with me. Thanks for the reminder!

    Rebel, yes, good for you for resisting the temptations!

    Michele, when will it end? Sometime after the first of the year :laugh:. I hope you’re enjoying these parties rather than just finding them a lot of work. They sound like a lot of work from here :smile:. BTW, is the pool finished? My BIL has suffered from gout off and on for years – it comes from a rich diet (it’s caused by uric acid crystals forming in the bloodstream). Your DH will probably have to forgo the rich diet for longer than a few days – I’m thinking cheese might not be best for him either. This is what the Mayo Clinic suggests to help control gout: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/gout-diet/MY01137. For the biometric screening, they do standard tests for cholesterol, vitamin/mineral levels, blood pressure, weight, and blood sugar.

    Barbie, good luck at your performance tonight!

    JaneM, enjoy that baby! Don’t they grow so fast? I’m glad to hear you’re still working out too – good for you!

    CarolM, you’re right, keep exercising and listen to your body.

    Lila, LOL at having DSD take the leftovers. We could possibly – her mother doesn’t much like to cook, but I’m not sure she would appreciate it :smile:. Your Jingle Down Main sounds like so much fun! I hope you get some sleep and are bright and ready for it tonight.

    LinC, congratulations on getting the Wii to recognize your loss :laugh:.

    Gail, good luck with the mammo!

    Katla, enjoy your time in UT. It’s so pretty. Enjoy the wedding – I hope everyone has fun!

    BJMCQ, how fun with baby geese – we had an orphan show up in our neighborhood a few years ago that we adopted for a couple of weeks. They grow fast – and poop a lot! We wound up taking ours to a bird rescue place.

    KathyL – congratulations on the loss! You sound busy and certainly have earned it!

    Cheryl, take your weight loss, incremental though it may be. Just know that I’m right behind you and am finally thinking in terms of getting to below 160 too. It’s still a step in the right direction. Enjoy those parties too!

    Texasgal, that tooth sounds painful – you’ll be glad to get it taken care of, even if it’s painful. Congratulations on the weight loss!

    OK, I’m on a call I have to listen to, so I better go. Happy weekend, everyone!


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Work yesterday was crazy. Only drank one litre of water and was so busy I didn't ever make it to the bathroom or even eat lunch. I hate those days.

    No time to write much else. have a great day all.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Thanks for all the kicks everyone, I needed them. I am getting ready for my open house in the studio tomorrow. I do hope I have a good turn out. Just stopping by before I get to work. Everyone have an on track day. Tigress
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Good afteenoon ladies

    Thank goodness its Friday! Congratulations to everyone who has recorded a loss. I hope those of you feeling under the weather will feel better soon. I had physio on my shoulder this morning, and now its a bit stiff. I'm sure it will pass. It Just limits what I can do at the moment.

    I'm cracking on with the Christmas preparations. All my overseas cards are in the post. Gifts for relatives will be delivered over the next 2 weekends, so I had better get wrapping. LOL!

    Tonight we are at a quiz night - fish and chip supoer included (yikes!). I have tried to be very good today to limit the damage, especially afterday's excesses. Tuesday will tell if I have been successful.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I logged our spaghetti dinner last night. Thought I was doing well until I noticed only 1 cup of "brown rice pasta" spaghetti noodles (meaning 1 cooked cup) is 200 calories. At least it was gluten free, which I am trying to aim for. In addition, the sauce likely had too much salt in it. It was home cooked (thanks to DH), so was difficult to assign nutritional values to it. I just picked one out of the existing data base. That and the cheese on top... Anyway, the 1/2 lb lost yesterday showed a 1/2 lb increase this morning. :sad:

    Have a great day!

    :heart: Rebel
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I read that the Pomelo is not a cross between a grapefruit and something else, it's just a relative of the grapefruit.

    Exermom - I didn't know how to eat it either and I thought because it was soooo light I could peel it like a mandarin. Wow. The peel part of mine was almost 2 inches thick. I wished I'd found this video first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4K2P-fO2eM (warning music!)

    This guy is really making it harder than it had to be. He should have cut more slices. That's what I did with the second half. I also found some really good sounding Thai recipes I want to try with it. I just need to find where they sell these. My SIL gave me this one. I think she got it from Trader Joes - and we don't have one of those anywhere close to me.
  • tobeslim618
    tobeslim618 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi all...I have a food question. My calories are low (according to MFP) but I have maxed my fat/protein. How can I get more calories without going into the negative on the fat/protein. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    That was reported yesterday after I finished eating all my tracked food too. HELP???
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovin' it Friday,

    Kathy- congrats on that loss...hoping it's there for your "official" weigh in.:drinker: Just read it's a #2 loss YEAH YOU:drinker:

    Judy- in 2010 I made the comment to my kids that P90X looked interesting and wouldn't you know that #3 Son gave it to me...and I have yet to put it in the DVD player and use it...maybe this year:ohwell:

    Meg-hoping you get your book project done and off soon:flowerforyou:

    Annie-part of the battle is recognizing when you slip up and stopping the slide ASAP...good for you drawing the line________:laugh:

    Cheryl- good for you in working on changing your choices to better ones. I know it's hard sometimes and so much easier not to think about what you are putting in your mouth...but sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture and ask "is this bite really worth it?" Hoping today is a better day:flowerforyou: I can't imagine if I my Mom was out of my life at 25, {{hugs}} that must have been very hard. Every loss is a victory...congrats on yours:drinker:

    DebA- wish I didn't have a sweet tooth like you....I can't say that there isn't a sweet that I really don't like...but I do have will power to only have one or two bites:wink: It sounds like you have a pretty good plan in place to get in small spurts of exercise...right now I'm not the one to give advise about exercise as life is really busy right now and fitting it in is taking a back seat:blushing:

    DeeDee- I'm not sure I'd be able to walk around the house on every commercial break as Peanut is usually on my lap and by the time I get up most of the commercials are over...then there is the problem that we usually DVR shows we want to watch so that we can fas forward through the commercials and watch our shows in less time :ohwell:

    Liz- I always push chicken broth (1 cup and hr) when I feel a sore throat coming on...it was my Mom's tried and true cure and it always worked...I usually take a piece of chicken and boil it to make a fresh broth add a bit of onion, salt & pepper and drink it like tea...hope you are feeling better soon:flowerforyou:

    Polly- remember that all teen knuckleheads finally do grow up to be adults...and most do turn out okay:drinker: Hang in there.

    M-Christmas dinner and then traveling...maybe cook just a small turkey breast and down size all the rest of the food, I know that hubby and I have done that a few times when all the boys haven't come home:drinker: Your exercise sounds inspiring...now if I could just get my act together:ohwell:

    Rebel- keeping out of the holiday food at work is really good:flowerforyou: Thank goodness our vendors haven't been bringing in the food yet...I'm thinking it will start next week....then the will power gets truly tested. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Barbie- I know that my hubby has these hunting glove / mittens that he wears when he's shoveling snow, they are gloves that have a flap that goes over the glove part making them look like mittens and he said that when he was wearing plain gloves his fingers would get really cold but when he put the flap over making them into mittens his fingers stayed warm. It's a great way to have both because sometimes he needs to use his fingers separately.:happy:

    JaneM- you gotta love when those grandchildren are doing their 'firsts' I too love it when GS#3 smiles

    Lila- the Christmas mice tales are the stems of the cherries:wink: One year I sent hubby to the store to buy the cherries and forgot to tell him make sure the jar says w/ stems....had to send him back to buy more :laugh:

    LinC- congrats on your loss.:drinker: What program do you use with your Wii? Hubby and I are looking into getting one and aren't sure about what exercise we would want to do with it.

    Gail- drat that sodium:grumble:

    Katla- take pictures and enjoy the moment...those out of town weddings are over before you know it. Our #1 Son was married in Maine in January of 2009 we did manage to fit in some site seeing but our best moments were hanging out at the B & B that we were staying at with our families.:happy:

    So yesterday my DIL #2 calls to say she has two free tickets (row 6 from the ice) to Disney on Ice and would love to take GS#1 but would need a babysitter. Of course I couldn't turn that down...by the time I got home the kiddos were already there and she was feeding the baby one last time before she left..thought she's be picking them up by 9:30....you know where this is going right? 10:20 she finally gets back the two (3yr old & 4 mo old) are asleep and we are past our bed time. We really had a good time with the boys they were both so good, although Peanut couldn't understand why he couldn't sit on my lap when I had GS#3 in my arms. This AM hubby and I had a really hard time getting up for work:sad: those late nights just don't work for us. Before DIL left with GS #1 I was able to get some pictures under the tree of the three boys...hoping one of them comes out...I'll let you know.

    I never did get in my exercise last night and never made it back in to log my dinner...but funny thing the scale was kind:ohwell: now if it holds until next Wednesday when I have my official weigh in it will be more off for my Holiday numbers...we will see.

    I best get moving only have half a day and there are certified payrolls to do.

    Let's keep on logging....food, exercise and plenty of water:drinker:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Congrat`s on all those who loss.
    Going to a Christmas special tomorrow.Our group made scarfs for the special needs group in our church.I know they will love it.
    Hubby is off,so hopefully,I`ll get to the gym.He`s feeling lousy,so we`ll see.
    Have a good day!!